	$path = "img/sc/";
	while ($file = readdir($handle)) {
    		if ( substr($file, -4) == ".png" ) {
    		$file_stripped = substr($file,0,strpos($file,".png"));

<table align="center" width="100%" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5">

<tr><td align="center">
	<?	echo ': : ';
		foreach($img as $key => $value) {
		echo '<a class="page" href="#'.$value.'">'.str_replace("_", " ", $value).'</a> : ';
		echo ':';
<tr><td><hr align="center" width="50%"></td></tr>

<? foreach($img as $key => $value) {
	echo '<tr align="center"><td><a name="'.$value.'"><img src="'.$path.$value.'.png" alt=""></a><br></td></tr>';
	if ($value == "torrent_-_peers") { ?>
	<b>IP:</b> IP of the peer<br>
	<b>T:</b> l (local): you established the connection, r (remote): the peer established the connection.<br>
	<b>I:</b> Are you interested in what the other peer has?<br>
	<b>C:</b> But is that peer choking you? (meaning is he stopping you from downloading?)<br>
	<b>Pieces:</b> Pieces the peer has<br>
	<b>%:</b> % downloaded by the peer<br>
	<b>Down Speed:</b> Your downloading speed from the peer<br>
	<b>Down:</b> Your overall download from the peer<br>
	<b>I:</b> Is the peer interested in what you have?<br>
	<b>C:</b> But are you choking the peer?<br>
	<b>Up speed:</b> Your uploading speed to the peer<br>
	<b>Up:</b> Your overall upload to the peer<br>
	<b>Stat Up:</b> An estimated value of the upload speed of the peer<br>
	<b>Overall Down Speed:</b> The total download speed of the peer<br>
	<b>S:</b> A peer can be "snubbed" for not delivering data at a high enough rate.<br>
		   This <a class="page" href="details.php#snubbing">snubbing</a> can be set manually.<br>
	<b>Opt. Unchoke:</b> (Optimistic <a class="page" href="details.php#Unchoking">Unchoke</a>) In the decision making of whom to unchoke, random has its place.<br>
	<b>Client:</b> Type of BT client the peer is using.<br>
	<b>Discarded:</b> Amount of <a class="page" href="faq.php#11">discarded</a> data sent by the peer.
<?	}
	echo '<tr><td align="right"><img src="'.$img_path.'button_up.gif" alt=""> <a class="page" href="#top">top</a></td></tr>';
<!--tr><td align="center">Windows Theme available <a href="http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/9240396/" class="page">here</a></td></tr-->