'. 'Please see here for details.

'. 'NOTE: Legal Disclaimer: Our claims on privacy are based on the results published in the associated technical report and do not constitute legal advice. Our goal is to '. 'improve your privacy, but different factual situations and different legal jurisdictions will result in different answers to a number of legal issues. Therefore, please do not act on this as legal '. 'information alone; if you have any specific legal problems, issues, or questions, seek a complete review of your situation with a lawyer licensed to practice in your jurisdiction.'; $versions = array( new PluginVersionInfo( "", "0.5", "plugins/swarmscreen_0.5.jar", "plugins/swarmscreen_0.5.jar", "0.5: Fix to work with Vuze 4700+" ), new PluginVersionInfo( "", "0.4", "plugins/swarmscreen_0.4.jar", "plugins/swarmscreen_0.4.jar", "0.4: Fixed NPE on closedown and improved config save robustness.
". "0.3: Some UI fixes; Translations: Improved French by Pierre A, Chinese by Xizhi Z, Portuguese by Arthur C, Slovakian by Boris K, Italian by Alfredo DF, Catalan by Roger G, Russian by Andrey Z, Polish by Pawel K.
". "0.2: Initial release." ) ); $cvs_version = new PluginVersionInfo("", "0.5_CVS", "plugins/swarmscreen_0.5.jar", "plugins/swarmscreen_0.5.jar", "" ); fillDetailVarsFromArray($versions, $cvs_version); ?>