Package speedscheduler

Interface Summary
ScheduleChangeListener Implement this interface and register with the SchedulePersistencyManager to receive notification when the user-configured schedules have changed on disk.
ScheduleSelectionChangeListener Implement this interface and register with the SpeedSchedulerThread if you want to receive notification when the thread chooses a new schedule.

Class Summary
DayOfWeekComposite A widget that draws checkboxes for each day of the week and provides accessor methods for fetching user input.
HourSpanComposite A widget for choosing a span of time during a single day.
ImageUtils This class allows us to conveniently draw images on SWT widgets (like composites).
IntegerInput A convenient widget input box for inputting integers.
Log A simple logger for this plugin.
Schedule The Schedule is fundamental to SpeedScheduler.
ScheduleEditComposite Displays a UI for editing a Schedule.
ScheduleEditDialog Dialog which allows the user to select a set of days of the week, an hour span, and corresponding transfer configuration.
SchedulePersistencyManager Responsible for loading/saving schedules to/from disk.
SpeedSchedulerPlugin The main plugin class for this plugin.
SpeedSchedulerThread This thread is responsible for monitoring the user-configured schedules and adjusting the Azureus max upload speed based thereupon.
SpeedSchedulerView This is the main graphical portion of the SpeedScheduler, itself an Azureus view.
Time Simple time object to store hour and minute and compare to other Times.
TimeUtils Some handy constances and helper functions for working with times and such.
TransferConfigurationComposite Draws a UI for editing transfer rates: max upload speed, max download speed, and whether transfers should be paused.
Version Simple class for storing the version of the SpeedScheduler.