". "A simple tool for creating torrents for all sub-directories of a given parent folder.

". "First create a tracker template by going to the existing torrent creation wizard (File->New Torrent...), checking the 'Add Multi-Tracker...' check box, hitting 'Next' and then selecting 'New...' to create a new template.
". "Go to 'Tools->Options->Plugins->Torrent Maker', enter the name of the template you created, select the parent folder and hit the button to process all subfolders."; $versions = array( new PluginVersionInfo( "", "0.1.1", "plugins/aztorrentmaker_0.1.1.jar", "plugins/aztorrentmaker_0.1.1.jar", "0.1.1: Language update." ), new PluginVersionInfo( "", "0.1", "plugins/aztorrentmaker_0.1.jar", "plugins/aztorrentmaker_0.1.jar", "0.1: Initial release." ) ); $cvs_version = new PluginVersionInfo( "", "0.1.1_CVS", "plugins/aztorrentmaker_0.1.1.jar", "plugins/aztorrentmaker_0.1.1.jar", "" ); fillDetailVarsFromArray($versions, $cvs_version); ?>