Allows a configurable and parameterised command to be run when a download completes.

Requires Java version 5.0 (also known as 1.5) or higher.'; $mail=""; $image="azexec.png"; $versions = array( new PluginVersionInfo( "", "1.3.2", "plugins/azexec_1.3.2.jar", "plugins/azexec_1.3.2.jar", "1.3.2: Pass full torrent file name as %M." ), new PluginVersionInfo( "", "1.3.1", "plugins/azexec_1.3.1.jar", "plugins/azexec_1.3.1.jar", "1.3.1: Pass tag name(s) (, separated if > 1) as %L if no category." ), new PluginVersionInfo( "", "1.3", "plugins/azexec_1.3.jar", "plugins/azexec_1.3.jar", "1.3: Added %L - Torrent Category/Label,%T - Tracker Name, %I - hex encoded info-hash, %K - kind of torrent (single|multi)" ), new PluginVersionInfo( "", "1.2", "plugins/azexec_1.2.jar", "plugins/azexec_1.2.jar", "1.2: Add option to test command to run, and change how new processes are created (might solve some problems running batch files)." ), new PluginVersionInfo( "", "1.1.1", "plugins/azexec_1.1.1.jar", "plugins/azexec_1.1.1.jar", "1.1.1: Made Java 5.0 (1.5) compliant.
". "1.1: Added option to set command to run for newly added downloads.". "1.0: Initial release." ) ); $cvs_version = new PluginVersionInfo( "", "1.3.2_CVS", "plugins/azexec_1.3.2.jar", "plugins/azexec_1.3.2.jar", "" ); fillDetailVarsFromArray($versions, $cvs_version); ?>