This is an implementation of the alternative DHT developed by the Mainline client.

For help with IPv6 see the Wiki

    Requires Java version 6.0 (also known as 1.6) or higher.
'; $versions = array( new PluginVersionInfo("", "1.5.9", "plugins/mlDHT_1.5.9.jar", "plugins/mlDHT_1.5.9.jar", "1.5.9: Use Vuze binding information when set.
". "1.5.8: Language update." ), new PluginVersionInfo("", "1.5.7", "plugins/mlDHT_1.5.7.jar", "plugins/mlDHT_1.5.7.jar", "1.5.7: Status bar text internationalization." ), new PluginVersionInfo("", "1.5.6", "plugins/mlDHT_1.5.6.jar", "plugins/mlDHT_1.5.6.jar", "1.5.6: Fix bug with the handling non-byte[] foreign tokens." ), new PluginVersionInfo("", "1.5.5", "plugins/mlDHT_1.5.5.jar", "plugins/mlDHT_1.5.5.jar", "1.5.5: Fix NPE.
". "1.5.4: Bug fixes.
". "1.5.3: Alternative network support.
". "1.5.2: Updated translation." ), new PluginVersionInfo("", "1.5.0", "plugins/mlDHT_1.5.0.jar", "plugins/mlDHT_1.5.0.jar", "1.5.0: Fixes around plugin unload." ), new PluginVersionInfo("", "1.4.8", "plugins/mlDHT_1.4.8.jar", "plugins/mlDHT_1.4.8.jar", "1.4.8: Some optimizations around metadata downloads and initial announces.
". "1.4.6: Use core method to enumerate network interfaces for better performance." ), new PluginVersionInfo("", "1.4.5", "plugins/mlDHT_1.4.5.jar", "plugins/mlDHT_1.4.5.jar", "1.4.5: Minor fixes to prevent errors during closedown.
". "1.4.4: Added code to reduce DNS hits on bootstrap when failing; tidied up events when no rpc server available.", "1.4.3: Updated bootstrap node.
". "1.4.2: Minor fixes.
". "1.4.1: Fixed some plugin unload issues; reworked status icon.
". "1.4: Fixed a few bugs; Scrape bahaviour for metadata downloads." ), new PluginVersionInfo("", "", "plugins/mlDHT_1.3.5.2.jar", "plugins/mlDHT_1.3.5.2_src.jar", " Fixed random bug; reduced info in status bar; don't auto-open plugin views." ), new PluginVersionInfo("", "", "plugins/mlDHT_1.3.5.1.jar", "plugins/mlDHT_1.3.5.1_src.jar", " Fix rare case of 100% CPU use.
". " Latest update.
". " Experimental Support for BEP 33: DHT Scrapes" ), new PluginVersionInfo("", "", "plugins/mlDHT_1.3.3.1.jar", "plugins/mlDHT_1.3.3.1_src.jar", " Bug fix NPE.
". "1.3.3: Improved integration with the Sources View; Made transaction IDs and tokens less predictable; Reduce DNS lookups on bootstrap nodes; Improved DHT population estimation accuracy; Reduced traffic for repeat announces via caching; Eliminated possibly redundant entries in the database and in announces; Include IP and UDP headers in bandwidth calculations; Freeze routing table when a connection loss is detected.
". " Reduced debug output; changed the boostrap node list.
". " Don't send empty peer lists in get_peers replies.
". " Improved handling of transient connection errors; Fixed get_peers not returning peers properly.
". "1.3.2: Added IPv6 bootstrap node (thx to jch); bugfixes.
". "1.3.1: Fix minor bugs and prepare for release.
". " Fix issues with version number.
". " Experimental IPv6 support." ), new PluginVersionInfo("", "1.2.6", "plugins/mlDHT_1.2.6.jar", "plugins/", "1.2.6: Status listener wasn't updating correctly.
". "1.2.5: Fixed null-pointer exception.
". "1.2.4: Removed dependency on SWT when in console mode.
". "1.2.3: Improved logging and security measure to ensure only a destination replies to a message.
". "1.2.2: Support for clientversion extension from uT; tuned the Estimator; fixed the bucket filling bug.
". "1.2.1: ANNOUNCE_PEER requests are now correctly handled.
". "1.2.0: Fixed message/transaction ID to properly respond to other nodes extend it to a larger keyspace; send version (unofficial extension also used by uT); reduced number of concurrent ping-probes to questionable or potentially impersonated nodes; added new parsing method to support uTorrent style DHT GET_PEERS.
". "1.1.1: Re-open listen socket if closed by OS.
". "1.1.0: Prevent plugin from hanging Azureus startup; Option to bootstrap off connected peers." ), new PluginVersionInfo("", "1.0.0", "plugins/mlDHT_1.0.0.jar", "plugins/", "1.0.0: First non-beta release.
". " More bug fixes and mark as requiring Java 1.6, not 1.5.
". " Improve bootstrap process.
". " Previous version was missing resources.
". " Fix UI repaint hang.
". " More bug fixes.
". " Bug fixes.
". "0.6.5: DHT size estimate; increase responsiveness; fixes.
". "0.6.0: Added status entry.
". " Added task view.
". " Improved routing, bootstrapping, save or routing table and bug fixes.
". " Routing table view.
". " UPnP port opening; fixed update bug.
". " Fixed 100% CPU bug when announcing.
". " Initial release." ), new PluginVersionInfo("", "", "", "", "" ) ); $cvs_version = new PluginVersionInfo("", "1.5.9_CVS", "plugins/mlDHT_1.5.9.jar", "plugins/mlDHT_1.5.9.jar", "" ); fillDetailVarsFromArray($versions, $cvs_version); ?>