". "Lockr enables secure sharing of content in BitTorrent. To ". "secure your content, you convert your torrent to a social torrent. With ". "Lockr, you need to install LockrCenter to your ". "Facebook account and issue passes to your friends. With Lockr passes, ". "your friends can access your social torrents. Lockr uses cryptographic ". "protocols to ensure that passes cannot be stolen, forged, or duplicated. ". "For more information on Lockr, please visit www.lockr.org

". "Requires Java 5 (1.5)+ and Vuze"; $mail="stefan@cs.toronto.edu"; $versions = array( new PluginVersionInfo( "", "0.12", "plugins/azlockr_0.12.zip", "plugins/azlockr_0.12_src.zip", "0.12: Update to latest version.
". "0.1: Initial version." ), new PluginVersionInfo( "", "", "", "", "" ) ); $cvs_version = new PluginVersionInfo( "", "0.12_CVS", "plugins/azlockr_0.12.zip", "plugins/azlockr_0.12_src.zip", "" ); fillDetailVarsFromArray($versions, $cvs_version); ?>