'. 'Treeple is a new scheme for secure latency estimation for P2P networks. Integration '. 'of this scheme will improve latency estimation for peers which in-turn can be used to help improve download performance.

'. 'The goal of plugin is to enable further research into secure and accurate network coordinate systems (e.g. Vivaldi is installed on Vuze). '. 'Network coordinate systems allow accurate estimation of pairwise network distances between nodes on the Internet, without the two nodes '. 'contacting each other. This is useful in many applications, such as reducing inter-ISP communication and downloading a file from the closest node.

'. 'What the plugin does: pings nodes and sends that information to our server. The pings are performed just once on startup and do not induce any high network traffic on '. 'your machine. It does not collect any information about your downloads, machine, or activity.

'. 'For more information click here'; $versions = array( ); $cvs_version = new PluginVersionInfo( "", "0.2_CVS", "plugins/aizen_0.2.jar", "plugins/aizen_0.2.jar", "0.2: Fix some synchronization issues.
". "0.1: Initial release." ); fillDetailVarsFromArray($versions, $cvs_version); ?>