Cubit is a system that provides fully decentralized *approximate* keyword search capabilities. Approximate search means that you can use Cubit to find a movie, song or artist even if you don't know which spelling variation is used in the title or in her name. It gives you what you *mean* instead of what you asked for exactly, and returns the best results in the network in only a few seconds. More details can be found here. There is also a sourceforge project."; $mail=""; // ******** NOTE NOTE NOTE ******* // We MUST distribute versions using the INVALID Cubit-.jar naming scheme (THAT IS USE A HYPEN NOT UNDERSCORE) // as they want to stick to "Cubit" but the plugin ID is "hyperspace" // Upgrades to manally installed Cubit-xxx .jars will result in the new jar being renamed by // the plugin isntaller to "hyperspace_yyy.jar" which will work because it is the only versioned // jar in the plugin dir and therefore the old Cubit- one will be IGNORED // IF we were to push Cubit_ jars then on upgrade we would end up with both jars being loaded // and BORKAGE! $versions = array( new PluginVersionInfo( "", "0.35", "plugins/Cubit-0.35.jar", "", "0.35: Bug fixes.". "0.31: Initial version." ), new PluginVersionInfo( "", "", "", "", "" ) ); $cvs_version = new PluginVersionInfo( "", "0.35_CVS", "plugins/Cubit-0.35.jar", "", "" ); if ( getRealIpAddr() == ""){ } fillDetailVarsFromArray($versions, $cvs_version); ?>