'. '
'. 'Supported VPNs:
'. 'Private Internet Access
'. 'AirVPN
'. 'Mullvad
'. '
'. '• Ensures Vuze is bound to the correct VPN interace.
'. '• Ensures Port Forwarding, allowing incoming connections.
'. '• Ensures various Vuze settings are correct (Binding, Enforced Binding, disabling of UPnP, NAT-PMP, etc)

'. '
'. 'This plugin does not help you with getting your VPN connected and running on your machine. Please see your VPN\'s site for VPN setup instructions

'; $bigImage="vpnpia.png"; $src_url = "http://svn.vuze.com/public/plugins/azVPN_Helper/"; $versions = array( new PluginVersionInfo("", "5.2", "plugins/vpn_helper_5.2.zip", "plugins/vpn_helper_5.2.zip", "5.2: Fix AirVPN page loading; Increase wait times for page loads; Reset network interface check on detection of lost/no VPN.
". "5.1: Make current VPN's config tab the first one." ), new PluginVersionInfo("", "5.0", "plugins/vpn_helper_5.0.zip", "plugins/vpn_helper_5.0.zip", "5.0: Attempt to reduce CPU (requires core 5731_B10+); increased version number to avoid potential update issues."), new PluginVersionInfo("", "1.2", "plugins/vpn_helper_1.2.zip", "plugins/vpn_helper_1.2.zip", "1.2: Improved VPN detection and manual interface exclusion option.
". "1.1: Fix first check not displaying in UI.
". "1.0: Initial Release." ), ); $cvs_version = new PluginVersionInfo("", "1.2_CVS", "plugins/vpn_helper_1.2.zip", "plugins/vpn_helper_1.2.zip", ""); $compare = compareVersion(""); if ($compare >= 0){ $cvs_version = new PluginVersionInfo("", "5.2_CVS", "plugins/vpn_helper_5.2.zip", "plugins/vpn_helper_5.2.zip", "" ); } fillDetailVarsFromArray($versions, $cvs_version ); ?>