/* * Created on Sep 16, 2009 * Created by Paul Gardner * * Copyright 2009 Vuze, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details ( see the LICENSE file ). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package com.aelitis.azureus.plugins.xmwebui; import static com.aelitis.azureus.plugins.xmwebui.TransmissionVars.*; import java.io.*; import java.net.*; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.zip.GZIPInputStream; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.category.Category; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.category.CategoryManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.COConfigurationManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.config.impl.TransferSpeedValidator; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.disk.DiskManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.disk.DiskManagerPiece; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.download.DownloadManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.download.DownloadManagerState; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.download.DownloadManagerStats; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.global.GlobalManager; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.global.GlobalManagerStats; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.internat.MessageText; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.ipfilter.IpFilter; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.ipfilter.IpFilterManagerFactory; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.ipfilter.impl.IpFilterAutoLoaderImpl; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.logging.LogAlert; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.logging.Logger; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.peer.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.peer.util.PeerUtils; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.torrent.TOTorrent; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.tracker.client.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.config.ConfigParameter; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.config.ConfigParameterListener; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.disk.DiskManagerFileInfo; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.download.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.download.DownloadStub.DownloadStubFile; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.logging.LoggerChannel; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.torrent.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.tracker.web.TrackerWebPageRequest; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.tracker.web.TrackerWebPageResponse; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ui.UIInstance; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ui.UIManagerListener; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ui.config.BooleanParameter; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ui.model.BasicPluginConfigModel; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.update.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.utils.Utilities; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.utils.Utilities.JSONServer; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.utils.resourcedownloader.ResourceDownloader; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.utils.resourcedownloader.ResourceDownloaderAdapter; import org.gudy.azureus2.pluginsimpl.local.PluginCoreUtils; import org.gudy.azureus2.pluginsimpl.local.utils.resourcedownloader.ResourceDownloaderFactoryImpl; import org.gudy.azureus2.ui.webplugin.WebPlugin; import org.gudy.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Base64; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.JSONValue; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.AzureusCore; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.AzureusCoreFactory; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.metasearch.*; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.metasearch.impl.web.WebEngine; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.pairing.PairingManager; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.pairing.PairingManagerFactory; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.security.CryptoManager; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.subs.*; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.tag.*; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.torrent.PlatformTorrentUtils; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.tracker.TrackerPeerSource; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.util.MultiPartDecoder; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.versioncheck.VersionCheckClient; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.vuzefile.VuzeFile; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.vuzefile.VuzeFileComponent; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.vuzefile.VuzeFileHandler; import com.aelitis.azureus.plugins.dht.DHTPlugin; import com.aelitis.azureus.plugins.remsearch.RemSearchPluginPageGenerator; import com.aelitis.azureus.plugins.remsearch.RemSearchPluginPageGeneratorAdaptor; import com.aelitis.azureus.plugins.remsearch.RemSearchPluginSearch; import com.aelitis.azureus.plugins.startstoprules.defaultplugin.DefaultRankCalculator; import com.aelitis.azureus.plugins.startstoprules.defaultplugin.StartStopRulesDefaultPlugin; import com.aelitis.azureus.util.JSONUtils; import com.aelitis.azureus.util.MapUtils; import com.aelitis.azureus.util.PlayUtils; @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) public class XMWebUIPlugin extends WebPlugin implements UnloadablePlugin, DownloadManagerListener { // following code to make plugin backwards compatible from 5101 to 5100 private static final boolean IS_5101_PLUS = Constants.isCurrentVersionGE( "" ); /** * 5: No longer xml escapes strings when user agent does not start with "Mozilla/" */ private static final int VUZE_RPC_VERSION = 5; private static Download destubbify( DownloadStub stub ) throws DownloadException { if ( IS_5101_PLUS ){ // core was changed to return right thing for non-stubs in 5101 return( stub.destubbify()); } if ( stub.isStub()){ return( stub.destubbify()); }else{ return( (Download)stub ); } } // end stuff public static final int DEFAULT_PORT = 9091; private static Properties defaults = new Properties(); static{ System.setProperty( "az.xmwebui.skip.ssl.hack", "true" ); defaults.put( WebPlugin.PR_DISABLABLE, new Boolean( true )); defaults.put( WebPlugin.PR_ENABLE, new Boolean( true )); defaults.put( WebPlugin.PR_PORT, new Integer( DEFAULT_PORT )); defaults.put( WebPlugin.PR_ROOT_DIR, "transmission/web" ); defaults.put( WebPlugin.PR_ENABLE_KEEP_ALIVE, new Boolean(true)); defaults.put( WebPlugin.PR_HIDE_RESOURCE_CONFIG, new Boolean(true)); defaults.put( WebPlugin.PR_PAIRING_SID, "xmwebui" ); } private static final String SEARCH_PREFIX = "/psearch"; private static final int SEARCH_TIMEOUT = 60*1000; protected static final long SEARCH_AUTOREMOVE_TIMEOUT = 60 * 1000 * 60l; private boolean view_mode; BooleanParameter trace_param; private BooleanParameter hide_ln_param; private TorrentAttribute t_id; private Map recently_removed = new HashMap(); private Set stubbifying = new HashSet(); private Map ip_to_session_id = new HashMap(); private RemSearchPluginPageGenerator search_handler; private TimerEventPeriodic search_timer; private String az_mode; private boolean check_ids_outstanding = true; private Map> session_torrent_info_cache = new HashMap>(); private Map active_searches = new HashMap(); private Map active_tagsearches = new HashMap(); private Object lifecycle_lock = new Object(); private int lifecycle_state = 0; private boolean update_in_progress; private List magnet_downloads = new ArrayList(); private Object json_rpc_client; // Object during transition to core support private Object json_server_method_lock = new Object(); private transient Map json_server_methods = new HashMap(); // Object during transition to core support private BooleanParameter logtofile_param; private LoggerChannel log; private long lastVerserverCheck; public XMWebUIPlugin() { super( defaults ); search_handler = new RemSearchPluginPageGenerator( new RemSearchPluginPageGeneratorAdaptor() { public void searchReceived( String originator ) throws IOException { } public void searchCreated( RemSearchPluginSearch search ) { } public void log( String str ) { XMWebUIPlugin.this.log( str ); }; public void log( String str, Throwable e ) { XMWebUIPlugin.this.log( str, e ); }; }, SEARCH_PREFIX, null, 16, 100, false ); } public void initialize( PluginInterface _plugin_interface ) throws PluginException { plugin_interface = _plugin_interface; log = plugin_interface.getLogger().getChannel( "xmwebui" ); defaults.put(PR_LOG, log); super.initialize( _plugin_interface ); plugin_interface.getUtilities().getLocaleUtilities().integrateLocalisedMessageBundle( "com.aelitis.azureus.plugins.xmwebui.internat.Messages" ); t_id = plugin_interface.getTorrentManager().getPluginAttribute( "xmui.dl.id" ); BasicPluginConfigModel config = getConfigModel(); int port = plugin_interface.getPluginconfig().getPluginIntParameter( WebPlugin.CONFIG_PORT, CONFIG_PORT_DEFAULT ); config.addLabelParameter2( "xmwebui.blank" ); config.addHyperlinkParameter2( "xmwebui.openui", "" + port + "/" ); config.addLabelParameter2( "xmwebui.blank" ); hide_ln_param = config.addBooleanParameter2( "xmwebui.hidelownoise", "xmwebui.hidelownoise", true ); trace_param = config.addBooleanParameter2( "xmwebui.trace", "xmwebui.trace", false ); logtofile_param = config.addBooleanParameter2( "xmwebui.logtofile", "xmwebui.logtofile", false ); changeLogToFile(logtofile_param.getValue()); logtofile_param.addConfigParameterListener(new ConfigParameterListener() { public void configParameterChanged(ConfigParameter param) { changeLogToFile(logtofile_param.getValue()); } }); ConfigParameter mode_parameter = plugin_interface.getPluginconfig().getPluginParameter( WebPlugin.CONFIG_MODE ); if ( mode_parameter == null ){ view_mode = true; checkViewMode(); }else{ mode_parameter.addConfigParameterListener( new ConfigParameterListener() { public void configParameterChanged( ConfigParameter param ) { setViewMode(); } }); setViewMode(); } plugin_interface.getDownloadManager().addListener( this ); plugin_interface.getDownloadManager().addDownloadStubListener( new DownloadStubListener() { public void downloadStubEventOccurred( DownloadStubEvent event ) throws DownloadException { int event_type = event.getEventType(); List stubs = event.getDownloadStubs(); synchronized( recently_removed ){ if ( event_type == DownloadStubEvent.DSE_STUB_WILL_BE_ADDED ){ for ( DownloadStub stub: stubs ){ try{ long id = destubbify( stub ).getLongAttribute( t_id ); stubbifying.add( id ); stub.setLongAttribute( t_id, id ); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.out( e ); } } }else if ( event_type == DownloadStubEvent.DSE_STUB_ADDED || event_type == DownloadStubEvent.DSE_STUB_WILL_BE_REMOVED ){ for ( DownloadStub stub: stubs ){ long id = stub.getLongAttribute( t_id ); stubbifying.remove( id ); } } } } }, false ); search_timer = SimpleTimer.addPeriodicEvent( "XMSearchTimeout", 30*1000, new TimerEventPerformer() { public void perform( TimerEvent event ) { Map searches = search_handler.getSearches(); Iterator it1 = searches.values().iterator(); while( it1.hasNext()){ RemSearchPluginSearch search = it1.next(); if ( search.getAge() > SEARCH_TIMEOUT ){ log( "Timeout: " + search.getString()); search.destroy(); } } synchronized( active_searches ){ Iterator it2 = active_searches.values().iterator(); while( it2.hasNext()){ SearchInstance search = it2.next(); if (search.isComplete() && search.getLastResultsAgo() > SEARCH_AUTOREMOVE_TIMEOUT) { it2.remove(); } if ( !search.isComplete() && search.getAge() > SEARCH_TIMEOUT ){ log( "Timeout: " + search.getString()); search.failWithTimeout(); } } } } }); plugin_interface.addListener( new PluginAdapter() { @Override public void initializationComplete() { synchronized ( lifecycle_lock ){ if ( lifecycle_state == 0 ){ lifecycle_state = 1; } } } }); plugin_interface.getUIManager().addUIListener( new UIManagerListener() { public void UIAttached( UIInstance instance ) { if ( instance.getUIType() == UIInstance.UIT_SWT ){ try{ Class.forName( "com.aelitis.azureus.plugins.xmwebui.swt.XMWebUIPluginView").getConstructor( new Class[]{ XMWebUIPlugin.class, UIInstance.class }).newInstance( new Object[]{ XMWebUIPlugin.this, instance } ); }catch( Throwable e ){ e.printStackTrace(); } } } public void UIDetached( UIInstance instance ) { } }); if ( IS_5101_PLUS ){ json_rpc_client = new Utilities.JSONClient() { public void serverRegistered( JSONServer server ) { List methods = server.getSupportedMethods(); //System.out.println( "Registering methods: " + server.getName() + " -> " + methods ); synchronized( json_server_method_lock ){ Map new_methods = new HashMap( json_server_methods ); for ( String method: methods ){ new_methods.put( method, server ); } json_server_methods = new_methods; } } public void serverUnregistered( JSONServer server ) { List methods = server.getSupportedMethods(); //System.out.println( "Unregistering methods: " + server.getName() + " -> " + methods ); synchronized( json_server_method_lock ){ Map new_methods = new HashMap( json_server_methods ); for ( String method: methods ){ new_methods.remove( method ); } json_server_methods = new_methods; } } }; plugin_interface.getUtilities().registerJSONRPCClient((Utilities.JSONClient)json_rpc_client ); } } protected void changeLogToFile(boolean logToFile) { if (log != null) { if (logToFile) { log.setDiagnostic(1024l * 1024l, true); } else { // no way of turning off :( } } } private void checkViewMode() { if ( view_mode ){ return; } PluginConfig pc = plugin_interface.getPluginconfig(); { String data_dir = pc.getCoreStringParameter( PluginConfig.CORE_PARAM_STRING_DEFAULT_SAVE_PATH ); boolean data_bad = false; if ( data_dir == null || data_dir.length() == 0 ){ data_bad = true; }else{ File dir = new File( data_dir ); if ( !dir.exists()){ dir.mkdirs(); } data_bad = !dir.canWrite(); } if ( data_bad ){ Logger.log( new LogAlert( true, LogAlert.AT_ERROR, MessageText.getString( "xmwebui.error.data_path" ))); } } if ( !pc.getUnsafeBooleanParameter( "Save Torrent Files" )){ Logger.log( new LogAlert( true, LogAlert.AT_ERROR, MessageText.getString( "xmwebui.error.torrent_path" ))); }else{ String torrent_dir = pc.getUnsafeStringParameter( "General_sDefaultTorrent_Directory" ); boolean torrent_bad = false; if ( torrent_dir == null || torrent_dir.length() == 0 ){ torrent_bad = true; }else{ File dir = new File( torrent_dir ); if ( !dir.exists()){ dir.mkdirs(); } torrent_bad = !dir.canWrite(); } if ( torrent_bad ){ Logger.log( new LogAlert( true, LogAlert.AT_ERROR, MessageText.getString( "xmwebui.error.torrent_path" ))); } } } @Override protected void setupServer() { PluginManager pm = plugin_interface.getPluginManager(); if ( pm.isInitialized()){ super.setupServer(); }else{ // defer the creation of the server as there are a bunch of features of the // rpc that require things to be reasonably well initialised to function // correctly (e.g. tracker peer sources logic needs other plugins to // have initialised) plugin_interface.addEventListener( new PluginEventListener() { public void handleEvent( PluginEvent ev ) { if ( ev.getType() == PluginEvent.PEV_ALL_PLUGINS_INITIALISED ){ plugin_interface.removeEventListener( this ); XMWebUIPlugin.super.setupServer(); } } }); } } public void unload() throws PluginException { if ( search_timer != null ){ search_timer.cancel(); search_timer = null; } plugin_interface.getDownloadManager().removeListener( this ); if ( IS_5101_PLUS ){ if ( json_rpc_client != null ){ plugin_interface.getUtilities().unregisterJSONRPCClient((Utilities.JSONClient)json_rpc_client); json_rpc_client = null; } json_server_methods.clear(); } super.unloadPlugin(); } protected void setViewMode() { String mode_str = plugin_interface.getPluginconfig().getPluginStringParameter( WebPlugin.CONFIG_MODE, WebPlugin.CONFIG_MODE_DEFAULT ); view_mode = !mode_str.equalsIgnoreCase( WebPlugin.CONFIG_MODE_FULL ); checkViewMode(); } public File getResourceDir() { return( new File( plugin_interface.getPluginDirectoryName(), "transmission" + File.separator + "web" )); } public void downloadAdded( Download download ) { } // @see org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.download.DownloadManagerListener#downloadRemoved(org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.download.Download) public void downloadRemoved( Download download ) { addRecentlyRemoved( download ); } private void addRecentlyRemoved( DownloadStub download ) { synchronized( recently_removed ){ long id = getID( download, false ); if ( id > 0 && !stubbifying.contains( id )){ if ( !recently_removed.containsKey( id )){ recently_removed.put( id, new RecentlyRemovedData( id )); } } } } private boolean handleRecentlyRemoved( String session_id, Map args, Map result ) { Object ids = args.get( "ids" ); if ( ids != null && ids instanceof String && ((String)ids).equals( "recently-active" )){ synchronized( recently_removed ){ if ( recently_removed.size() > 0 ){ long now = SystemTime.getMonotonousTime(); Iterator it = recently_removed.values().iterator(); List removed = new ArrayList(); while( it.hasNext()){ RecentlyRemovedData rrd = it.next(); if ( !rrd.hasSession( session_id )){ removed.add( rrd.getID()); } if ( now - rrd.getCreateTime() > 60*1000 ){ it.remove(); } } if ( removed.size() > 0 ){ //System.out.println( "Reporting removed to " + session_id + ": " + removed ); result.put( "removed", removed ); } } } return( true ); }else{ return( false ); } } public boolean generateSupport( TrackerWebPageRequest request, TrackerWebPageResponse response ) throws IOException { boolean logit = trace_param.getValue(); if (request.getInputStream().available() == 0 && "chunked".equals(request.getHeaders().get("transfer-encoding"))) { response.setReplyStatus( 415 ); return true; } try{ String session_id = getSessionID( request ); // Set cookie just in case client is looking for one.. response.setHeader( "Set-Cookie", "X-Transmission-Session-Id=" + session_id + "; path=/; HttpOnly" ); // This is the actual spec for massing session-id response.setHeader("X-Transmission-Session-Id", session_id ); if (!isSessionValid(request)) { log("Header:\n" + request.getHeader()); LineNumberReader lnr; if ("gzip".equals(request.getHeaders().get("content-encoding"))) { GZIPInputStream gzipIS = new GZIPInputStream(request.getInputStream()); lnr = new LineNumberReader( new InputStreamReader( gzipIS, "UTF-8" )); } else { lnr = new LineNumberReader( new InputStreamReader( request.getInputStream(), "UTF-8" )); } while( true ){ String line = lnr.readLine(); if ( line == null ){ break; } log("409: " + line); } response.setReplyStatus( 409 ); response.getOutputStream().write("You_didn_t_set_the_X-Transmission-Session-Id".getBytes()); return true; } String session_id_plus = session_id; // XXX getHeaders() keys are lowercase.. this line always null? String tid = (String)request.getHeaders().get( "X-XMRPC-Tunnel-ID" ); if ( tid != null ){ session_id_plus += "/" + tid; } String url = request.getURL(); //System.out.println( "Header: " + request.getHeader() ); if ( url.equals( "/transmission/rpc" )){ LineNumberReader lnr; if ("gzip".equals(request.getHeaders().get("content-encoding"))) { GZIPInputStream gzipIS = new GZIPInputStream(request.getInputStream()); lnr = new LineNumberReader( new InputStreamReader( gzipIS, "UTF-8" )); } else { lnr = new LineNumberReader( new InputStreamReader( request.getInputStream(), "UTF-8" )); } StringBuffer request_json_str = new StringBuffer(2048); while( true ){ String line = lnr.readLine(); if ( line == null ){ break; } request_json_str.append( line ); } if ( logit ){ log( "-> " + request_json_str ); } Map request_json = JSONUtils.decodeJSON( request_json_str.toString()); Map response_json = processRequest( request, session_id_plus, request_json ); String response_json_str = JSONUtils.encodeToJSON( response_json ); if ( logit ){ log( "<- " + response_json_str.length() ); log( "<- " + response_json_str ); } PrintWriter pw =new PrintWriter( new OutputStreamWriter( response.getOutputStream(), "UTF-8" )); pw.println( response_json_str ); pw.flush(); response.setContentType( "application/json; charset=UTF-8" ); response.setGZIP( true ); return( true ); }else if ( url.startsWith( "/transmission/rpc?json=" ) || url.startsWith( "/vuze/rpc?json=" )){ StringBuffer request_json_str = new StringBuffer(2048); request_json_str.append( UrlUtils.decode( url.substring( url.indexOf('?') + 6 ))); if ( logit ){ log( "-> " + request_json_str ); } Map response_json; Object object = JSONValue.parse(request_json_str.toString()); if (object instanceof Map) { Map request_json = JSONUtils.decodeJSON( request_json_str.toString()); response_json = processRequest( request, session_id_plus, request_json ); } else { response_json = new HashMap(); response_json.put( "result", "error: Bad or missing JSON string"); response_json.put("request", request_json_str); } String response_json_str = JSONUtils.encodeToJSON( response_json ); if ( logit ){ log( "<- " + response_json_str ); } PrintWriter pw =new PrintWriter( new OutputStreamWriter( response.getOutputStream(), "UTF-8" )); pw.println( response_json_str ); pw.flush(); response.setContentType( "application/json; charset=UTF-8" ); response.setGZIP( true ); return( true ); /* example code to relay a stream }else if ( url.startsWith( "/vuze/test.mkv" )){ Map headers = request.getHeaders(); OutputStream os = response.getRawOutputStream(); Socket sock = new Socket( "", 46409 ); OutputStream sos = sock.getOutputStream(); String req = "GET /Content/test.mkv HTTP/1.1\r\n"; String range = (String)headers.get( "range" ); if ( range != null ){ req += "Range: " + range + "\r\n"; } req += "\r\n"; sos.write( req.getBytes( "ISO-8859-1")); sos.flush(); InputStream is = sock.getInputStream(); byte[] buffer = new byte[256*1024]; while( true ){ int len = is.read( buffer ); if ( len <= 0 ){ break; } os.write( buffer, 0, len ); } return( true ); */ }else if ( url.startsWith( "/vuze/resource?json=" )){ Map request_json = JSONUtils.decodeJSON( UrlUtils.decode( url.substring( url.indexOf( '?' ) + 6 ))); return( processResourceRequest( request, response, request_json )); }else if ( url.startsWith( "/transmission/upload" )){ if ( logit ){ log( "upload request" ); } checkUpdatePermissions(); boolean add_stopped = url.endsWith( "paused=true" ); String content_type = (String)request.getHeaders().get( "content-type" ); if ( content_type == null ){ throw( new IOException( "Content-Type missing" )); } int bp = content_type.toLowerCase().indexOf( "boundary=" ); if ( bp == -1 ){ throw( new IOException( "boundary missing" )); } String boundary = content_type.substring(bp+9).trim(); int ep = boundary.indexOf( ';' ); if ( ep != -1 ){ boundary = boundary.substring(0,ep).trim(); } MultiPartDecoder.FormField[] fields = new MultiPartDecoder().decode(boundary, request.getInputStream()); try{ int num_found = 0; for ( MultiPartDecoder.FormField field: fields ){ String field_name = field.getName(); if ( field_name.equalsIgnoreCase( "torrent_file" ) || field_name.equalsIgnoreCase( "torrent_files[]" )){ num_found++; String torrent_file_name = field.getAttribute( "filename" ); if ( torrent_file_name == null ){ throw( new IOException( "upload filename missing" )); } InputStream tis = field.getInputStream(); Torrent torrent; try{ torrent = plugin_interface.getTorrentManager().createFromBEncodedInputStream( tis ); torrent.setDefaultEncoding(); }catch( Throwable e ){ throw( new IOException( "Failed to deserialise torrent file: " + Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(e))); } try{ Download download = addTorrent( torrent, null, add_stopped, null ); response.setContentType( "text/xml; charset=UTF-8" ); response.getOutputStream().write( "

200: OK

".getBytes()); return( true ); }catch( Throwable e ){ throw( new IOException( "Failed to add torrent: " + Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(e))); } } } if ( num_found == 0 ){ log( "No torrents found in upload request" ); } return( true ); }finally{ for ( MultiPartDecoder.FormField field: fields ){ field.destroy(); } } }else if ( url.startsWith( "/transmission/web")){ response.setReplyStatus( 301 ); response.setHeader( "Location", "/" ); return( true ); }else if ( url.startsWith( SEARCH_PREFIX )){ return( search_handler.generate( request, response )); }else{ return( false ); } }catch( PermissionDeniedException e ){ response.setReplyStatus( 401 ); return( true ); }catch( IOException e ){ if ( logit ){ log( "Processing failed", e ); e.printStackTrace(); } throw( e ); }catch( Throwable e ){ if ( logit ){ log( "Processing failed", e ); e.printStackTrace(); } throw( new IOException( "Processing failed: " + Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage( e ))); } } private String getCookie( String cookies, String cookie_id) { if ( cookies == null ){ return null; } String[] cookie_list = cookies.split( ";" ); for ( String cookie: cookie_list ){ String[] bits = cookie.split( "=" ); if ( bits.length == 2 ){ if ( bits[0].trim().equals( cookie_id )){ return bits[1].trim(); } } } return null; } private boolean isSessionValid( TrackerWebPageRequest request) { if (!request.getURL().startsWith("/transmission/")) { return true; } Map headers = request.getHeaders(); // tunnel requests are already strongly authenticated and session based String tunnel = (String)headers.get( "x-vuze-is-tunnel" ); if ( tunnel != null && tunnel.equalsIgnoreCase( "true" )){ return true; } String session_id = getSessionID(request); String header_session_id = (String) headers.get( "X-Transmission-Session-Id"); if (header_session_id == null) { header_session_id = (String) headers.get( "x-transmission-session-id"); } if (header_session_id == null) { header_session_id = getCookie( (String) headers.get("cookie"), "X-Transmission-Session-Id"); } //System.out.println("header_session_id=" + header_session_id); if (header_session_id == null) { return false; } return (header_session_id.equals(session_id)); } private String getSessionID( TrackerWebPageRequest request) { String clientAddress = request.getClientAddress(); synchronized (ip_to_session_id) { String session_id = ip_to_session_id.get(clientAddress); if (session_id == null) { session_id = Double.toHexString(Math.random()); ip_to_session_id.put(clientAddress, session_id); } return session_id; } } private static Object add_torrent_lock = new Object(); protected Download addTorrent( final Torrent torrent, File download_dir, boolean add_stopped, final DownloadWillBeAddedListener listener) throws DownloadException { synchronized( add_torrent_lock ){ final org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.download.DownloadManager dm = plugin_interface.getDownloadManager(); Download download = dm.getDownload( torrent ); if ( download == null ){ if (listener != null) { dm.addDownloadWillBeAddedListener(new DownloadWillBeAddedListener() { public void initialised(Download dlAdding) { boolean b = Arrays.equals(dlAdding.getTorrent().getHash(), torrent.getHash()); if (b) { dm.removeDownloadWillBeAddedListener(this); listener.initialised(dlAdding); } } }); } if ( add_stopped ){ download = dm.addDownloadStopped( torrent, null, download_dir ); }else{ download = dm.addDownload( torrent, null, download_dir ); } // particularly necessary for the android client as untidy closedown is common AzureusCoreFactory.getSingleton().saveState(); } return( download ); } } protected void checkUpdatePermissions() throws IOException { if ( view_mode ){ log( "permission denied" ); throw( new PermissionDeniedException()); } } protected Map processRequest( TrackerWebPageRequest wp_request, String session_id, Map request ) throws IOException { Map response = new HashMap(); if (request == null) { response.put( "result", "error: Bad or missing JSON string"); return response; } String method = (String)request.get( "method" ); if ( method == null ){ throw( new IOException( "'method' missing" )); } Map args = (Map)request.get( "arguments" ); if ( args == null ){ args = new HashMap(); } try{ Map result = processRequest( wp_request, session_id, method, args ); if ( result == null ){ result = new HashMap(); } response.put( "arguments", result ); response.put( "result", "success" ); }catch( PermissionDeniedException e ){ throw( e ); }catch( TextualException e ){ response.put( "result", e.getMessage()); }catch( Throwable e ){ log("processRequest", e); response.put( "result", "error: " + Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage( e )); } Object tag = request.get( "tag" ); if ( tag != null ){ response.put( "tag", tag ); } return( response ); } static Number getNumber( Object val) { return getNumber(val, 0); } static Number getNumber( Object val, Number defaultNumber) { if (val instanceof Number) { return (Number) val; } if (val instanceof String) { NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getInstance(); try { Number number = format.parse((String) val); return number; } catch (ParseException e) { return defaultNumber; } } return defaultNumber; } protected Map processRequest( TrackerWebPageRequest request, String session_id, String method, Map args ) throws Exception { boolean save_core_state = false; try{ Map result = new HashMap(); // https://trac.transmissionbt.com/browser/trunk/extras/rpc-spec.txt // to get 271 working with this backend change remote.js RPC _Root to be // _Root : './transmission/rpc', if ( method.equals( "session-set" )){ try{ method_Session_Set(args, result); }finally{ // assume something important was changed and persist it now COConfigurationManager.save(); } } else if ( method.equals( "session-get" ) ){ method_Session_Get(args, result); }else if ( method.equals( "session-stats" )){ method_Session_Stats(args, result); }else if ( method.equals( "torrent-add" )){ String agent = MapUtils.getMapString(request.getHeaders(), "User-Agent", ""); boolean xmlEscape = agent.startsWith("Mozilla/"); method_Torrent_Add(args, result, xmlEscape); // this is handled within the torrent-add method: save_core_state = true; }else if ( method.equals( "torrent-start-all" )){ checkUpdatePermissions(); plugin_interface.getDownloadManager().startAllDownloads(); save_core_state = true; }else if ( method.equals( "torrent-stop-all" )){ checkUpdatePermissions(); plugin_interface.getDownloadManager().stopAllDownloads(); save_core_state = true; }else if ( method.equals( "torrent-start" )){ method_Torrent_Start(args, result); save_core_state = true; }else if ( method.equals( "torrent-start-now" )){ // RPC v14 method_Torrent_Start_Now(args, result); save_core_state = true; }else if ( method.equals( "torrent-stop" )){ method_Torrent_Stop(args, result); save_core_state = true; }else if ( method.equals( "torrent-verify" )){ method_Torrent_Verify(args, result); }else if ( method.equals( "torrent-remove" )){ // RPC v3 method_Torrent_Remove(args, result); save_core_state = true; }else if ( method.equals( "torrent-set" )){ method_Torrent_Set( session_id, args, result); }else if ( method.equals( "torrent-get" )){ method_Torrent_Get(request, session_id, args, result); }else if ( method.equals( "torrent-reannounce" )){ // RPC v5 method_Torrent_Reannounce(args, result); }else if ( method.equals( "torrent-set-location" )){ // RPC v6 method_Torrent_Set_Location(args, result); }else if ( method.equals( "blocklist-update" )){ // RPC v5 method_Blocklist_Update(args, result); }else if ( method.equals( "session-close" )){ // RPC v12 //TODO: This method tells the transmission session to shut down. }else if ( method.equals( "queue-move-top" )){ // RPC v14 method_Queue_Move_Top(args, result); }else if ( method.equals( "queue-move-up" )){ // RPC v14 method_Queue_Move_Up(args, result); }else if ( method.equals( "queue-move-down" )){ // RPC v14 method_Queue_Move_Down(args, result); }else if ( method.equals( "queue-move-bottom" )){ // RPC v14 method_Queue_Move_Bottom(args, result); }else if ( method.equals( "free-space" )){ // RPC v15 method_Free_Space(args, result); }else if ( method.equals( "torrent-rename-path" )){ // RPC v15 method_Torrent_Rename_Path(args, result); }else if ( method.equals( "tags-get-list" )){ // Vuze RPC v3 method_Tags_Get_List(args, result); }else if ( method.equals( "tags-lookup-start" )){ method_Tags_Lookup_Start(args, result); }else if ( method.equals( "tags-lookup-get-results" )){ method_Tags_Lookup_Get_Results(args, result); }else if ( method.equals( "subscription-get" )){ method_Subscription_Get(args, result); }else if ( method.equals( "subscription-add" )){ method_Subscription_Add(args, result); }else if ( method.equals( "subscription-set" )){ method_Subscription_Set(args, result); }else if ( method.equals( "subscription-remove" )){ method_Subscription_Remove(args, result); }else if ( method.equals( "vuze-search-start" )){ method_Vuze_Search_Start(args, result); }else if ( method.equals( "vuze-search-get-results" )){ method_Vuze_Search_Get_Results(args, result); }else if ( method.equals( "vuze-config-set" )){ method_Vuze_Config_Set(args, result); }else if ( method.equals( "vuze-config-get" )){ method_Vuze_Config_Get(args, result); }else if ( method.equals( "vuze-plugin-get-list" )){ method_Vuze_Plugin_Get_List(args, result); }else if ( method.equals( "vuze-lifecycle" )){ processVuzeLifecycle( args, result ); }else if ( method.equals( "vuze-pairing" )){ if ( IS_5101_PLUS ){ processVuzePairing( args, result ); }else{ throw( new IOException( "Client version too old!" )); } }else if ( method.equals( "vuze-torrent-get" )){ processVuzeTorrentGet( request, args, result ); }else if ( method.equals( "vuze-file-add" )){ processVuzeFileAdd( args, result ); }else{ if ( IS_5101_PLUS ){ Utilities.JSONServer server = (Utilities.JSONServer)json_server_methods.get( method ); if ( server != null ){ return( server.call( method, args )); } } if ( trace_param.getValue() ){ log( "unhandled method: " + method + " - " + args ); } } return( result ); }finally{ if ( save_core_state ){ // particularly necessary for the android client as untidy closedown is common AzureusCoreFactory.getSingleton().saveState(); } } } private void method_Vuze_Plugin_Get_List(Map args, Map result) { String sep = System.getProperty("file.separator"); File fUserPluginDir = FileUtil.getUserFile("plugins"); String sUserPluginDir; try { sUserPluginDir = fUserPluginDir.getCanonicalPath(); } catch (Throwable e) { sUserPluginDir = fUserPluginDir.toString(); } if (!sUserPluginDir.endsWith(sep)) { sUserPluginDir += sep; } File fAppPluginDir = FileUtil.getApplicationFile("plugins"); String sAppPluginDir; try { sAppPluginDir = fAppPluginDir.getCanonicalPath(); } catch (Throwable e) { sAppPluginDir = fAppPluginDir.toString(); } if (!sAppPluginDir.endsWith(sep)) { sAppPluginDir += sep; } List pluginIFs = Arrays.asList( AzureusCoreFactory.getSingleton().getPluginManager().getPlugins()); for (Iterator iter = pluginIFs.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { PluginInterface pi = (PluginInterface) iter.next(); Map mapPlugin = new HashMap(); result.put(pi.getPluginID(), mapPlugin); mapPlugin.put("name", pi.getPluginName()); String sDirName = pi.getPluginDirectoryName(); String sKey; if (sDirName.length() > sUserPluginDir.length() && sDirName.substring(0, sUserPluginDir.length()).equals( sUserPluginDir)) { sKey = "perUser"; } else if (sDirName.length() > sAppPluginDir.length() && sDirName.substring(0, sAppPluginDir.length()).equals( sAppPluginDir)) { sKey = "shared"; } else { sKey = "builtIn"; } mapPlugin.put("type", sKey); mapPlugin.put("version", pi.getPluginVersion()); PluginState pluginState = pi.getPluginState(); mapPlugin.put("isBuiltIn", pluginState.isBuiltIn()); mapPlugin.put("isDisabled", pluginState.isDisabled()); mapPlugin.put("isInitialisationComplete", pluginState.isInitialisationComplete()); mapPlugin.put("isLoadedAtStartup", pluginState.isLoadedAtStartup()); mapPlugin.put("isMandatory", pluginState.isMandatory()); mapPlugin.put("isOperational", pluginState.isOperational()); mapPlugin.put("isShared", pluginState.isShared()); mapPlugin.put("isUnloadable", pluginState.isUnloadable()); mapPlugin.put("isUnloaded", pluginState.isUnloaded()); } } private void method_Vuze_Config_Get(Map args, Map result) { List listKeys = MapUtils.getMapList(args, "keys", Collections.EMPTY_LIST); for (Object key : listKeys) { String keyString = key.toString(); if (ignoreConfigKey(keyString)) { continue; } Object val = COConfigurationManager.getParameter(keyString); if (val instanceof byte[]) { // Place parsed string in key's value, B64 of bytes in key + ".B64" String valString; byte[] bytes = (byte[]) val; try { valString = new String(bytes, Constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING); } catch (Throwable e) { valString = new String(bytes); } result.put(key, valString); try { result.put(key + ".B64", new String(Base64.encode(bytes), "utf8")); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { } } else { result.put(key, val); } } } private void method_Vuze_Config_Set(Map args, Map result) { Map mapDirect = MapUtils.getMapMap(args, "direct", Collections.EMPTY_MAP); for (Object key : mapDirect.keySet()) { String keyString = key.toString(); if (ignoreConfigKey(keyString)) { result.put(keyString, "key ignored"); continue; } Object val = mapDirect.get(key); boolean changed; if (val instanceof String) { changed = COConfigurationManager.setParameter(keyString, (String) val); } else if (val instanceof Boolean) { changed = COConfigurationManager.setParameter(keyString, (Boolean) val); } else if (val instanceof Float) { changed = COConfigurationManager.setParameter(keyString, (Float) val); } else if (val instanceof Double) { changed = COConfigurationManager.setParameter(keyString, ((Number) val).floatValue()); } else if (val instanceof Number) { changed = COConfigurationManager.setParameter(keyString, ((Number) val).longValue()); } else if (val instanceof Map) { changed = COConfigurationManager.setParameter(keyString, (Map) val); } else { result.put(keyString, "error"); continue; } result.put(keyString, changed); } Map mapByteArray = MapUtils.getMapMap(args, "byteArray.B64", Collections.EMPTY_MAP); for (Object key : mapByteArray.keySet()) { String keyString = key.toString(); if (ignoreConfigKey(keyString)) { result.put(keyString, "key ignored"); continue; } Object val = mapByteArray.get(key); if (val instanceof String) { byte[] decode = Base64.decode((String) val); boolean changed = COConfigurationManager.setParameter(keyString, decode); result.put(keyString, changed); } else { result.put(keyString, "error"); } } COConfigurationManager.save(); } private boolean ignoreConfigKey( String key ) { String lc_key = key.toLowerCase(Locale.US); if (key.startsWith(CryptoManager.CRYPTO_CONFIG_PREFIX) || lc_key.equals("id") || lc_key.equals("azbuddy.dchat.optsmap") || lc_key.endsWith(".privx") || lc_key.endsWith(".user") || lc_key.contains("password") || lc_key.contains("username") || lc_key.contains("session key")) { return (true); } Object value = COConfigurationManager.getParameter(key); if (value instanceof byte[]) { try { value = new String((byte[]) value, "UTF-8"); } catch (Throwable e) { } } if (value instanceof String) { if (((String) value).toLowerCase(Locale.US).endsWith(".b32.i2p")) { return (true); } } return (false); } private void method_Tags_Lookup_Start(Map args, Map result) { Object ids = args.get("ids"); TagSearchInstance tagSearchInstance = new TagSearchInstance(); try { List listDefaultNetworks = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < AENetworkClassifier.AT_NETWORKS.length; i++) { String nn = AENetworkClassifier.AT_NETWORKS[i]; String config_name = "Network Selection Default." + nn; boolean enabled = COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter( config_name, false); if (enabled) { listDefaultNetworks.add(nn); } } org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.download.DownloadManager dlm = plugin_interface.getDownloadManager(); String[] networks; if (ids instanceof List) { List idList = (List) ids; for (Object id : idList) { if (id instanceof String) { String hash = (String) id; byte[] hashBytes = ByteFormatter.decodeString(hash); Download download = dlm.getDownload(hashBytes); DownloadManager dm = PluginCoreUtils.unwrap(download); if (dm != null) { networks = dm.getDownloadState().getNetworks(); } else { networks = listDefaultNetworks.toArray(new String[0]); } tagSearchInstance.addSearch(hash, hashBytes, networks); synchronized (active_tagsearches) { active_tagsearches.put(tagSearchInstance.getID(), tagSearchInstance); } } } } } catch (Throwable t) { } result.put("id", tagSearchInstance.getID()); } private void method_Tags_Lookup_Get_Results(Map args, Map result) throws IOException { String id = (String) args.get("id"); if (id == null) { throw (new IOException("ID missing")); } synchronized (active_tagsearches) { TagSearchInstance search_instance = active_tagsearches.get(id); if (search_instance != null) { if (search_instance.getResults(result)) { active_tagsearches.remove(id); } } else { throw (new IOException("ID not found - already complete?")); } } } private void method_Vuze_Search_Get_Results(Map args, Map result) throws IOException { String sid = (String) args.get("sid"); if (sid == null) { throw (new IOException("SID missing")); } synchronized (active_searches) { SearchInstance search_instance = active_searches.get(sid); if (search_instance != null) { if (search_instance.getResults(result)) { active_searches.remove(sid); } } else { throw (new IOException("SID not found - already complete?")); } } } private void method_Vuze_Search_Start(Map args, Map result) throws IOException { String expression = (String) args.get("expression"); if (expression == null) { throw (new IOException("Search expression missing")); } MetaSearchManager ms_manager = MetaSearchManagerFactory.getSingleton(); MetaSearch ms = ms_manager.getMetaSearch(); List sps = new ArrayList(); sps.add(new SearchParameter("s", expression)); SearchParameter[] parameters = sps.toArray(new SearchParameter[sps.size()]); Map context = new HashMap(); context.put(Engine.SC_SOURCE, "xmwebui"); context.put(Engine.SC_REMOVE_DUP_HASH, "true"); Engine[] engines = ms_manager.getMetaSearch().getEngines(true, true); if (engines.length == 0) { throw (new IOException("No search templates available")); } SearchInstance search_instance = new SearchInstance(this, engines); engines = ms.search(engines, search_instance, parameters, null, context, 100); if (engines.length == 0) { throw (new IOException("No search templates available")); } synchronized (active_searches) { active_searches.put(search_instance.getSID(), search_instance); } search_instance.setEngines(engines); result.put("sid", search_instance.getSID()); List l_engines = new ArrayList(); result.put("engines", l_engines); for (Engine engine : engines) { JSONObject map = new JSONObject(); l_engines.add(map); map.put("name", engine.getName()); map.put("id", engine.getUID()); map.put("favicon", engine.getIcon()); map.put("dl_link_css", engine.getDownloadLinkCSS()); map.put("selected", Engine.SEL_STATE_STRINGS[engine.getSelectionState()]); map.put("source", Engine.ENGINE_SOURCE_STRS[engine.getSource()]); int type = engine.getType(); map.put("type", type < Engine.ENGINE_TYPE_STRS.length ? Engine.ENGINE_TYPE_STRS[type] : type); } } private void method_Subscription_Add(Map args, Map result) throws MalformedURLException, SubscriptionException { String url = MapUtils.getMapString(args, "rss-url", null); String name = MapUtils.getMapString(args, "name", "Subscription " + DateFormat.getInstance().toString()); boolean anonymous = MapUtils.getMapBoolean(args, "anonymous", false); if (url != null) { Subscription subRSS = SubscriptionManagerFactory.getSingleton().createRSS( name, new URL(url), SubscriptionHistory.DEFAULT_CHECK_INTERVAL_MINS, anonymous, null); result.put("subscription", subRSS.getJSON()); } } /* * { * : * { * : value, * "results" : { * : value, * etc * }, * etc * }, * etc * } */ private void method_Subscription_Set(Map args, Map result) throws SubscriptionException, IOException { Object oIDs = args.get("ids"); if (oIDs == null) { throw new IOException("ids missing"); } if (!(oIDs instanceof Map)) { throw new IOException("ids not map"); } Map mapSubscriptionIDs = (Map) oIDs; SubscriptionManager subMan = SubscriptionManagerFactory.getSingleton(); for (Object oSubscriptionID : mapSubscriptionIDs.keySet()) { Subscription subs = subMan.getSubscriptionByID((String) oSubscriptionID); if (subs == null) { result.put(oSubscriptionID, "Error: Not Found"); continue; } Object oVal = mapSubscriptionIDs.get(oSubscriptionID); if (!(oVal instanceof Map)) { continue; } Map mapSubscriptionFields = (Map) oVal; // could change name, subscribed state, etc int numChanged = 0; for (Object oSubscriptionFieldName : mapSubscriptionFields.keySet()) { String subscriptionFieldName = (String) oSubscriptionFieldName; Object oSubscriptionFieldValue = mapSubscriptionFields.get( subscriptionFieldName); if (subscriptionFieldName.equals(FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_NAME)) { subs.setName((String) oSubscriptionFieldValue); numChanged++; } else if (subscriptionFieldName.equals(FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_AUTO_DOWNLOAD) && (oSubscriptionFieldValue instanceof Boolean)) { subs.getHistory().setAutoDownload((Boolean) oSubscriptionFieldValue); numChanged++; } else if (subscriptionFieldName.equals(FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_SUBSCRIBED) && (oSubscriptionFieldValue instanceof Boolean)) { subs.setSubscribed((Boolean) oSubscriptionFieldValue); numChanged++; } else if (subscriptionFieldName.equals(FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_RESULTS) && (oSubscriptionFieldValue instanceof Map)) { Map map = new HashMap(); Map mapResults = (Map) oSubscriptionFieldValue; SubscriptionResult[] results = subs.getResults(false); for (Object oResultKey : mapResults.keySet()) { String subs_id = (String) oResultKey; Map mapResultEntries = (Map) mapResults.get(oResultKey); for (SubscriptionResult entry : results) { if (entry.getID().equals(subs_id)) { Boolean isRead = (Boolean) mapResultEntries.get( FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_RESULT_ISREAD); if (isRead != null) { numChanged++; entry.setRead(isRead); } break; } } } } if (numChanged > 0) { Map map = buildSubscriptionMap(subs, null, null, true); result.put(oSubscriptionID, map); } } } } private void method_Subscription_Remove(Map args, Map result) throws IOException { Object oID = args.get("ids"); if (oID == null) { throw new IOException("ID missing"); } String[] ids = new String[0]; if (oID instanceof String) { ids = new String[] { (String) oID }; } else if (oID instanceof List) { ids = (String[]) ((List) oID).toArray(new String[0]); } else if (oID instanceof Object[]) { Object[] oIDS = (Object[]) oID; ids = new String[oIDS.length]; for (int i = 0; i < oIDS.length; i++) { ids[i] = oIDS[i].toString(); } } SubscriptionManager subMan = SubscriptionManagerFactory.getSingleton(); for (String id : ids) { Subscription subs = subMan.getSubscriptionByID(id); if (subs == null) { result.put(id, "Error: Not Found"); } else { subs.remove(); result.put(id, "Removed"); } } } /* * For non-torrent specific: * * Subscriptions : * { * SubscriptionID : * { * Field:Value, * }, * SubscriptionID : * { * Field:Value, * }, * } * * For torrent specific: * Subscriptions : * { * SubscriptionID: { * torrentId: #, * Field:Value, * }, * etc * } */ private void method_Subscription_Get(Map args, Map result) throws IOException { boolean subscribedOnly = MapUtils.getMapBoolean(args, "subscribed-only", true); Map> mapSubcriptions = new HashMap>(); SubscriptionManager subMan = SubscriptionManagerFactory.getSingleton(); List fields = (List) args.get("fields"); boolean all = fields == null || fields.size() == 0; if (!all) { // sort so we can't use Collections.binarySearch Collections.sort(fields); } Object oTorrentHashes = args.get("torrent-ids"); if (oTorrentHashes != null) { List downloads = getDownloads(oTorrentHashes, false); for (DownloadStub stub : downloads) { Subscription[] subs = subMan.getKnownSubscriptions( stub.getTorrentHash()); if (subs != null) { for (Subscription sub : subs) { Map map = buildSubscriptionMap(sub, args, fields, all); map.put("torrentID", getID(stub, false)); mapSubcriptions.put(sub.getID(), map); } } } } else { Subscription[] subscriptions; Object oID = args.get("ids"); String[] ids = new String[0]; if (oID instanceof String) { ids = new String[] { (String) oID }; } else if (oID instanceof List) { ids = (String[]) ((List) oID).toArray(new String[0]); } else if (oID instanceof Object[]) { Object[] oIDS = (Object[]) oID; ids = new String[oIDS.length]; for (int i = 0; i < oIDS.length; i++) { ids[i] = oIDS[i].toString(); } } if (ids.length == 0) { subscriptions = subMan.getSubscriptions(subscribedOnly); } else { List list = new ArrayList(); for (String id : ids) { Subscription subscriptionByID = subMan.getSubscriptionByID(id); if (subscriptionByID == null) { mapSubcriptions.put(id, Collections.EMPTY_MAP); } else { list.add(subscriptionByID); } } subscriptions = list.toArray(new Subscription[0]); } for (Subscription sub : subscriptions) { Map map = buildSubscriptionMap(sub, args, fields, all); mapSubcriptions.put(sub.getID(), map); } } result.put("subscriptions", mapSubcriptions); } private Map buildSubscriptionMap(Subscription sub, Map args, List fields, boolean all) { Map map = new HashMap(); if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, "json") >= 0) { try { Map mapJSON = JSONUtils.decodeJSON(sub.getJSON()); mapJSON.remove("engines"); map.put("json", mapJSON); } catch (SubscriptionException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_NAME) >= 0) { map.put(FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_NAME, sub.getName()); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDEDON) >= 0) { map.put(FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDEDON, sub.getAddTime()); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_ASSOCIATION_COUNT) >= 0) { map.put(FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_ASSOCIATION_COUNT, sub.getAssociationCount()); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_POPULARITY) >= 0) { map.put(FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_POPULARITY, sub.getCachedPopularity()); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_CATEGORY) >= 0) { addNotNullToMap(map, FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_CATEGORY, sub.getCategory()); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_CREATOR) >= 0) { addNotNullToMap(map, FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_CREATOR, sub.getCreatorRef()); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_ENGINE) >= 0) { try { Engine engine = sub.getEngine(); if (engine != null) { Map mapEngine = new HashMap(); map.put(FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_ENGINE, mapEngine); if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_ENGINE_NAME) >= 0) { mapEngine.put("name", engine.getName()); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_ENGINE_NAMEX) >= 0) { mapEngine.put(FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_ENGINE_NAMEX, engine.getNameEx()); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_ENGINE_TYPE) >= 0) { map.put(FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_ENGINE_TYPE, engine.getType()); int type = engine.getType(); mapEngine.put("type", type < Engine.ENGINE_TYPE_STRS.length ? Engine.ENGINE_TYPE_STRS[type] : type); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_ENGINE_NAMEX) >= 0) { mapEngine.put(FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_ENGINE_NAMEX, engine.getNameEx()); } //engine.getAutoDownloadSupported() same as sub.getAutoDownloadSupported if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_ENGINE_SOURCE) >= 0) { mapEngine.put("source", Engine.ENGINE_SOURCE_STRS[engine.getSource()]); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_ENGINE_LASTUPDATED) >= 0) { mapEngine.put(FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_ENGINE_LASTUPDATED, engine.getLastUpdated()); } mapEngine.put("id", engine.getUID()); addNotNullToMap(mapEngine, "favicon", engine.getIcon()); mapEngine.put("dl_link_css", engine.getDownloadLinkCSS()); mapEngine.put("selected", Engine.SEL_STATE_STRINGS[engine.getSelectionState()]); mapEngine.put("class", engine.getClass().getSimpleName()); if (engine instanceof WebEngine) { WebEngine web_engine = (WebEngine) engine; if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_ENGINE_URL) >= 0) { mapEngine.put(FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_ENGINE_URL, web_engine.getSearchUrl(true)); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_ENGINE_AUTHMETHOD) >= 0) { mapEngine.put(FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_ENGINE_AUTHMETHOD, web_engine.getAuthMethod()); } } } } catch (SubscriptionException e) { } } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_HIGHEST_VERSION) >= 0) { map.put(FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_HIGHEST_VERSION, sub.getHighestVersion()); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_NAME_EX) >= 0) { map.put(FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_NAME_EX, sub.getNameEx()); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_QUERY_KEY) >= 0) { map.put(FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_QUERY_KEY, sub.getQueryKey()); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_REFERER) >= 0) { map.put(FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_REFERER, sub.getReferer()); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_TAG_UID) >= 0) { map.put(FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_TAG_UID, sub.getTagID()); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_URI) >= 0) { map.put(FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_URI, sub.getURI()); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_ANONYMOUS) >= 0) { map.put(FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_ANONYMOUS, sub.isAnonymous()); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_AUTO_DL_SUPPORTED) >= 0) { map.put(FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_AUTO_DL_SUPPORTED, sub.isAutoDownloadSupported()); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_MINE) >= 0) { map.put(FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_MINE, sub.isMine()); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_PUBLIC) >= 0) { map.put(FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_PUBLIC, sub.isPublic()); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_IS_SEARCH_TEMPLATE) >= 0) { map.put(FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_IS_SEARCH_TEMPLATE, sub.isSearchTemplate()); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_SUBSCRIBED) >= 0) { map.put(FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_SUBSCRIBED, sub.isSubscribed()); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_UPDATEABLE) >= 0) { map.put(FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_UPDATEABLE, sub.isUpdateable()); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_SHAREABLE) >= 0) { map.put(FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_SHAREABLE, sub.isShareable()); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_RESULTS_COUNT) >= 0) { map.put(FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_RESULTS_COUNT, sub.getResults(false).length); } SubscriptionHistory history = sub.getHistory(); if (history != null) { if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, "newResultsCount") >= 0) { map.put("newResultsCount", history.getNumUnread()); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, "nextScanTime") >= 0) { map.put("nextScanTime", history.getNextScanTime()); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, "checkFrequency") >= 0) { map.put("checkFrequency", history.getCheckFrequencyMins()); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, "consecutiveFails") >= 0) { map.put("consecutiveFails", history.getConsecFails()); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_AUTO_DOWNLOAD) >= 0) { map.put(FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_AUTO_DOWNLOAD, history.isAutoDownload()); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, "authFail") >= 0) { map.put("authFail", history.isAuthFail()); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, "error") >= 0) { addNotNullToMap(map, "error", history.getLastError()); } if (fields != null && Collections.binarySearch(fields, FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_RESULTS) >= 0) { List listResults = new ArrayList(); SubscriptionResult[] results = sub.getHistory().getResults(false); List fieldsResults = args == null ? null : (List) args.get("results-fields"); boolean allResults = fieldsResults == null || fieldsResults.size() == 0; for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { SubscriptionResult r = results[i]; listResults.add(buildSubscriptionResultMap(r, fieldsResults, allResults)); } map.put(FIELD_SUBSCRIPTION_RESULTS, listResults); } } return map; } private Map buildSubscriptionResultMap(SubscriptionResult r, List fieldsResults, boolean allResults) { Map jsonMap = r.toJSONMap(); if (!allResults) { jsonMap.keySet().retainAll(fieldsResults); } return jsonMap; } private void addNotNullToMap(Map map, String id, Object o) { if (o == null) { return; } map.put(id, o); } private void method_Tags_Get_List(Map args, Map result) { List fields = (List) args.get("fields"); boolean all = fields == null || fields.size() == 0; if (!all) { // sort so we can't use Collections.binarySearch Collections.sort(fields); } List> listTags = new ArrayList>(); TagManager tm = TagManagerFactory.getTagManager(); List tagTypes = tm.getTagTypes(); for (TagType tagType : tagTypes) { List tags = tagType.getTags(); for (Tag tag : tags) { SortedMap map = new TreeMap(); if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, FIELD_TAG_NAME) >= 0) { map.put(FIELD_TAG_NAME, tag.getTagName(true)); } //map.put("taggableTypes", tag.getTaggableTypes()); // com.aelitis.azureus.core.tag.Taggable if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, FIELD_TAG_COUNT) >= 0) { map.put(FIELD_TAG_COUNT, tag.getTaggedCount()); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, FIELD_TAG_TYPE) >= 0) { map.put(FIELD_TAG_TYPE, tag.getTagType().getTagType()); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, FIELD_TAG_TYPENAME) >= 0) { map.put(FIELD_TAG_TYPENAME, tag.getTagType().getTagTypeName(true)); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, FIELD_TAG_CATEGORY_TYPE) >= 0) { if (tag instanceof Category) { map.put(FIELD_TAG_CATEGORY_TYPE, ((Category) tag).getType()); } } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, FIELD_TAG_UID) >= 0) { map.put(FIELD_TAG_UID, tag.getTagUID()); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, FIELD_TAG_ID) >= 0) { map.put(FIELD_TAG_ID, tag.getTagID()); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, FIELD_TAG_COLOR) >= 0) { int[] color = tag.getColor(); if (color != null) { String hexColor = "#"; for (int c : color) { if (c < 0x10) { hexColor += "0"; } hexColor += Integer.toHexString(c); } map.put(FIELD_TAG_COLOR, hexColor); } } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, FIELD_TAG_CANBEPUBLIC) >= 0) { map.put(FIELD_TAG_CANBEPUBLIC, tag.canBePublic()); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, FIELD_TAG_PUBLIC) >= 0) { map.put(FIELD_TAG_PUBLIC, tag.isPublic()); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, FIELD_TAG_VISIBLE) >= 0) { map.put(FIELD_TAG_VISIBLE, tag.isVisible()); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, FIELD_TAG_GROUP) >= 0) { map.put(FIELD_TAG_GROUP, tag.getGroup()); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, FIELD_TAG_AUTO_ADD) >= 0 || Collections.binarySearch(fields, FIELD_TAG_AUTO_REMOVE) >= 0) { boolean[] auto = tag.isTagAuto(); if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, FIELD_TAG_AUTO_ADD) >= 0) { map.put(FIELD_TAG_AUTO_ADD, auto[0]); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, FIELD_TAG_AUTO_REMOVE) >= 0) { map.put(FIELD_TAG_AUTO_REMOVE, auto[1]); } } listTags.add(map); } } String hc = Long.toHexString(longHashSimpleList(listTags)); result.put("tags-hc", hc); String oldHC = MapUtils.getMapString(args, "tags-hc", null); if (!hc.equals(oldHC)) { result.put("tags", listTags); } } private void method_Free_Space(Map args, Map result) { // RPC v15 /* This method tests how much free space is available in a client-specified folder. Method name: "free-space" Request arguments: string | value type & description ------------+---------------------------------------------------------- "path" | string the directory to query Response arguments: string | value type & description ------------+---------------------------------------------------------- "path" | string same as the Request argument "size-bytes"| number the size, in bytes, of the free space in that directory */ Object oPath = args.get("path"); if (!(oPath instanceof String)) { return; } File file = new File((String) oPath); while (file != null && !file.exists()) { file = file.getParentFile(); } if (file == null) { result.put("path", oPath); result.put("size-bytes", 0); return; } long space = FileUtil.getUsableSpace(file); result.put("path", oPath); result.put("size-bytes", space); } private void method_Queue_Move_Bottom(Map args, Map result) { // RPC v14 /* string | value type & description ------------+---------------------------------------------------------- "ids" | array torrent list, as described in 3.1. */ Object ids = args.get( "ids" ); AzureusCore core = AzureusCoreFactory.getSingleton(); GlobalManager gm = core.getGlobalManager(); List dms = getDownloadManagerListFromIDs( gm, ids ); gm.moveEnd(dms.toArray(new DownloadManager[0])); } private void method_Queue_Move_Down(Map args, Map result) { // RPC v14 /* string | value type & description ------------+---------------------------------------------------------- "ids" | array torrent list, as described in 3.1. */ Object ids = args.get("ids"); AzureusCore core = AzureusCoreFactory.getSingleton(); GlobalManager gm = core.getGlobalManager(); List dms = getDownloadManagerListFromIDs( gm, ids ); Collections.sort(dms, new Comparator() { public int compare(DownloadManager a, DownloadManager b) { return b.getPosition() - a.getPosition(); } }); for (DownloadManager dm : dms) { gm.moveDown(dm); } } private void method_Queue_Move_Up(Map args, Map result) { // RPC v14 /* string | value type & description ------------+---------------------------------------------------------- "ids" | array torrent list, as described in 3.1. */ Object ids = args.get("ids"); AzureusCore core = AzureusCoreFactory.getSingleton(); GlobalManager gm = core.getGlobalManager(); List dms = getDownloadManagerListFromIDs( gm, ids ); Collections.sort(dms, new Comparator() { public int compare(DownloadManager a, DownloadManager b) { return a.getPosition() - b.getPosition(); } }); for (DownloadManager dm : dms) { gm.moveUp(dm); } } private void method_Queue_Move_Top(Map args, Map result) { // RPC v14 /* string | value type & description ------------+---------------------------------------------------------- "ids" | array torrent list, as described in 3.1. */ Object ids = args.get( "ids" ); AzureusCore core = AzureusCoreFactory.getSingleton(); GlobalManager gm = core.getGlobalManager(); List dms = getDownloadManagerListFromIDs( gm, ids ); gm.moveTop(dms.toArray(new DownloadManager[0])); } private void method_Session_Get(Map args, Map result) { PluginConfig pc = plugin_interface.getPluginconfig(); String save_dir = pc.getCoreStringParameter( PluginConfig.CORE_PARAM_STRING_DEFAULT_SAVE_PATH ); int tcp_port = pc.getCoreIntParameter( PluginConfig.CORE_PARAM_INT_INCOMING_TCP_PORT ); //int up_limit_normal = pc.getCoreIntParameter( PluginConfig.CORE_PARAM_INT_MAX_UPLOAD_SPEED_KBYTES_PER_SEC ); //int up_limit_seedingOnly = pc.getCoreIntParameter( PluginConfig.CORE_PARAM_INT_MAX_UPLOAD_SPEED_SEEDING_KBYTES_PER_SEC ); int up_limit = pc.getCoreIntParameter( TransferSpeedValidator.getActiveUploadParameter(AzureusCoreFactory.getSingleton().getGlobalManager())); int down_limit = pc.getCoreIntParameter( PluginConfig.CORE_PARAM_INT_MAX_DOWNLOAD_SPEED_KBYTES_PER_SEC ); int glob_con = pc.getCoreIntParameter( PluginConfig.CORE_PARAM_INT_MAX_CONNECTIONS_GLOBAL ); int tor_con = pc.getCoreIntParameter( PluginConfig.CORE_PARAM_INT_MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_TORRENT ); //boolean auto_speed_on = pc.getCoreBooleanParameter( PluginConfig.CORE_PARAM_BOOLEAN_AUTO_SPEED_ON ) || // pc.getCoreBooleanParameter( PluginConfig.CORE_PARAM_BOOLEAN_AUTO_SPEED_SEEDING_ON ); boolean require_enc = COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter("network.transport.encrypted.require"); float stop_ratio = COConfigurationManager.getFloatParameter( "Stop Ratio" ); String az_mode = getAZMode(); IpFilter ipFilter = IpFilterManagerFactory.getSingleton().getIPFilter(); String filter_url = COConfigurationManager.getStringParameter("Ip Filter Autoload File", ""); final PluginInterface dht_pi = plugin_interface.getPluginManager().getPluginInterfaceByClass( DHTPlugin.class ); DHTPlugin dht = (DHTPlugin)dht_pi.getPlugin(); PluginInterface piUTP = plugin_interface.getPluginManager().getPluginInterfaceByID("azutp"); boolean hasUTP = piUTP != null && piUTP.getPluginState().isOperational() && piUTP.getPluginconfig().getPluginBooleanParameter("utp.enabled", true); result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_BLOCKLIST_ENABLED, ipFilter.isEnabled() ); result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_BLOCKLIST_URL, filter_url ); // RPC v5, but no constant! result.put( "blocklist-size", ipFilter.getNbRanges()); // number number of rules in the blocklist result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_MAX_CACHE_SIZE_MB, 0 ); // TODO result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_DHT_ENABLED, dht.isInitialising() || dht.isEnabled() ); result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_UTP_ENABLED, hasUTP ); result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_LPD_ENABLED, false ); result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_DOWNLOAD_DIR, save_dir); // RPC 12 to 14 result.put("download-dir-free-space", -1); result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_DSPEED_KBps, down_limit > 0 ? down_limit : pc.getUnsafeIntParameter("config.ui.speed.partitions.manual.download.last")); result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_DSPEED_ENABLED, down_limit != 0 ); result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_ENCRYPTION, require_enc?"required":"preferred" ); // string "required", "preferred", "tolerated" result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_IDLE_LIMIT, 30 ); //TODO result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_IDLE_LIMIT_ENABLED, false );//TODO result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_INCOMPLETE_DIR, save_dir ); result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_INCOMPLETE_DIR_ENABLED, false );//TODO //result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_MSGLEVEL, TR_MSG_INF ); // Not in Spec result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_DOWNLOAD_QUEUE_SIZE, 5 );//TODO result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_DOWNLOAD_QUEUE_ENABLED, true ); //TODO result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_PEER_LIMIT_GLOBAL, glob_con ); result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_PEER_LIMIT_TORRENT, tor_con ); result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_PEER_PORT, tcp_port ); result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_PEER_PORT_RANDOM_ON_START, false ); //TODO //result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_PEER_PORT_RANDOM_LOW, 49152 ); // Not in Spec //result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_PEER_PORT_RANDOM_HIGH, 65535 ); // Not in Spec //result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_PEER_SOCKET_TOS, TR_DEFAULT_PEER_SOCKET_TOS_STR ); //TODO result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_PEX_ENABLED, true ); //TODO result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_PORT_FORWARDING, false ); //TODO //result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_PREALLOCATION, TR_PREALLOCATE_SPARSE ); //TODO //result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_PREFETCH_ENABLED, DEFAULT_PREFETCH_ENABLED ); //TODO result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_QUEUE_STALLED_ENABLED, true ); //TODO result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_QUEUE_STALLED_MINUTES, 30 ); //TODO result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_RATIO, 2.0 ); //TODO (wrong key?) result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_RATIO_ENABLED, false ); //TODO (wrong key?) result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_RENAME_PARTIAL_FILES, true ); //TODO //result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_RPC_AUTH_REQUIRED, false ); // Not in Spec //String bindIP = pc.getPluginStringParameter(WebPlugin.CONFIG_BIND_IP); //result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_RPC_BIND_ADDRESS, bindIP == null || bindIP.length() == 0 ? "" : bindIP ); //result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_RPC_ENABLED, false ); // Not in Spec //result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_RPC_PASSWORD, "" ); // Not in Spec //result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_RPC_USERNAME, "" ); // Not in Spec //result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_RPC_WHITELIST, TR_DEFAULT_RPC_WHITELIST ); // Not in Spec //result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_RPC_WHITELIST_ENABLED, true ); // Not in Spec //result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_RPC_PORT, atoi( TR_DEFAULT_RPC_PORT_STR ) ); // Not in Spec //result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_RPC_URL, TR_DEFAULT_RPC_URL_STR ); // Not in Spec //result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_SCRAPE_PAUSED_TORRENTS, true ); // Not in Spec result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_SCRIPT_TORRENT_DONE_FILENAME, "" ); //TODO result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_SCRIPT_TORRENT_DONE_ENABLED, false ); //TODO result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_SEED_QUEUE_SIZE, 10 ); //TODO result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_SEED_QUEUE_ENABLED, false ); //TODO result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_ALT_SPEED_ENABLED, false ); //TODO result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_ALT_SPEED_UP_KBps, 50 ); //TODO result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_ALT_SPEED_DOWN_KBps, 50 ); //TODO result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_ALT_SPEED_TIME_BEGIN, 540 ); /* 9am */ //TODO result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_ALT_SPEED_TIME_ENABLED, false ); //TODO result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_ALT_SPEED_TIME_END, 1020 ); /* 5pm */ //TODO result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_ALT_SPEED_TIME_DAY, TransmissionVars.TR_SCHED_ALL ); //TODO result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_USPEED_KBps, up_limit > 0 ? up_limit :pc.getUnsafeIntParameter("config.ui.speed.partitions.manual.upload.last")); result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_USPEED_ENABLED, up_limit != 0); //result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_UMASK, 022 ); // Not in Spec result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_UPLOAD_SLOTS_PER_TORRENT, 14 ); //TODO //result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_BIND_ADDRESS_IPV4, TR_DEFAULT_BIND_ADDRESS_IPV4 ); //TODO //result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_BIND_ADDRESS_IPV6, TR_DEFAULT_BIND_ADDRESS_IPV6 ); //TODO result.put("config-dir", "" ); //TODO boolean startStopped = COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter("Default Start Torrents Stopped"); result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_START, !startStopped ); //TODO boolean renamePartial = COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter("Rename Incomplete Files"); result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_RENAME_PARTIAL_FILES, renamePartial); result.put(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_TRASH_ORIGINAL, false ); //TODO String az_version = Constants.AZUREUS_VERSION; try{ // get the actual version instead of cached constant; since 5001 az_version = Constants.getCurrentVersion(); }catch( Throwable e ){ } result.put( "port", new Long( tcp_port ) ); // number port number result.put( "rpc-version", new Long( 15 )); // number the current RPC API version result.put( "rpc-version-minimum", new Long( 6 )); // number the minimum RPC API version supported result.put( "seedRatioLimit", new Double(stop_ratio) ); // double the default seed ratio for torrents to use result.put( "seedRatioLimited", stop_ratio>0 ); // boolean true if seedRatioLimit is honored by default String version = plugin_interface.getPluginVersion(); result.put( "version", version == null ? "Source" : version); // string result.put( "az-rpc-version", VUZE_RPC_VERSION); result.put( "az-version", az_version ); // string result.put( "az-mode", az_mode ); // string result.put( "rpc-i2p-address", pc.getPluginStringParameter("webui.i2p_dest")); result.put( "rpc-tor-address", pc.getPluginStringParameter("webui.tor_dest")); result.put( "az-content-port", getMediaServerActivePort()); List listSupports = new ArrayList(); Collections.addAll(listSupports, "rpc:receive-gzip", "field:files-hc", "method:tags-get-list", "field:torrent-set-name", "method:subscription-get", "method:subscription-add", "method:subscription-remove", "method:subscription-set", "method:vuze-plugin-get-list", "method:tags-lookup-start", "method:tags-lookup-get-results", "method:vuze-search-start", "method:vuze-search-get-results", "torrent-add:torrent-duplicate"); synchronized( json_server_method_lock ){ for (String key : json_server_methods.keySet()) { listSupports.add("method:" + key); } } result.put("rpc-supports", listSupports); if (lastVerserverCheck == 0 || SystemTime.getCurrentTime() - lastVerserverCheck > 864000l) { lastVerserverCheck = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); Map decoded = VersionCheckClient.getSingleton().getVersionCheckInfo("xmw"); String userMessage = getUserMessage(decoded); if (userMessage != null) { result.put("az-message", userMessage); } } //result.put("az-message", "This is a test message with a Link"); } public int getMediaServerActivePort() { return plugin_interface.getPluginconfig().getUnsafeIntParameter( "Plugin.azupnpav.content_port", -1); } private String getUserMessage( Map reply ) { try { byte[] message_bytes = MapUtils.getMapByteArray(reply, "xmwebui_message", null); if (message_bytes == null || message_bytes.length == 0) { return null; } String message; try { message = new String(message_bytes, "UTF-8"); } catch (Throwable e) { message = new String(message_bytes); } byte[] signature = MapUtils.getMapByteArray(reply, "xmwebui_message_sig", null); if (signature == null) { log("Signature missing from message"); return null; } try { AEVerifier.verifyData(message, signature); } catch (Throwable e) { log("Message signature check failed", e); return null; } return message; } catch (Throwable e) { log("Failed get message", e); Debug.printStackTrace(e); } return null; } private void method_Session_Set(Map args, Map result) throws IOException { checkUpdatePermissions(); PluginConfig pc = plugin_interface.getPluginconfig(); /* "download-queue-size" | number | max number of torrents to download at once (see download-queue-enabled) "download-queue-enabled" | boolean | if true, limit how many torrents can be downloaded at once "dht-enabled" | boolean | true means allow dht in public torrents "encryption" | string | "required", "preferred", "tolerated" "idle-seeding-limit" | number | torrents we're seeding will be stopped if they're idle for this long "idle-seeding-limit-enabled" | boolean | true if the seeding inactivity limit is honored by default "incomplete-dir" | string | path for incomplete torrents, when enabled "incomplete-dir-enabled" | boolean | true means keep torrents in incomplete-dir until done "lpd-enabled" | boolean | true means allow Local Peer Discovery in public torrents "peer-limit-global" | number | maximum global number of peers "peer-limit-per-torrent" | number | maximum global number of peers "pex-enabled" | boolean | true means allow pex in public torrents "peer-port" | number | port number "peer-port-random-on-start" | boolean | true means pick a random peer port on launch "port-forwarding-enabled" | boolean | true means enabled "queue-stalled-enabled" | boolean | whether or not to consider idle torrents as stalled "queue-stalled-minutes" | number | torrents that are idle for N minuets aren't counted toward seed-queue-size or download-queue-size "rename-partial-files" | boolean | true means append ".part" to incomplete files "script-torrent-done-filename" | string | filename of the script to run "script-torrent-done-enabled" | boolean | whether or not to call the "done" script "seedRatioLimit" | double | the default seed ratio for torrents to use "seedRatioLimited" | boolean | true if seedRatioLimit is honored by default "seed-queue-size" | number | max number of torrents to uploaded at once (see seed-queue-enabled) "seed-queue-enabled" | boolean | if true, limit how many torrents can be uploaded at once "speed-limit-down" | number | max global download speed (KBps) "speed-limit-down-enabled" | boolean | true means enabled "speed-limit-up" | number | max global upload speed (KBps) "speed-limit-up-enabled" | boolean | true means enabled "start-added-torrents" | boolean | true means added torrents will be started right away "trash-original-torrent-files" | boolean | true means the .torrent file of added torrents will be deleted "utp-enabled" | boolean | true means allow utp */ for (Map.Entry arg : ((Map) args).entrySet()) { String key = arg.getKey(); Object val = arg.getValue(); try { if (key.startsWith("alt-speed")) { // TODO: // "alt-speed-down" | number | max global download speed (KBps) // "alt-speed-enabled" | boolean | true means use the alt speeds // "alt-speed-time-begin" | number | when to turn on alt speeds (units: minutes after midnight) // "alt-speed-time-enabled" | boolean | true means the scheduled on/off times are used // "alt-speed-time-end" | number | when to turn off alt speeds (units: same) // "alt-speed-time-day" | number | what day(s) to turn on alt speeds (look at tr_sched_day) // "alt-speed-up" | number | max global upload speed (KBps) } else if (key.equals("blocklist-url")) { // "blocklist-url" | string | location of the blocklist to use for "blocklist-update" IpFilter ipFilter = IpFilterManagerFactory.getSingleton().getIPFilter(); COConfigurationManager.setParameter("Ip Filter Autoload File", (String) val); COConfigurationManager.setParameter( IpFilterAutoLoaderImpl.CFG_AUTOLOAD_LAST, 0); try { ipFilter.reload(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (key.equals("blocklist-enabled")) { // "blocklist-enabled" | boolean | true means enabled plugin_interface.getIPFilter().setEnabled(getBoolean(val)); } else if (key.equals("cache-size-mb")) { // "cache-size-mb" | number | maximum size of the disk cache (MB) // umm.. not needed } else if (key.equals("download-dir")) { // "download-dir" | string | default path to download torrents String dir = (String) val; String save_dir = pc.getCoreStringParameter(PluginConfig.CORE_PARAM_STRING_DEFAULT_SAVE_PATH); if (!save_dir.equals(dir)) { save_dir = dir; pc.setCoreStringParameter( PluginConfig.CORE_PARAM_STRING_DEFAULT_SAVE_PATH, dir); } } else if (key.equals("")) { } else if (key.equals("")) { } else if (key.equals("")) { } else if (key.equals("")) { } else if (key.equals("")) { } else if (key.equals("")) { } else if (key.equals("")) { } else if (key.equals(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_START)) { COConfigurationManager.setParameter("Default Start Torrents Stopped", !getBoolean(val)); } else if (key.equals(TransmissionVars.TR_PREFS_KEY_RENAME_PARTIAL_FILES)) { COConfigurationManager.setParameter("Rename Incomplete Files", getBoolean(val)); } else if (key.equals("speed-limit-down-enabled") || key.equals("downloadLimited")) { int down_limit = pc.getCoreIntParameter(PluginConfig.CORE_PARAM_INT_MAX_DOWNLOAD_SPEED_KBYTES_PER_SEC); boolean enable = getBoolean(val); if (!enable && down_limit != 0) { down_limit = 0; pc.setCoreIntParameter( PluginConfig.CORE_PARAM_INT_MAX_DOWNLOAD_SPEED_KBYTES_PER_SEC, down_limit); } else if (enable && down_limit == 0) { int lastRate = pc.getUnsafeIntParameter("config.ui.speed.partitions.manual.download.last"); if (lastRate <= 0) { lastRate = 10; } pc.setCoreIntParameter( PluginConfig.CORE_PARAM_INT_MAX_DOWNLOAD_SPEED_KBYTES_PER_SEC, lastRate); } } else if (key.equals("speed-limit-down") || key.equals("downloadLimit")) { int down_limit = pc.getCoreIntParameter(PluginConfig.CORE_PARAM_INT_MAX_DOWNLOAD_SPEED_KBYTES_PER_SEC); int limit = getNumber(val).intValue(); if (limit != down_limit) { down_limit = limit; pc.setCoreIntParameter( PluginConfig.CORE_PARAM_INT_MAX_DOWNLOAD_SPEED_KBYTES_PER_SEC, limit); } } else if (key.equals("speed-limit-up-enabled") || key.equals("uploadLimited")) { boolean enable = getBoolean(val); // turn off auto speed for both normal and seeding-only mode // this will reset upload speed to what it was before it was on pc.setCoreBooleanParameter( PluginConfig.CORE_PARAM_BOOLEAN_AUTO_SPEED_ON, false); pc.setCoreBooleanParameter( PluginConfig.CORE_PARAM_BOOLEAN_AUTO_SPEED_SEEDING_ON, false); int up_limit = pc.getCoreIntParameter(PluginConfig.CORE_PARAM_INT_MAX_UPLOAD_SPEED_KBYTES_PER_SEC); int up_limit_seeding = pc.getCoreIntParameter(PluginConfig.CORE_PARAM_INT_MAX_UPLOAD_SPEED_SEEDING_KBYTES_PER_SEC); if (!enable) { pc.setCoreIntParameter( PluginConfig.CORE_PARAM_INT_MAX_UPLOAD_SPEED_KBYTES_PER_SEC, 0); pc.setCoreIntParameter( PluginConfig.CORE_PARAM_INT_MAX_UPLOAD_SPEED_SEEDING_KBYTES_PER_SEC, 0); } else if (enable && (up_limit == 0 || up_limit_seeding == 0)) { int lastRate = pc.getUnsafeIntParameter("config.ui.speed.partitions.manual.upload.last"); if (lastRate <= 0) { lastRate = 10; } pc.setCoreIntParameter( PluginConfig.CORE_PARAM_INT_MAX_UPLOAD_SPEED_KBYTES_PER_SEC, lastRate); pc.setCoreIntParameter( PluginConfig.CORE_PARAM_INT_MAX_UPLOAD_SPEED_SEEDING_KBYTES_PER_SEC, lastRate); } } else if (key.equals("speed-limit-up") || key.equals("uploadLimit")) { // turn off auto speed for both normal and seeding-only mode // this will reset upload speed to what it was before it was on pc.setCoreBooleanParameter( PluginConfig.CORE_PARAM_BOOLEAN_AUTO_SPEED_ON, false); pc.setCoreBooleanParameter( PluginConfig.CORE_PARAM_BOOLEAN_AUTO_SPEED_SEEDING_ON, false); int limit = getNumber(val).intValue(); pc.setCoreIntParameter( PluginConfig.CORE_PARAM_INT_MAX_UPLOAD_SPEED_KBYTES_PER_SEC, limit); pc.setCoreIntParameter( PluginConfig.CORE_PARAM_INT_MAX_UPLOAD_SPEED_SEEDING_KBYTES_PER_SEC, limit); } else if (key.equals("peer-port") || key.equals("port")) { int port = getNumber(val).intValue(); pc.setCoreIntParameter(PluginConfig.CORE_PARAM_INT_INCOMING_TCP_PORT, port); } else if (key.equals("encryption")) { String value = (String) val; boolean required = value.equals("required"); COConfigurationManager.setParameter( "network.transport.encrypted.require", required); } else if (key.equals("seedRatioLimit")) { // RPC v5 float ratio = getNumber(val).floatValue(); COConfigurationManager.setParameter("Stop Ratio", ratio); } else if (key.equals("seedRatioLimited")) { // RPC v5 boolean limit = getBoolean(val); float ratio; if (limit) { // 2f is made up; sharing is caring if (args.containsKey("seedRatioLimit")) { ratio = getNumber(args.get("seedRatioLimit"), 2f).floatValue(); } else { ratio = 2f; } } else { ratio = 0f; } COConfigurationManager.setParameter("Stop Ratio", ratio); } else { if ( trace_param.getValue() ){ log("Unhandled session-set field: " + key); } } } catch (Throwable t) { Debug.out(key + ":" + val, t); } } } private void method_Blocklist_Update(Map args, Map result) { // TODO log("blocklist-update not supported"); } private void method_Torrent_Rename_Path( Map args, Map result) { /* Request arguments: string | value type & description ---------------------------------+------------------------------------------------- "ids" | array the torrent torrent list, as described in 3.1 | (must only be 1 torrent) "path" | string the path to the file or folder that will be renamed "name" | string the file or folder's new name Response arguments: "path", "name", and "id", holding the torrent ID integer */ if ( trace_param.getValue() ){ log( "unhandled method: torrent-rename-path - " + args ); } } private void method_Torrent_Set_Location( Map args, Map result) throws IOException, DownloadException { /* Request arguments: string | value type & description ---------------------------+------------------------------------------------- "ids" | array torrent list, as described in 3.1 "location" | string the new torrent location "move" | boolean if true, move from previous location. | otherwise, search "location" for files | (default: false) Response arguments: none */ checkUpdatePermissions(); Object ids = args.get( "ids" ); boolean moveData = getBoolean( args.get( "move" )); String sSavePath = (String) args.get("location"); List downloads = getDownloads( ids, false ); File fSavePath = new File(sSavePath); for ( DownloadStub download_stub: downloads ){ Download download = destubbify( download_stub ); if (moveData) { Torrent torrent = download.getTorrent(); if (torrent == null || torrent.isSimpleTorrent() || fSavePath.getParentFile() == null) { download.moveDataFiles(fSavePath); } else { download.moveDataFiles(fSavePath.getParentFile(), fSavePath.getName()); } } else { DownloadManager dm = PluginCoreUtils.unwrap(download); // This is copied from TorrentUtils.changeDirSelectedTorrent int state = dm.getState(); if (state == DownloadManager.STATE_STOPPED) { if (!dm.filesExist(true)) { state = DownloadManager.STATE_ERROR; } } if (state == DownloadManager.STATE_ERROR) { dm.setTorrentSaveDir(sSavePath); boolean found = dm.filesExist(true); if (!found && dm.getTorrent() != null && !dm.getTorrent().isSimpleTorrent()) { String parentPath = fSavePath.getParent(); if (parentPath != null) { dm.setTorrentSaveDir(parentPath); found = dm.filesExist(true); if (!found) { dm.setTorrentSaveDir(sSavePath); } } } if (found) { dm.stopIt(DownloadManager.STATE_STOPPED, false, false); dm.setStateQueued(); } } } } } private void method_Session_Stats( Map args, Map result) { /* string | value type ---------------------------+------------------------------------------------- "activeTorrentCount" | number "downloadSpeed" | number "pausedTorrentCount" | number "torrentCount" | number "uploadSpeed" | number ---------------------------+-------------------------------+ "cumulative-stats" | object, containing: | +------------------+------------+ | uploadedBytes | number | tr_session_stats | downloadedBytes | number | tr_session_stats | filesAdded | number | tr_session_stats | sessionCount | number | tr_session_stats | secondsActive | number | tr_session_stats ---------------------------+-------------------------------+ "current-stats" | object, containing: | +------------------+------------+ | uploadedBytes | number | tr_session_stats | downloadedBytes | number | tr_session_stats | filesAdded | number | tr_session_stats | sessionCount | number | tr_session_stats | secondsActive | number | tr_session_stats */ List fields = (List) args.get("fields"); boolean all = fields == null || fields.size() == 0; if (!all) { // sort so we can't use Collections.binarySearch Collections.sort(fields); } AzureusCore core = AzureusCoreFactory.getSingleton(); GlobalManager gm = core.getGlobalManager(); GlobalManagerStats stats = gm.getStats(); TagManager tm = TagManagerFactory.getTagManager(); // < RPC v4 if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, TR_SESSION_STATS_ACTIVE_TORRENT_COUNT) >= 0) { // Could use 7 or "tag.type.ds.act" for tag_active Tag tag = tm.getTagType(TagType.TT_DOWNLOAD_STATE).getTag(7); result.put(TR_SESSION_STATS_ACTIVE_TORRENT_COUNT, tag == null ? 0 : tag.getTaggedCount()); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, TR_SESSION_STATS_DOWNLOAD_SPEED) >= 0) { result.put(TR_SESSION_STATS_DOWNLOAD_SPEED, stats.getDataAndProtocolReceiveRate()); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, TR_SESSION_STATS_PAUSED_TORRENT_COUNT) >= 0) { // Could use 8 or "tag.type.ds.pau" for tag_pause Tag tag = tm.getTagType(TagType.TT_DOWNLOAD_STATE).getTag(8); result.put(TR_SESSION_STATS_PAUSED_TORRENT_COUNT, tag == null ? 0 : tag.getTaggedCount()); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, TR_SESSION_STATS_TORRENT_COUNT) >= 0) { // XXX: This is size with low-noise torrents, which aren't normally shown result.put(TR_SESSION_STATS_TORRENT_COUNT, gm.getDownloadManagers().size()); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, TR_SESSION_STATS_UPLOAD_SPEED) >= 0) { result.put(TR_SESSION_STATS_UPLOAD_SPEED, stats.getDataAndProtocolSendRate()); } // RPC v4 if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, TR_SESSION_STATS_CURRENT) >= 0) { Map current_stats = new HashMap(); result.put(TR_SESSION_STATS_CURRENT, current_stats); current_stats.put("uploadedBytes", stats.getTotalDataBytesSent()); current_stats.put("downloadedBytes", stats.getTotalDataBytesReceived()); long sent = stats.getTotalDataBytesSent(); long received = stats.getTotalDataBytesReceived(); float ratio; if (received == 0) { ratio = (sent == 0 ? 1 : Float.MAX_VALUE); } else { ratio = ((float) sent) / received; } current_stats.put("ratio", ratio); current_stats.put("secondsActive", 0); // TODO } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(fields, TR_SESSION_STATS_CUMULATIVE) >= 0) { // RPC v4 Map cumulative_stats = new HashMap(); result.put("cumulative-stats", cumulative_stats); // TODO: ALL! cumulative_stats.put("uploadedBytes", 0); cumulative_stats.put("downloadedBytes", 0); cumulative_stats.put("ratio", 0); cumulative_stats.put("secondsActive", 0); cumulative_stats.put("sessionCount", 0); } } private void method_Torrent_Set( String session_id, Map args, Map result) { Object ids = args.get( "ids" ); handleRecentlyRemoved( session_id, args, result ); List downloads = getDownloads( ids, false ); // RPC v5 // Not used: Number bandwidthPriority = getNumber("bandwidthPriority", null); Number speed_limit_down = getNumber( args.get("downloadLimit"), getNumber(args.get("speed-limit-down"), getNumber(args.get("speedLimitDownload")))); Boolean downloadLimited = getBoolean("downloadLimited", null); List files_wanted = (List)args.get( "files-wanted" ); List files_unwanted = (List)args.get( "files-unwanted" ); // RPC v5 /** true if session upload limits are honored */ // Not Used: Boolean honorsSessionLimits = getBoolean("honorsSessionLimits", null); // "location" | string new location of the torrent's content String location = (String) args.get("location"); // Not Implemented: By default, Vuze automatically adjusts mac connections per torrent based on bandwidth and seeding state // "peer-limit" | number maximum number of peers List priority_high = (List)args.get( "priority-high" ); List priority_low = (List)args.get( "priority-low" ); List priority_normal = (List)args.get( "priority-normal" ); List file_infos = (List)args.get( "files" ); // RPC v14 // "queuePosition" | number position of this torrent in its queue [0...n) Number queuePosition = getNumber("queuePosition", null); // RPC v10 // "seedIdleLimit" | number torrent-level number of minutes of seeding inactivity // RPC v10: Not used, always TransmissionVars.TR_IDLELIMIT_GLOBAL // "seedIdleMode" | number which seeding inactivity to use. See tr_inactvelimit (OR tr_idlelimit and TR_IDLELIMIT_*) // RPC v5: Not Supported // "seedRatioLimit" | double torrent-level seeding ratio // RPC v5: Not Supported // "seedRatioMode" | number which ratio to use. See tr_ratiolimit // RPC v10 // "trackerAdd" | array strings of announce URLs to add List trackerAddList = (List) args.get("trackerAdd"); // RPC v10: TODO // "trackerRemove" | array ids of trackers to remove // List trackerRemoveList = (List) args.get("trackerRemove"); // RPC v10: TODO // "trackerReplace" | array pairs of // "uploadLimit" | number maximum upload speed (KBps) Number speed_limit_up = getNumber( args.get("uploadLimit"), getNumber(args.get("speed-limit-up"), getNumber(args.get("speedLimitUpload")))); // "uploadLimited" | boolean true if "uploadLimit" is honored Boolean uploadLimited = getBoolean("uploadLimited", null); // RPC Vuze // "tagAdd" | array array of tags to add to torrent List tagAddList = (List) args.get("tagAdd"); List tagRemoveList = (List) args.get("tagRemove"); Long l_uploaded_ever = (Long)args.get( "uploadedEver" ); Long l_downloaded_ever = (Long)args.get( "downloadedEver" ); long uploaded_ever = l_uploaded_ever==null?-1:l_uploaded_ever.longValue(); long downloaded_ever = l_downloaded_ever==null?-1:l_downloaded_ever.longValue(); String name = (String) args.get("name"); for ( DownloadStub download_stub: downloads ){ try{ Download download = destubbify( download_stub ); Torrent t = download.getTorrent(); if ( t == null ){ continue; } if (location != null) { File file = new File(location); if (!file.isFile()) { try { download.moveDataFiles(file); } catch (DownloadException e) { Debug.out(e); } } } if (name != null) { DownloadManager core_download = PluginCoreUtils.unwrap(download); core_download.getDownloadState().setDisplayName(name); } if (queuePosition != null) { download.moveTo(queuePosition.intValue()); } if (trackerAddList != null) { for (Object oTracker : trackerAddList) { if (oTracker instanceof String) { String aTracker = (String) oTracker; TorrentUtils.announceGroupsInsertFirst(PluginCoreUtils.unwrap(t), aTracker); } } } if ( speed_limit_down != null && Boolean.TRUE.equals(downloadLimited) ){ download.setDownloadRateLimitBytesPerSecond( speed_limit_down.intValue()); } else if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(downloadLimited)) { download.setDownloadRateLimitBytesPerSecond(0); } if ( speed_limit_up != null && Boolean.TRUE.equals(uploadLimited) ){ download.setUploadRateLimitBytesPerSecond( speed_limit_up.intValue()); } else if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(uploadLimited)) { download.setUploadRateLimitBytesPerSecond(0); } if (tagAddList != null) { TagManager tm = TagManagerFactory.getTagManager(); if (tm.isEnabled()) { TagType tt = tm.getTagType(TagType.TT_DOWNLOAD_MANUAL); for (Object oTagToAdd : tagAddList) { if (oTagToAdd != null) { addTagToDownload(download, oTagToAdd, tt); } } } } if (tagRemoveList != null) { TagManager tm = TagManagerFactory.getTagManager(); if (tm.isEnabled()) { TagType ttManual = tm.getTagType(TagType.TT_DOWNLOAD_MANUAL); TagType ttCategory = tm.getTagType(TagType.TT_DOWNLOAD_CATEGORY); for (Object oTagToAdd : tagRemoveList) { if (oTagToAdd instanceof String) { Tag tag = ttManual.getTag((String) oTagToAdd, true); if (tag != null) { tag.removeTaggable(PluginCoreUtils.unwrap(download)); } tag = ttCategory.getTag((String) oTagToAdd, true); if (tag != null) { tag.removeTaggable(PluginCoreUtils.unwrap(download)); } } else if (oTagToAdd instanceof Number) { int uid = ((Number) oTagToAdd).intValue(); Tag tag = ttManual.getTag(uid); if (tag != null) { tag.removeTaggable(PluginCoreUtils.unwrap(download)); } tag = ttCategory.getTag(uid); if (tag != null) { tag.removeTaggable(PluginCoreUtils.unwrap(download)); } } } } } DiskManagerFileInfo[] files = download.getDiskManagerFileInfo(); if ( files_unwanted != null ){ for ( int i=0;i= 0 && index <= files.length ){ files[index].setSkipped( true ); } } } if ( files_wanted != null ){ for ( int i=0;i= 0 && index <= files.length ){ files[index].setSkipped( false ); } } } if ( priority_high != null ){ for ( int i=0;i= 0 && index <= files.length ){ files[index].setNumericPriority( DiskManagerFileInfo.PRIORITY_HIGH ); } } } if ( priority_normal != null ){ for ( int i=0;i= 0 && index <= files.length ){ files[index].setNumericPriority( DiskManagerFileInfo.PRIORITY_NORMAL ); } } } if ( priority_low != null ){ for ( int i=0;i= 0 && index <= files.length ){ files[index].setNumericPriority( DiskManagerFileInfo.PRIORITY_LOW ); } } } if ( uploaded_ever != -1 || downloaded_ever != -1 ){ // new method in 4511 B31 try{ download.getStats().resetUploadedDownloaded( uploaded_ever, downloaded_ever ); }catch( Throwable e ){ } } if ( file_infos != null ){ boolean paused_it = false; try{ for ( int i=0;i= files.length ){ throw( new IOException( "File index '" + index + "' invalid for '" + download.getName()+ "'" )); } //String path = (String)file_info.get( "path" ); don't support changing this yet String new_name = (String)file_info.get( "name" ); // terminal name of the file (NOT the whole relative path+name) if ( new_name == null || new_name.trim().length() == 0 ){ throw( new IOException( "'name' is mandatory")); } new_name = new_name.trim(); DiskManagerFileInfo file = files[index]; File existing = file.getFile( true ); if ( existing.getName().equals( new_name )){ continue; } if ( !download.isPaused()){ download.pause(); paused_it = true; } File new_file = new File( existing.getParentFile(), new_name ); if ( new_file.exists()){ throw( new IOException( "new file '" + new_file + "' already exists" )); } file.setLink( new_file ); } }finally{ if ( paused_it ){ download.resume(); } } } }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.out( e ); } } } private void addTagToDownload(Download download, Object tagToAdd, TagType tt) { Tag tag = null; if (tagToAdd instanceof String) { String tagNameToAdd = (String) tagToAdd; tagToAdd = tagNameToAdd.trim(); if (tagNameToAdd.length() == 0) { return; } tag = tt.getTag(tagNameToAdd, true); if (tag == null) { try { tag = tt.createTag(tagNameToAdd, true); } catch (Throwable e) { Debug.out(e); } } } else if (tagToAdd instanceof Number) { tag = tt.getTag(((Number) tagToAdd).intValue()); } if (tag != null) { tag.addTaggable(PluginCoreUtils.unwrap(download)); } } private void method_Torrent_Reannounce( Map args, Map result) throws IOException { checkUpdatePermissions(); Object ids = args.get( "ids" ); List downloads = getDownloads( ids, false ); for ( DownloadStub download_stub: downloads ){ try{ destubbify( download_stub ).requestTrackerAnnounce(); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.out( "Failed to reannounce '" + download_stub.getName() + "'", e ); } } } private void method_Torrent_Remove( Map args, Map result) throws IOException { /* Request arguments: string | value type & description ---------------------------+------------------------------------------------- "ids" | array torrent list, as described in 3.1 "delete-local-data" | boolean delete local data. (default: false) Response arguments: none */ checkUpdatePermissions(); Object ids = args.get( "ids" ); boolean delete_data = getBoolean( args.get( "delete-local-data" )); List downloads = getDownloads( ids, true ); for ( DownloadStub download_stub: downloads ){ try{ if ( download_stub instanceof MagnetDownload ){ synchronized( magnet_downloads ){ magnet_downloads.remove( download_stub ); } addRecentlyRemoved( download_stub ); }else{ Download download = destubbify( download_stub ); int state = download.getState(); if ( state != Download.ST_STOPPED ){ download.stop(); } if ( delete_data ){ download.remove( true, true ); }else{ download.remove(); } addRecentlyRemoved( download ); } }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.out( "Failed to remove download '" + download_stub.getName() + "'", e ); } } } private void method_Torrent_Verify( Map args, Map result) throws IOException { checkUpdatePermissions(); Object ids = args.get( "ids" ); List downloads = getDownloads( ids, false ); for ( DownloadStub download_stub: downloads ){ try{ Download download = destubbify( download_stub ); int state = download.getState(); if ( state != Download.ST_STOPPED ){ download.stop(); } download.recheckData(); }catch( Throwable e ){ } } } private void method_Torrent_Stop( Map args, Map result) throws IOException { checkUpdatePermissions(); Object ids = args.get( "ids" ); List downloads = getDownloads( ids, false ); for ( DownloadStub download_stub: downloads ){ if ( !download_stub.isStub()){ try{ Download download = destubbify( download_stub ); int state = download.getState(); if ( state != Download.ST_STOPPED ){ download.stop(); } }catch( Throwable e ){ } } } } private void method_Torrent_Start( Map args, Map result) throws IOException { checkUpdatePermissions(); Object ids = args.get( "ids" ); List downloads = getDownloads( ids, false ); for ( DownloadStub download_stub: downloads ){ try{ Download download = destubbify( download_stub ); int state = download.getState(); if ( state != Download.ST_DOWNLOADING && state != Download.ST_SEEDING ){ download.restart(); } }catch( Throwable e ){ } } } private void method_Torrent_Start_Now( Map args, Map result) throws IOException { checkUpdatePermissions(); Object ids = args.get( "ids" ); List downloads = getDownloads( ids, false ); for ( DownloadStub download_stub: downloads ){ try{ Download download = destubbify( download_stub ); download.startDownload(true); }catch( Throwable e ){ } } } private void processVuzeFileAdd( final Map args, Map result ) throws IOException, TextualException { checkUpdatePermissions(); VuzeFileHandler vfh = VuzeFileHandler.getSingleton(); VuzeFile vf = null; String url = (String) args.get( "filename" ); Throwable last_error = null; if ( url != null ){ try{ File f = new File( new URI( url )); if ( f.exists()){ vf = vfh.loadVuzeFile( f ); if ( vf == null ){ throw( new TextualException( "Decode failed - invalid Vuze file" )); } } }catch( Throwable e ){ last_error = e; } if ( vf == null && last_error == null ){ try{ vf = vfh.loadVuzeFile( new ResourceDownloaderFactoryImpl().create( new URL( url )).download()); }catch( Throwable e ){ last_error = e; } } } if ( vf == null && last_error == null ){ try{ String metainfoString = (String) args.get("metainfo"); byte[] metainfoBytes = null; if ( metainfoString != null ){ metainfoBytes = Base64.decode( metainfoString.replaceAll("[\r\n]+", "") ); vf = vfh.loadVuzeFile( metainfoBytes ); if ( vf == null ){ throw( new TextualException( "Decode failed - invalid Vuze file" )); } }else{ throw( new TextualException( "Missing parameter" )); } }catch( Throwable e ){ last_error = e; } } if ( vf != null ){ VuzeFileComponent[] comps = vf.getComponents(); for ( VuzeFileComponent comp: comps ){ if ( comp.getType() != VuzeFileComponent.COMP_TYPE_METASEARCH_TEMPLATE ){ throw( new TextualException( "Unsupported Vuze File component type: " + comp.getTypeName())); } } vfh.handleFiles( new VuzeFile[]{ vf }, VuzeFileComponent.COMP_TYPE_METASEARCH_TEMPLATE ); String added_templates = ""; for ( VuzeFileComponent comp: comps ){ if ( comp.isProcessed()){ Engine e = (Engine)comp.getData( Engine.VUZE_FILE_COMPONENT_ENGINE_KEY ); if ( e != null ){ added_templates += (added_templates==""?"":", ") + e.getName(); } } } result.put( "msg", "Search templates added: " + added_templates ); }else{ if ( last_error == null ){ throw( new TextualException( "Unspecified error occurred" )); }else{ if ( last_error instanceof TextualException ){ throw((TextualException)last_error); }else{ throw( new TextualException( "Vuze file addition failed: " + Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage( last_error ))); } } } } private void method_Torrent_Add( final Map args, Map result, boolean xmlEscape) throws IOException, DownloadException, TextualException { /* Request arguments: key | value type & description ---------------------+------------------------------------------------- "cookies" | string pointer to a string of one or more cookies. "download-dir" | string path to download the torrent to "filename" | string filename or URL of the .torrent file "metainfo" | string base64-encoded .torrent content "paused" | boolean if true, don't start the torrent "peer-limit" | number maximum number of peers "bandwidthPriority" | number torrent's bandwidth tr_priority_t "files-wanted" | array indices of file(s) to download "files-unwanted" | array indices of file(s) to not download "priority-high" | array indices of high-priority file(s) "priority-low" | array indices of low-priority file(s) "priority-normal" | array indices of normal-priority file(s) Either "filename" OR "metainfo" MUST be included. All other arguments are optional. additional vuze specific parameters "vuze_category" | string (optional category name) "vuze_tags" | array (optional list of tags) "name" | string (optional friendly name to use instead of url/hash) The format of the "cookies" should be NAME=CONTENTS, where NAME is the cookie name and CONTENTS is what the cookie should contain. Set multiple cookies like this: "name1=content1; name2=content2;" etc. Response arguments: on success, a "torrent-added" object in the form of one of 3.3's tr_info objects with the fields for id, name, and hashString. */ checkUpdatePermissions(); String metainfoString = (String) args.get("metainfo"); byte[] metainfoBytes = null; if ( metainfoString != null ){ metainfoBytes = Base64.decode( metainfoString.replaceAll("[\r\n]+", "") ); //metainfoBytes = Base64.decode( metainfoString ); VuzeFileHandler vfh = VuzeFileHandler.getSingleton(); if ( vfh != null ){ VuzeFile vf = vfh.loadVuzeFile( metainfoBytes ); if ( vf != null ){ VuzeFileComponent[] comps = vf.getComponents(); for ( VuzeFileComponent comp: comps ){ if ( comp.getType() != VuzeFileComponent.COMP_TYPE_METASEARCH_TEMPLATE ){ throw( new TextualException( "Unsupported Vuze File component type: " + comp.getTypeName())); } } vfh.handleFiles( new VuzeFile[]{ vf }, VuzeFileComponent.COMP_TYPE_METASEARCH_TEMPLATE ); String added_templates = ""; for ( VuzeFileComponent comp: comps ){ if ( comp.isProcessed()){ Engine e = (Engine)comp.getData( Engine.VUZE_FILE_COMPONENT_ENGINE_KEY ); if ( e != null ){ added_templates += (added_templates==""?"":", ") + e.getName(); } } } if ( added_templates.length() == 0 ){ throw( new TextualException( "No search template(s) added" )); }else{ throw( new TextualException( "Installed search template(s): " + added_templates )); } } } } Torrent torrent = null; DownloadStub download = null; String url = (String) args.get("filename"); final boolean add_stopped = getBoolean(args.get("paused")); String download_dir = (String) args.get("download-dir"); final File file_Download_dir = download_dir == null ? null : new File(download_dir); // peer-limit not used //getNumber(args.get("peer-limit"), 0); // bandwidthPriority not used //getNumber(args.get("bandwidthPriority"), TransmissionVars.TR_PRI_NORMAL); final DownloadWillBeAddedListener add_listener = new DownloadWillBeAddedListener() { public void initialised(Download download) { int numFiles = download.getDiskManagerFileCount(); List files_wanted = getList(args.get("files-wanted")); List files_unwanted = getList(args.get("files-unwanted")); boolean[] toDelete = new boolean[numFiles]; // all false int numWanted = files_wanted.size(); if (numWanted != 0 && numWanted != numFiles) { // some wanted -- so, set all toDelete and reset ones in list Arrays.fill(toDelete, true); for (Object oWanted : files_wanted) { int idx = getNumber(oWanted, -1).intValue(); if (idx >= 0 && idx < numFiles) { toDelete[idx] = false; } } } for (Object oUnwanted : files_unwanted) { int idx = getNumber(oUnwanted, -1).intValue(); if (idx >= 0 && idx < numFiles) { toDelete[idx] = true; } } for (int i = 0; i < toDelete.length; i++) { if (toDelete[i]) { download.getDiskManagerFileInfo(i).setDeleted(true); } } List priority_high = getList(args.get("priority-high")); for (Object oHighPriority : priority_high) { int idx = getNumber(oHighPriority, -1).intValue(); if (idx >= 0 && idx < numFiles) { download.getDiskManagerFileInfo(idx).setNumericPriority( DiskManagerFileInfo.PRIORITY_HIGH); } } List priority_low = getList(args.get("priority-low")); for (Object oLowPriority : priority_low) { int idx = getNumber(oLowPriority, -1).intValue(); if (idx >= 0 && idx < numFiles) { download.getDiskManagerFileInfo(idx).setNumericPriority( DiskManagerFileInfo.PRIORITY_LOW); } } // don't need priority-normal if they are normal by default. // handle initial categories/tags try{ String vuze_category = (String)args.get( "vuze_category" ); if ( vuze_category != null ){ vuze_category = vuze_category.trim(); if ( vuze_category.length() > 0 ){ TorrentAttribute ta_category = plugin_interface.getTorrentManager().getAttribute(TorrentAttribute.TA_CATEGORY); download.setAttribute( ta_category, vuze_category ); } } List vuze_tags = (List)args.get( "vuze_tags" ); if ( vuze_tags != null ){ TagManager tm = TagManagerFactory.getTagManager(); if ( tm.isEnabled()){ TagType tt = tm.getTagType( TagType.TT_DOWNLOAD_MANUAL ); for ( String tag_name: vuze_tags ){ addTagToDownload(download, tag_name, tt); } } } }catch( Throwable e ){ e.printStackTrace(); } } }; TorrentManager torrentManager = plugin_interface.getTorrentManager(); boolean duplicate = false; if ( metainfoBytes != null ){ try { torrent = torrentManager.createFromBEncodedData( metainfoBytes); org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.download.DownloadManager dm = plugin_interface.getDownloadManager(); download = dm.getDownload( torrent ); duplicate = download != null; } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); //System.err.println("decode of " + new String(Base64.encode(metainfoBytes), "UTF8")); throw (new IOException("torrent download failed: " + Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(e))); } } else if (url == null) { throw (new IOException("url missing")); } else { url = url.trim().replaceAll(" ", "%20"); // hack due to core bug - have to add a bogus arg onto magnet uris else they fail to parse String lc_url = url.toLowerCase( Locale.US ); if ( lc_url.startsWith("magnet:")) { url += "&dummy_param=1"; } else if (!lc_url.startsWith("http")) { url = UrlUtils.parseTextForURL(url, true, true); } byte[] hashFromMagnetURI = getHashFromMagnetURI(url); if (hashFromMagnetURI != null) { org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.download.DownloadManager dm = plugin_interface.getDownloadManager(); download = dm.getDownload(hashFromMagnetURI); duplicate = download != null; } if (download == null) { URL torrent_url; try { torrent_url = new URL(url); } catch (MalformedURLException mue) { throw new TextualException("The torrent URI was not valid"); } try{ final TorrentDownloader dl = torrentManager.getURLDownloader(torrent_url, null, null); Object cookies = args.get("cookies"); if ( cookies != null ){ dl.setRequestProperty("URL_Cookie", cookies); } boolean is_magnet = torrent_url.getProtocol().equalsIgnoreCase( "magnet" ); if ( is_magnet ){ TimerEvent magnet_event = null; final Object[] f_result = { null }; try{ final AESemaphore sem = new AESemaphore( "magnetsem" ); final URL f_torrent_url = torrent_url; final String f_name = (String) args.get("name"); magnet_event = SimpleTimer.addEvent( "magnetcheck", SystemTime.getOffsetTime( 10*1000 ), new TimerEventPerformer() { public void perform( TimerEvent event ) { synchronized( f_result ){ if ( f_result[0] != null ){ return; } MagnetDownload magnet_download = new MagnetDownload( f_torrent_url, f_name ); byte[] hash = magnet_download.getTorrentHash(); synchronized( magnet_downloads ){ boolean duplicate = false; Iterator it = magnet_downloads.iterator(); while( it.hasNext()){ MagnetDownload md = it.next(); if ( hash.length > 0 && Arrays.equals( hash, md.getTorrentHash())){ if ( md.getError() == null ){ duplicate = true; magnet_download = md; break; }else{ it.remove(); addRecentlyRemoved( md ); } } } if ( !duplicate ){ magnet_downloads.add( magnet_download ); } } f_result[0] = magnet_download; } sem.release(); } }); new AEThread2( "magnetasync" ) { public void run() { try{ Torrent torrent = dl.download(Constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING); synchronized( f_result ){ if ( f_result[0] == null ){ f_result[0] = torrent; }else{ MagnetDownload md = (MagnetDownload)f_result[0]; boolean already_removed; synchronized( magnet_downloads ){ already_removed = !magnet_downloads.remove( md ); } if ( !already_removed ){ addRecentlyRemoved( md ); addTorrent( torrent, file_Download_dir, add_stopped, add_listener ); } } } }catch( Throwable e ){ synchronized( f_result ){ if ( f_result[0] == null ){ f_result[0] = e; }else{ MagnetDownload md = (MagnetDownload)f_result[0]; md.setError( e ); } } }finally{ sem.release(); } } }.start(); sem.reserve(); Object res; synchronized( f_result ){ res = f_result[0]; } if ( res instanceof Torrent ){ torrent = (Torrent)res; }else if ( res instanceof Throwable ){ throw((Throwable)res); }else{ download = (MagnetDownload)res; torrent = null; } }finally{ if ( magnet_event != null ){ magnet_event.cancel(); } } }else{ torrent = dl.download(Constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING); } }catch( Throwable e ){ e.printStackTrace(); throw( new IOException( Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage( e ))); } } } if ( download == null ){ download = addTorrent( torrent, file_Download_dir, add_stopped, add_listener ); } Map torrent_details = new HashMap(); torrent_details.put("id", new Long(getID(download, true))); torrent_details.put("name", xmlEscape ? escapeXML(download.getName()) : download.getName()); torrent_details.put(TransmissionVars.FIELD_TORRENT_HASH, ByteFormatter.encodeString(download.getTorrentHash())); result.put(duplicate ? "torrent-duplicate" : "torrent-added", torrent_details); } private byte[] getHashFromMagnetURI(String magnetURI) { Pattern patXT = Pattern.compile("xt=urn:(?:btih|sha1):([^&]+)"); Matcher matcher = patXT.matcher(magnetURI); if (matcher.find()) { return UrlUtils.decodeSHA1Hash(matcher.group(1)); } return null; } private Map method_Torrent_Get( TrackerWebPageRequest request, String session_id, Map args, Map result) { // When "file_indexes" key is present, returns: // NOTE: Array position does not equal file index! Use "index" key! // { // torrents : [ // { // : , // files : // [ // { // "index": , // : // }, // // ] // }, // : // ] // } List fields = (List)args.get( "fields" ); if ( fields == null ){ fields = new ArrayList(); } Object ids = args.get( "ids" ); boolean is_recently_active = handleRecentlyRemoved( session_id, args, result ); List downloads = getDownloads( ids, true ); List file_fields = (List) args.get("file-fields"); if (file_fields != null) { Collections.sort(file_fields); } Map torrent_info = new LinkedHashMap(); String agent = MapUtils.getMapString(request.getHeaders(), "User-Agent", ""); boolean xmlEscape = agent.startsWith("Mozilla/"); for ( DownloadStub download_stub: downloads ){ if (download_stub.isStub()) { method_Torrent_Get_Stub(request, args, fields, torrent_info, download_stub, file_fields, xmlEscape); } else { method_Torrent_Get_NonStub(request, args, fields, torrent_info, (Download) download_stub, file_fields, xmlEscape); } } // for downloads if ( is_recently_active ){ // just return the latest diff for this session // we could possibly, in theory, update the cache for all calls to this method, not just the 'recently active' calls // but I don't trust the client enough atm to behave correctly synchronized( session_torrent_info_cache ){ if ( session_torrent_info_cache.size() > 8 ){ session_torrent_info_cache.clear(); } Map torrent_info_cache = session_torrent_info_cache.get( session_id ); if ( torrent_info_cache == null ){ torrent_info_cache = new HashMap(); session_torrent_info_cache.put( session_id, torrent_info_cache ); } List same = new ArrayList(); for ( Map.Entry entry: torrent_info.entrySet()){ long id = entry.getKey(); Map torrent = entry.getValue(); String current = JSONUtils.encodeToJSON( torrent ); String prev = torrent_info_cache.get( id ); if ( prev != null && prev.equals( current )){ same.add( id ); }else{ torrent_info_cache.put( id, current ); } } if ( same.size() > 0 ){ // System.out.println( "same info: " + same.size() + " of " + torrent_info.size()); for ( long id: same ){ torrent_info.remove( id ); } } } } List torrents = new ArrayList(); result.put( "torrents", torrents ); torrents.addAll( torrent_info.values()); return result; } private void method_Torrent_Get_NonStub( TrackerWebPageRequest request, Map args, List fields, Map torrent_info, Download download, List file_fields, boolean xmlEscape) { Torrent t = download.getTorrent(); if (t == null) { // Can't do this.. download is a nullstate, which doesn't store // Attributes, and getID relies on that //t = new TorrentBlank(download); return; } long download_id = getID(download, true); DownloadManager core_download = PluginCoreUtils.unwrap(download); PEPeerManager pm = core_download.getPeerManager(); DownloadStats stats = download.getStats(); Map torrent = new HashMap(fields.size() + 8); torrent_info.put(download_id, torrent); int peers_from_us = 0; int peers_to_us = 0; if (pm != null) { List peers = pm.getPeers(); for (PEPeer peer : peers) { PEPeerStats pstats = peer.getStats(); if (pstats.getDataReceiveRate() > 0) { peers_to_us++; } if (pstats.getDataSendRate() > 0) { peers_from_us++; } } } for (String field : fields) { Object value = null; if (field.equals("activityDate")) { // RPC v0 // activityDate | number | tr_stat value = torrentGet_activityDate(core_download, false); } else if (field.equals("activityDateRelative")) { // RPC v0 // activityDate | number | tr_stat value = torrentGet_activityDate(core_download, true); } else if (field.equals("addedDate")) { // RPC v0 // addedDate | number | tr_stat /** When the torrent was first added. */ value = core_download.getDownloadState().getLongParameter( DownloadManagerState.PARAM_DOWNLOAD_ADDED_TIME) / 1000; } else if (field.equals("announceURL")) { // Removed in RPC v7 value = t.getAnnounceURL().toExternalForm(); } else if (field.equals("bandwidthPriority")) { // RPC v5: Not Supported // bandwidthPriority | number | tr_priority_t /** torrent's bandwidth priority. */ value = TransmissionVars.TR_PRI_NORMAL; } else if (field.equals("comment")) { // RPC v0 // comment | string | tr_info value = t.getComment(); } else if (field.equals("corruptEver")) { // RPC v0 TODO: Do we want just hash fails? // corruptEver | number | tr_stat /** * Byte count of all the corrupt data you've ever downloaded for * this torrent. If you're on a poisoned torrent, this number can * grow very large. */ value = stats.getDiscarded() + stats.getHashFails(); } else if (field.equals("creator")) { // RPC v0 // creator | string | tr_info value = t.getCreatedBy(); } else if (field.equals("dateCreated")) { // RPC v0 // dateCreated | number | tr_info value = t.getCreationDate(); } else if (field.equals("desiredAvailable")) { // RPC v0 TODO: stats.getRemainingAvailable() ? // desiredAvailable | number | tr_stat /** * Byte count of all the piece data we want and don't have yet, * but that a connected peer does have. [0...leftUntilDone] */ value = core_download.getStats().getRemainingExcludingDND(); } else if (field.equals("doneDate")) { // RPC v0 // doneDate | number | tr_stat /** When the torrent finished downloading. */ if (core_download.isDownloadComplete(false)) { value = core_download.getDownloadState().getLongParameter( DownloadManagerState.PARAM_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_TIME) / 1000; } else { // TODO: Verify what value to send when not complete value = 0; } } else if (field.equals("downloadDir")) { // RPC v4 // downloadDir | string | tr_torrent if (t.isSimpleTorrent()) { value = new File(download.getSavePath()).getParent(); } else { value = download.getSavePath(); } } else if (field.equals("downloadedEver")) { // RPC v0 // downloadedEver | number | tr_stat /** * Byte count of all the non-corrupt data you've ever downloaded * for this torrent. If you deleted the files and downloaded a second * time, this will be 2*totalSize.. */ value = stats.getDownloaded(); } else if (field.equals("downloadLimit") || field.equals("speed-limit-down")) { // RPC v5 (alternate is from 'set' prior to v5 -- added for rogue clients) // downloadLimit | number | tr_torrent /** maximum download speed (KBps) */ value = download.getMaximumDownloadKBPerSecond(); } else if (field.equals("downloadLimited") || field.equals("speed-limit-down-enabled")) { // RPC v5 (alternate is from 'set' prior to v5 -- added for rogue clients) // downloadLimited | boolean | tr_torrent /** true if "downloadLimit" is honored */ value = download.getDownloadRateLimitBytesPerSecond() > 0; } else if (field.equals("error")) { // RPC v0 // error | number | tr_stat /** Defines what kind of text is in errorString. TR_STAT_* */ value = torrentGet_error(core_download, download); } else if (field.equals("errorString")) { // RPC v0 // errorString | string | tr_stat value = torrentGet_errorString(core_download, download); } else if (field.equals("eta")) { // RPC v0 // eta | number | tr_stat value = torrentGet_eta(core_download, download, stats); } else if (field.equals("etaIdle")) { // RPC v15 /** If seeding, number of seconds left until the idle time limit is reached. */ // TODO: No idea what etaIdle description means! What happens at idle time? value = TransmissionVars.TR_ETA_UNKNOWN; } else if (field.equals("files")) { // RPC v0 String host = (String)request.getHeaders().get( "host" ); value = torrentGet_files(host, download, download_id, file_fields, args); // One hash for all files. This won't work when our file list is a partial //if (value instanceof Collection) { // torrent.put("files-hc", longHashSimpleList((Collection) value)); //} } else if (field.equals("fileStats")) { // RPC v5 value = torrentGet_fileStats(download, file_fields, args); } else if (field.equals(TransmissionVars.FIELD_TORRENT_HASH)) { // RPC v0 // hashString | string | tr_info value = ByteFormatter.encodeString(t.getHash()); } else if (field.equals("haveUnchecked")) { // haveUnchecked | number | tr_stat /** Byte count of all the partial piece data we have for this torrent. As pieces become complete, this value may decrease as portions of it are moved to `corrupt' or `haveValid'. */ // TODO: set when ST_CHECKING? value = 0; } else if (field.equals("haveValid")) { // haveValid | number | tr_stat /** Byte count of all the checksum-verified data we have for this torrent. */ value = stats.getDownloaded(); } else if (field.equals("honorsSessionLimits")) { // TODO RPC v5 // honorsSessionLimits | boolean | tr_torrent /** true if session upload limits are honored */ value = false; } else if (field.equals("id")) { // id | number | tr_torrent value = download_id; } else if (field.equals("isFinished")) { // RPC v9: TODO // isFinished | boolean | tr_stat /** A torrent is considered finished if it has met its seed ratio. As a result, only paused torrents can be finished. */ value = false; } else if (field.equals("isPrivate")) { // RPC v0 // isPrivate | boolean | tr_torrent value = t.isPrivate(); } else if (field.equals("isStalled")) { // RPC v14 // isStalled | boolean | tr_stat value = torrentGet_isStalled(download); } else if (field.equals("leechers")) { // Removed in RPC v7 value = pm == null ? 0 : pm.getNbPeers(); } else if (field.equals("leftUntilDone")) { // RPC v0 // leftUntilDone | number | tr_stat /** Byte count of how much data is left to be downloaded until we've got all the pieces that we want. [0...tr_info.sizeWhenDone] */ value = core_download.getStats().getRemainingExcludingDND(); } else if (field.equals("magnetLink")) { // TODO RPC v7 // magnetLink | number | n/a // NOTE: I assume spec is wrong and it's a string.. value = UrlUtils.getMagnetURI(download); } else if (field.equals("manualAnnounceTime")) { // manualAnnounceTime | number | tr_stat // spec is time_t, although it should be relative time. :( value = torrentGet_manualAnnounceTime(core_download); } else if (field.equals("maxConnectedPeers")) { // maxConnectedPeers | number | tr_torrent // TODO: Some sort of Peer Limit (tr_torrentSetPeerLimit ) } else if (field.equals("metadataPercentComplete")) { // RPC v7: TODO // metadataPercentComplete | double | tr_stat /** * How much of the metadata the torrent has. * For torrents added from a .torrent this will always be 1. * For magnet links, this number will from from 0 to 1 as the metadata is downloaded. * Range is [0..1] */ // RPC v7 value = 1.0f; } else if (field.equals("name")) { value = download.getName(); } else if (field.equals("peer-limit")) { // peer-limit | number | tr_torrent // TODO /** how many peers this torrent can connect to */ value = -1; } else if (field.equals("peers")) { // RPC v2 value = torrentGet_peers(core_download); } else if (field.equals("peersConnected")) { // peersConnected | number | tr_stat /** Number of peers that we're connected to */ value = pm == null ? 0 : pm.getNbPeers() + pm.getNbSeeds(); } else if (field.equals("peersFrom")) { value = torrentGet_peersFrom(pm); } else if (field.equals("peersGettingFromUs")) { // peersGettingFromUs | number | tr_stat value = peers_from_us; } else if (field.equals("peersSendingToUs")) { // peersSendingToUs | number | tr_stat value = peers_to_us; } else if (field.equals("percentDone")) { // RPC v5 // percentDone | double | tr_stat /** * How much has been downloaded of the files the user wants. This differs * from percentComplete if the user wants only some of the torrent's files. * Range is [0..1] */ value = core_download.getStats().getPercentDoneExcludingDND() / 1000.0f; } else if (field.equals("pieces")) { // RPC v5 value = torrentGet_pieces(core_download); } else if (field.equals("pieceCount")) { // pieceCount | number | tr_info value = t.getPieceCount(); } else if (field.equals("pieceSize")) { // pieceSize | number | tr_info value = t.getPieceSize(); } else if (field.equals("priorities")) { value = torrentGet_priorities(download); } else if (field.equals("queuePosition")) { // RPC v14 // "queuePosition" | number position of this torrent in its queue [0...n) value = core_download.getPosition(); } else if (field.equals("rateDownload")) { // rateDownload (B/s) | number | tr_stat value = stats.getDownloadAverage(); } else if (field.equals("rateUpload")) { // rateUpload (B/s) | number | tr_stat value = stats.getUploadAverage(); } else if (field.equals("recheckProgress")) { // recheckProgress | double | tr_stat value = torrentGet_recheckProgress(core_download, stats); } else if (field.equals("secondsDownloading")) { // secondsDownloading | number | tr_stat /** Cumulative seconds the torrent's ever spent downloading */ value = stats.getSecondsDownloading(); } else if (field.equals("secondsSeeding")) { // secondsSeeding | number | tr_stat /** Cumulative seconds the torrent's ever spent seeding */ // TODO: Want "only seeding" time, or seeding time (including downloading time)? value = stats.getSecondsOnlySeeding(); } else if (field.equals("seedIdleLimit")) { // RPC v10 // "seedIdleLimit" | number torrent-level number of minutes of seeding inactivity value = (int) stats.getSecondsSinceLastUpload() / 60; } else if (field.equals("seedIdleMode")) { // RPC v10: Not used, always TransmissionVars.TR_IDLELIMIT_GLOBAL // "seedIdleMode" | number which seeding inactivity to use. See tr_inactvelimit value = TransmissionVars.TR_IDLELIMIT_GLOBAL; } else if (field.equals("seedRatioLimit")) { // RPC v5 // "seedRatioLimit" | double torrent-level seeding ratio value = COConfigurationManager.getFloatParameter("Stop Ratio"); } else if (field.equals("seedRatioMode")) { // RPC v5: Not used, always Global // seedRatioMode | number | tr_ratiolimit value = TransmissionVars.TR_RATIOLIMIT_GLOBAL; } else if (field.equals("sizeWhenDone")) { // sizeWhenDone | number | tr_stat /** * Byte count of all the piece data we'll have downloaded when we're done, * whether or not we have it yet. This may be less than tr_info.totalSize * if only some of the torrent's files are wanted. * [0...tr_info.totalSize] **/ value = core_download.getStats().getSizeExcludingDND(); } else if (field.equals("startDate")) { /** When the torrent was last started. */ value = stats.getTimeStarted() / 1000; } else if (field.equals("status")) { value = torrentGet_status(download); } else if (field.equals("trackers")) { String agent = MapUtils.getMapString(request.getHeaders(), "User-Agent", ""); boolean hack = agent.contains("httpok"); // Torrnado value = torrentGet_trackers(core_download, hack); } else if (field.equals("trackerStats")) { // RPC v7 value = torrentGet_trackerStats(core_download); } else if (field.equals("totalSize")) { value = t.getSize(); } else if (field.equals("torrentFile")) { // torrentFile | string | tr_info /** Path to torrent **/ value = core_download.getTorrentFileName(); } else if (field.equals("uploadedEver")) { // uploadedEver | number | tr_stat value = stats.getUploaded(); } else if (field.equals("uploadLimit") || field.equals("speed-limit-up")) { // RPC v5 (alternate is from 'set' prior to v5 -- added for rogue clients) /** maximum upload speed (KBps) */ int bps = download.getUploadRateLimitBytesPerSecond(); value = bps <= 0 ? bps : (bps < 1024 ? 1 : bps / 1024); } else if (field.equals("uploadLimited") || field.equals("speed-limit-up-enabled")) { // RPC v5 (alternate is from 'set' prior to v5 -- added for rogue clients) /** true if "uploadLimit" is honored */ value = download.getUploadRateLimitBytesPerSecond() > 0; } else if (field.equals("uploadRatio")) { // uploadRatio | double | tr_stat int shareRatio = stats.getShareRatio(); value = shareRatio <=0 ? shareRatio : stats.getShareRatio() / 1000.0; } else if (field.equals("wanted")) { value = torrentGet_wanted(download); } else if (field.equals("webseeds")) { value = torrentGet_webSeeds(t); } else if (field.equals("webseedsSendingToUs")) { value = torrentGet_webseedsSendingToUs(core_download); } else if (field.equals("trackerSeeds")) { // Vuze Specific? DownloadScrapeResult scrape = download.getLastScrapeResult(); value = new Long(scrape == null ? 0 : scrape.getSeedCount()); } else if (field.equals("trackerLeechers")) { // Vuze Specific? DownloadScrapeResult scrape = download.getLastScrapeResult(); value = new Long(scrape == null ? 0 : scrape.getNonSeedCount()); } else if (field.equals("speedLimitDownload")) { // Vuze Specific? value = new Long(download.getDownloadRateLimitBytesPerSecond()); } else if (field.equals("speedLimitUpload")) { // Vuze Specific? value = new Long(download.getUploadRateLimitBytesPerSecond()); } else if (field.equals("seeders")) { // Removed in RPC v7 value = pm == null ? -1 : pm.getNbSeeds(); } else if (field.equals("swarmSpeed")) { // Removed in RPC v7 value = new Long(core_download.getStats().getTotalAveragePerPeer()); } else if (field.equals("announceResponse")) { // Removed in RPC v7 TRTrackerAnnouncer trackerClient = core_download.getTrackerClient(); if (trackerClient != null) { value = trackerClient.getStatusString(); } else { value = ""; } } else if (field.equals("lastScrapeTime")) { // Unsure of wanted format // Removed in v7 value = core_download.getTrackerTime(); } else if (field.equals("scrapeURL")) { // Removed in v7 value = ""; TRTrackerScraperResponse trackerScrapeResponse = core_download.getTrackerScrapeResponse(); if (trackerScrapeResponse != null) { URL url = trackerScrapeResponse.getURL(); if (url != null) { value = url.toString(); } } } else if (field.equals("nextScrapeTime")) { // Removed in v7 // Unsure of wanted format TRTrackerAnnouncer trackerClient = core_download.getTrackerClient(); if (trackerClient != null) { value = trackerClient.getTimeUntilNextUpdate(); } else { value = 0; } } else if (field.equals("nextAnnounceTime")) { // Removed in v7 // Unsure of wanted format TRTrackerAnnouncer trackerClient = core_download.getTrackerClient(); if (trackerClient != null) { value = trackerClient.getTimeUntilNextUpdate(); } else { value = 0; } } else if (field.equals("downloadLimitMode") || field.equals("uploadLimitMode")) { // RPC < v5 -- Not supported -- ignore } else if (field.equals("downloaders") || field.equals("lastAnnounceTime") || field.equals("lastScrapeTime") || field.equals("scrapeResponse") || field.equals("timesCompleted")) { // RPC < v7 -- Not Supported -- ignore } else if (field.equals("peersKnown")) { // RPC < v13 -- Not Supported -- ignore } else if (field.equals("fileCount")) { // azRPC value = core_download.getNumFileInfos(); } else if (field.equals("speedHistory")) { // azRPC DownloadManagerStats core_stats = core_download.getStats(); core_stats.setRecentHistoryRetention(true); // TODO // [0] send [1] receive [2] swarm int[][] recentHistory = core_stats.getRecentHistory(); long now = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); long sinceSecs = getNumber(args.get("speedHistorySinceSecs"), 0).longValue(); long since = now - (sinceSecs * 1000); long curEntryTime = now - (recentHistory.length *1000); List listHistory = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < recentHistory.length; i++) { if (curEntryTime > since) { int[] entry = recentHistory[i]; Map mapHistory = new HashMap(3); mapHistory.put("upload", entry[0]); mapHistory.put("download", entry[1]); mapHistory.put("swarm", entry[2]); listHistory.add(entry); } curEntryTime += 1000; } value = listHistory; /* * [ * { * upload: * download:
* swarm: * } * } */ } else if (field.equals("tag-uids")) { // azRPC List listTags = new ArrayList(); TagManager tm = TagManagerFactory.getTagManager(); List tags = tm.getTagsForTaggable(core_download); if (tags == null || tags.isEmpty()) { Category catAll = CategoryManager.getCategory(Category.TYPE_ALL); if (catAll != null) { listTags.add(catAll.getTagUID()); } Category catUncat = CategoryManager.getCategory(Category.TYPE_UNCATEGORIZED); if (catUncat != null) { listTags.add(catUncat.getTagUID()); } } else { for (Tag tag : tags) { listTags.add(tag.getTagUID()); } } value = listTags; } else { if ( trace_param.getValue() ){ log("Unhandled get-torrent field: " + field); } } if (value != null) { if (xmlEscape && (value instanceof String)) { value = escapeXML((String) value); } torrent.put(field, value); } } // for fields } private void method_Torrent_Get_Stub( TrackerWebPageRequest request, Map args, List fields, Map torrent_info, DownloadStub download_stub, List file_fields, boolean xmlEscape) { Map torrent = new HashMap(); long download_id = getID( download_stub, true ); torrent_info.put( download_id, torrent ); boolean is_magnet_download = download_stub instanceof MagnetDownload; long status = 0; long error = TransmissionVars.TR_STAT_OK; String error_str = ""; String created_by = ""; long create_date = 0; float md_comp = 1.0f; if ( is_magnet_download ){ MagnetDownload md = (MagnetDownload)download_stub; TagManager tm = TagManagerFactory.getTagManager(); Throwable e = md.getError(); if ( e == null ){ status = 4; md_comp = 0.0f; if (fields.contains("tag-uids")) { List listTags = new ArrayList(); Tag tag = getTagFromState(Download.ST_DOWNLOADING, false); if (tag != null) { listTags.add(tag.getTagUID()); } // 7, "tag.type.ds.act" tag = tm.getTagType(TagType.TT_DOWNLOAD_STATE).getTag(7); if (tag != null) { listTags.add(tag.getTagUID()); } torrent.put("tag-uids", listTags); } }else{ status = 0; error = TransmissionVars.TR_STAT_LOCAL_ERROR; Throwable temp = e; while( temp.getCause() != null ){ temp = temp.getCause(); } String last_msg = temp.getMessage(); if ( last_msg != null && last_msg.length() > 0 ){ error_str = last_msg; }else{ error_str = Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage( e ); } String magnet_url = md.getMagnetURL().toExternalForm(); int pos = error_str.indexOf( magnet_url ); // tidy up the most common error messages by removing magnet uri from them and // trimming prefix of 'Error:' if ( pos != -1 ){ error_str = error_str.substring(0,pos) + error_str.substring( pos+magnet_url.length()); } error_str = error_str.trim(); pos = error_str.indexOf( "rror:"); if ( pos != -1 ){ error_str = error_str.substring( pos+5 ).trim(); } if ( error_str.length() > 0 ){ // probably not great for right-left languages but derp error_str = Character.toUpperCase( error_str.charAt(0)) + error_str.substring(1); } if ( !IS_5101_PLUS ){ // error handling was messy in 5100 // cover up the worst of it if ( error_str.contains( "bad header" )){ error_str = "No sources found for torrent"; } } if (fields.contains("tag-uids")) { List listTags = new ArrayList(); Tag tag = getTagFromState(Download.ST_STOPPED, true); if (tag != null) { listTags.add(tag.getTagUID()); } torrent.put("tag-uids", listTags); } } created_by = "Vuze"; create_date = md.getCreateTime()/1000; } long size = 0; if ( IS_5101_PLUS ){ size = download_stub.getTorrentSize(); }else{ if ( is_magnet_download ){ size = 16*1024; } } //System.out.println( fields ); Object[][] stub_defs = { { "activityDate", 0 }, { "activityDateRelative",0 }, { "addedDate", is_magnet_download?create_date:0 }, { "comment", is_magnet_download?"Metadata Download": "Download Archived" }, { "corruptEver", 0 }, { "creator", created_by }, { "dateCreated", create_date }, { "desiredAvailable", 0 }, //{ "downloadDir", "" }, { "downloadedEver", 0 }, { "error", error }, { "errorString", error_str }, { "eta", TransmissionVars.TR_ETA_NOT_AVAIL }, //{ "fileStats", "" }, //{ "files", "" }, //{ TransmissionVars.FIELD_TORRENT_HASH, "" }, { "haveUnchecked", 0 }, //{ "haveValid", "" }, //{ "id", "" }, { "isFinished", is_magnet_download?false:true }, { "isPrivate", false }, { "isStalled", false }, { "leftUntilDone", is_magnet_download?size:0 }, // leftUntilDone is used to mark downloads as incomplete { "metadataPercentComplete",md_comp }, //{ "name", "" }, { "peers", new ArrayList() }, { "peersConnected", 0 }, { "peersGettingFromUs", 0 }, { "peersSendingToUs", "" }, { "percentDone", is_magnet_download?0.0f:100.0f }, { "pieceCount", 1 }, { "pieceSize", size==0?1:size }, { "queuePosition", 0 }, { "rateDownload", 0 }, { "rateUpload", 0 }, { "recheckProgress", 0.0f }, { "seedRatioLimit", 1.0f }, { "seedRatioMode", TransmissionVars.TR_RATIOLIMIT_GLOBAL }, //{ "sizeWhenDone", "" }, { "startDate", is_magnet_download?create_date:0 }, { "status", status }, //{ "totalSize", "" }, { "trackerStats", new ArrayList() }, { "trackers", new ArrayList() }, { "uploadRatio", 0.0f }, { "uploadedEver", 0 }, { "webseedsSendingToUs", 0 }, { "torrentFile", "" } }; Map stub_def_map = new HashMap(); for ( Object[] d: stub_defs ){ stub_def_map.put( (String)d[0], d[1] ); } for ( String field: fields ){ Object value = stub_def_map.get( field ); if ( field.equals( "id" )){ value = download_id; }else if ( field.equals( "downloadDir" )){ if ( IS_5101_PLUS ){ value = download_stub.getSavePath(); }else{ value = ""; } }else if ( field.equals( "files" )){ String host = (String)request.getHeaders().get( "host" ); value = torrentGet_files_stub(host, download_stub, download_id, file_fields, args); }else if ( field.equals( "fileCount" )){ value = download_stub.getStubFiles().length; }else if ( field.equals( "fileStats" )){ // RPC v5 value = torrentGet_fileStats_stub(download_stub, file_fields, args); }else if ( field.equals( TransmissionVars.FIELD_TORRENT_HASH )){ value = ByteFormatter.encodeString( download_stub.getTorrentHash()); }else if ( field.equals( "haveValid" )){ value = is_magnet_download?0:size; }else if ( field.equals( "name" )){ value = download_stub.getName(); }else if ( field.equals( "sizeWhenDone" )){ value = size; }else if ( field.equals( "totalSize" )){ value = size; } else if (field.equals("tag-uids")) { // azRPC List listTags = MapUtils.getMapList(torrent, field, new ArrayList()); TagManager tm = TagManagerFactory.getTagManager(); if (listTags.size() == 0) { Tag tag = getTagFromState(Download.ST_STOPPED, !is_magnet_download); if (tag != null) { listTags.add(tag.getTagUID()); } // 9, "tag.type.ds.inact" tag = tm.getTagType(TagType.TT_DOWNLOAD_STATE).getTag(9); if (tag != null) { listTags.add(tag.getTagUID()); } } // 11, "tag.type.ds.incomp" // 10, incomplete Tag tag = tm.getTagType(TagType.TT_DOWNLOAD_STATE).getTag(is_magnet_download ? 11 : 10); if (tag != null) { listTags.add(tag.getTagUID()); } Category catAll = CategoryManager.getCategory(Category.TYPE_ALL); if (catAll != null) { listTags.add(catAll.getTagUID()); } Category catUncat = CategoryManager.getCategory(Category.TYPE_UNCATEGORIZED); if (catUncat != null) { listTags.add(catUncat.getTagUID()); } value = listTags; } if ( value != null ){ if (xmlEscape && (value instanceof String)) { value = escapeXML((String)value); } torrent.put( field, value ); }else{ if ( trace_param.getValue() ){ log( "Unknown stub field: " + field ); } } } } private Tag getTagFromState(int state, boolean complete) { /* tag_initialising = new MyTag( 0, "tag.type.ds.init", tag_downloading = new MyTag( 1, "tag.type.ds.down", tag_seeding = new MyTag( 2, "tag.type.ds.seed", tag_queued_downloading = new MyTag( 3, "tag.type.ds.qford" tag_queued_seeding = new MyTag( 4, "tag.type.ds.qfors", tag_stopped = new MyTag( 5, "tag.type.ds.stop", tag_error = new MyTag( 6, "tag.type.ds.err", */ int id = 0; switch (state) { case Download.ST_DOWNLOADING: id = 1; break; case Download.ST_SEEDING: id = 2; break; case Download.ST_QUEUED: id = complete ? 4 : 3; break; case Download.ST_STOPPED: case Download.ST_STOPPING: id = 5; break; case Download.ST_ERROR: id = 6; break; } TagManager tm = TagManagerFactory.getTagManager(); return tm.getTagType(TagType.TT_DOWNLOAD_STATE).getTag(id); } /** Number of webseeds that are sending data to us. */ private Object torrentGet_webseedsSendingToUs(DownloadManager core_download) { PEPeerManager peerManager = core_download.getPeerManager(); if (peerManager == null) { return 0; } int numWebSeedsConnected = 0; List peers = peerManager.getPeers(); for (PEPeer peer : peers) { if (peer.getProtocol().toLowerCase().startsWith( "http" )){ numWebSeedsConnected++; } } return numWebSeedsConnected; } private Object torrentGet_webSeeds(Torrent t) { // webseeds // | an array of strings: | // +-------------------------+------------+ // | webseed | string | tr_info List getright = BDecoder.decodeStrings(getURLList(t, "url-list")); List webseeds = BDecoder.decodeStrings(getURLList(t, "httpseeds")); List list = new ArrayList(); for (List l : new List[] { getright, webseeds }) { for (Object o : l) { if (o instanceof String) { list.add(o); } } } return list; } /** * When tr_stat.activity is TR_STATUS_CHECK or TR_STATUS_CHECK_WAIT, * this is the percentage of how much of the files has been * verified. When it gets to 1, the verify process is done. * Range is [0..1] **/ private Object torrentGet_recheckProgress(DownloadManager core_download, DownloadStats stats) { double x = 1; if ( core_download.getState() == DownloadManager.STATE_CHECKING ){ DiskManager dm = core_download.getDiskManager(); if ( dm != null ){ x = ((double)stats.getCompleted())/1000; } } return x; } private Object torrentGet_priorities(Download download) { // | an array of tr_info.filecount | tr_info // | numbers. each is the tr_priority_t | // | mode for the corresponding file. | List list = new ArrayList(); DiskManagerFileInfo[] fileInfos = download.getDiskManagerFileInfo(); for (DiskManagerFileInfo fileInfo : fileInfos) { int priority = fileInfo.getNumericPriorty(); long newPriority = TransmissionVars.convertVuzePriority(priority); list.add(newPriority); } return list; } private Object torrentGet_pieces(DownloadManager core_download) { Object value = null; // TODO: No idea if this works // pieces | string // | A bitfield holding pieceCount flags | tr_torrent // | which are set to 'true' if we have | // | the piece matching that position. | // | JSON doesn't allow raw binary data, | // | so this is a base64-encoded string. | DiskManager dm = core_download.getDiskManager(); if ( dm != null ){ DiskManagerPiece[] pieces = dm.getPieces(); byte[] bits = new byte[ (int) Math.ceil(pieces.length / 8.0f)]; int pieceNo = 0; int bitPos = 0; while (pieceNo < pieces.length) { bits[bitPos] = 0; for (int i = 0; pieceNo < pieces.length && i < 8; i++) { boolean done = pieces[pieceNo].isDone(); if (done) { bits[bitPos] |= (byte)(1 << i); } pieceNo++; } bitPos++; } try { value = new String( Base64.encode(bits), "UTF8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { } } return value; } private Object torrentGet_peersFrom(PEPeerManager pm) { // peersFrom | an object containing: | // +-------------------------+------------+ // | fromCache | number | tr_stat // | fromDht | number | tr_stat // | fromIncoming | number | tr_stat // | fromLpd | number | tr_stat // | fromLtep | number | tr_stat // | fromPex | number | tr_stat // | fromTracker | number | tr_stat Map mapPeersFrom = new HashMap(); if (pm == null) { return mapPeersFrom; } List peers = pm.getPeers(); for ( PEPeer peer: peers ){ String peerSource = peer.getPeerSource(); if (peerSource != null) { if (peerSource.equals(PEPeerSource.PS_BT_TRACKER)) { peerSource = "fromTracker"; } else if (peerSource.equals(PEPeerSource.PS_DHT)) { peerSource = "fromDht"; } else if (peerSource.equals(PEPeerSource.PS_INCOMING)) { peerSource = "fromIncoming"; } else if (peerSource.equals(PEPeerSource.PS_OTHER_PEER)) { peerSource = "fromPex"; } else if (peerSource.equals(PEPeerSource.PS_PLUGIN)) { // TODO: better cat? peerSource = "fromCache"; } else { peerSource = "fromCache"; } // missing: from Ltep if (!mapPeersFrom.containsKey(peerSource)) { mapPeersFrom.put(peerSource, 1l); } else { mapPeersFrom.put(peerSource, mapPeersFrom.get(peerSource) + 1); } } } return mapPeersFrom; } /** * time when one or more of the torrent's trackers will * allow you to manually ask for more peers, * or 0 if you can't */ private Object torrentGet_manualAnnounceTime(DownloadManager manager) { // See ScrapeInfoView's updateButton logic Object value; TRTrackerAnnouncer trackerClient = manager.getTrackerClient(); if (trackerClient != null) { value = Math.max(SystemTime.getCurrentTime() / 1000, trackerClient.getLastUpdateTime() + TRTrackerAnnouncer.REFRESH_MINIMUM_SECS); } else { // Technically the spec says "ask for more peers" which suggests // we don't need to handle scrape -- but let's do it anyway TRTrackerScraperResponse sr = manager.getTrackerScrapeResponse(); if ( sr == null ){ value = 0; }else{ value = Math.max(SystemTime.getCurrentTime() / 1000, sr.getScrapeStartTime() / 1000 + TRTrackerScraper.REFRESH_MINIMUM_SECS); } } return value; } /** * If downloading, estimated number of seconds left until the torrent is done. * If seeding, estimated number of seconds left until seed ratio is reached. */ private Object torrentGet_eta(DownloadManager core_download, Download download, DownloadStats stats ){ Object value; int state = download.getState(); if (state == Download.ST_DOWNLOADING) { long eta_secs = core_download.getStats().getSmoothedETA(); //long eta_secs = stats.getETASecs(); if (eta_secs == -1) { value = TransmissionVars.TR_ETA_NOT_AVAIL; } else if (eta_secs >= 315360000000L) { value = TransmissionVars.TR_ETA_UNKNOWN; } else { value = eta_secs; } } else if (state == Download.ST_SEEDING) { // TODO: secs left until SR met value = TransmissionVars.TR_ETA_NOT_AVAIL; } else { value = TransmissionVars.TR_ETA_NOT_AVAIL; } return value; } private Object torrentGet_trackers(DownloadManager core_download, boolean hack) { List trackers = new ArrayList(); List trackerPeerSources = core_download.getTrackerPeerSources(); if (trackerPeerSources == null) { return trackers; } for (TrackerPeerSource tps : trackerPeerSources) { String statusString = tps.getStatusString(); if (statusString == null) { statusString = ""; } Map map = new HashMap(); //trackers | array of objects, each containing: | //+-------------------------+------------+ //| announce | string | tr_tracker_info //| id | number | tr_tracker_info //| scrape | string | tr_tracker_info //| tier | number | tr_tracker_info String name = ""; try { name = tps.getName(); } catch (Exception e) { name = tps.getClass().getSimpleName(); // NPE at com.aelitis.azureus.plugins.extseed.ExternalSeedPlugin$5.getName(ExternalSeedPlugin.java:561 } if (hack && !name.contains("://")) { name = "://" + name; } map.put("id", tps.hashCode()); /* the full announce URL */ map.put("announce", name); // TODO /* the full scrape URL */ map.put("scrape", name); // TODO /* which tier this tracker is in */ map.put("tier", 0); // TODO: int); trackers.add(map); } return trackers; } private Object torrentGet_trackerStats(DownloadManager core_download) { List tracker_stats = new ArrayList(); List trackerPeerSources = core_download.getTrackerPeerSources(); if (trackerPeerSources == null) { return tracker_stats; } for (TrackerPeerSource tps : trackerPeerSources) { String statusString = tps.getStatusString(); if (statusString == null) { statusString = ""; } Map map = new HashMap( 64 ); /* how many downloads this tracker knows of (-1 means it does not know) */ map.put("downloadCount", -1); // TODO /* whether or not we've ever sent this tracker an announcement */ map.put("hasAnnounced", tps.getPeers() >= 0); // TODO /* whether or not we've ever scraped to this tracker */ map.put("hasScraped", false); // todo: bool); String name = ""; try { name = tps.getName(); } catch (Exception e) { // NPE at com.aelitis.azureus.plugins.extseed.ExternalSeedPlugin$5.getName(ExternalSeedPlugin.java:561 } /* human-readable string identifying the tracker */ map.put("host", name); // TODO /* the full announce URL */ map.put("announce", name); // TODO /* the full scrape URL */ map.put("scrape", name); // TODO /* Transmission uses one tracker per tier, * and the others are kept as backups */ map.put("isBackup", false); // TODO /* is the tracker announcing, waiting, queued, etc */ int status = tps.getStatus(); int state; if (status == tps.ST_AVAILABLE || status == tps.ST_ONLINE) { state = TransmissionVars.TR_TRACKER_WAITING; } else if (status == tps.ST_UPDATING) { state = TransmissionVars.TR_TRACKER_ACTIVE; } else if (status == tps.ST_QUEUED) { state = TransmissionVars.TR_TRACKER_QUEUED; } else { state = TransmissionVars.TR_TRACKER_INACTIVE; } map.put("announceState", state); /* is the tracker scraping, waiting, queued, etc */ map.put("scrapeState", state); /* number of peers the tracker told us about last time. * if "lastAnnounceSucceeded" is false, this field is undefined */ map.put("lastAnnouncePeerCount", tps.getPeers()); /* human-readable string with the result of the last announce. if "hasAnnounced" is false, this field is undefined */ if (statusString != null) { map.put("lastAnnounceResult", statusString); } /* when the last announce was sent to the tracker. * if "hasAnnounced" is false, this field is undefined */ map.put("lastAnnounceStartTime", 0); // TODO: time_t); /* whether or not the last announce was a success. if "hasAnnounced" is false, this field is undefined */ map.put("lastAnnounceSucceeded", tps.getPeers() >= 0); /* whether or not the last announce timed out. */ map.put("lastAnnounceTimedOut", false); // TODO /* when the last announce was completed. if "hasAnnounced" is false, this field is undefined */ map.put("lastAnnounceTime", 0); // TODO: time_t); /* human-readable string with the result of the last scrape. * if "hasScraped" is false, this field is undefined */ if (statusString != null) { map.put("lastScrapeResult", statusString); } /* when the last scrape was sent to the tracker. * if "hasScraped" is false, this field is undefined */ map.put("lastScrapeStartTime", 0); // TODO: time_t); /* whether or not the last scrape was a success. if "hasAnnounced" is false, this field is undefined */ map.put("lastScrapeSucceeded", tps.getPeers() >= 0); /* whether or not the last scrape timed out. */ map.put("lastScrapeTimedOut", false); // TODO: bool); /* when the last scrape was completed. if "hasScraped" is false, this field is undefined */ map.put("lastScrapeTime", 0); // TODO: time_t); /* number of leechers this tracker knows of (-1 means it does not know) */ map.put("leecherCount", tps.getLeecherCount()); /* when the next periodic announce message will be sent out. if announceState isn't TR_TRACKER_WAITING, this field is undefined */ map.put("nextAnnounceTime", 0); // TODO: time_t); /* when the next periodic scrape message will be sent out. if scrapeState isn't TR_TRACKER_WAITING, this field is undefined */ map.put("nextScrapeTime", 0); // TODO: time_t); /* number of seeders this tracker knows of (-1 means it does not know) */ map.put("seederCount", tps.getSeedCount()); /* which tier this tracker is in */ map.put("tier", 0); // TODO: int); /* used to match to a tr_tracker_info */ map.put("id", tps.hashCode()); tracker_stats.add(map); } return tracker_stats; } private Object torrentGet_status(Download download) { // 1 - waiting to verify // 2 - verifying // 4 - downloading // 5 - queued (incomplete) // 8 - seeding // 9 - queued (complete) // 16 - paused // 2.71 - these changed! //TR_STATUS_STOPPED = 0, /* Torrent is stopped */ //TR_STATUS_CHECK_WAIT = 1, /* Queued to check files /* //TR_STATUS_CHECK = 2, /* Checking files */ //TR_STATUS_DOWNLOAD_WAIT = 3, /* Queued to download */ //TR_STATUS_DOWNLOAD = 4, /* Downloading */ //TR_STATUS_SEED_WAIT = 5, /* Queued to seed */ //TR_STATUS_SEED = 6 /* Seeding */ final int CHECK_WAIT; final int CHECKING; final int DOWNLOADING; final int QUEUED_INCOMPLETE; final int QUEUED_COMPLETE; final int STOPPED; final int SEEDING; final int ERROR; boolean RPC_14_OR_HIGHER = true; // fields.contains( "percentDone" ); if ( RPC_14_OR_HIGHER ){ CHECK_WAIT = 1; CHECKING = 2; DOWNLOADING = 4; QUEUED_INCOMPLETE = 3; QUEUED_COMPLETE = 5; STOPPED = 0; SEEDING = 6; ERROR = STOPPED; }else{ CHECK_WAIT = 1; CHECKING = 2; DOWNLOADING = 4; QUEUED_INCOMPLETE = 5; QUEUED_COMPLETE = 9; STOPPED = 16; SEEDING = 8; ERROR = 0; } int status_int; int state = download.getState(); if ( state == Download.ST_DOWNLOADING ){ status_int = DOWNLOADING; }else if ( state == Download.ST_SEEDING ){ status_int = SEEDING; }else if ( state == Download.ST_QUEUED ){ if ( download.isComplete()){ status_int = QUEUED_COMPLETE; }else{ status_int = QUEUED_INCOMPLETE; } }else if ( state == Download.ST_STOPPED || state == Download.ST_STOPPING ){ status_int = STOPPED; }else if ( state == Download.ST_ERROR ){ status_int = ERROR; }else{ DownloadManager core_download = PluginCoreUtils.unwrap( download ); if ( core_download.getState() == DownloadManager.STATE_CHECKING ){ status_int = CHECKING; }else{ status_int = CHECK_WAIT; } } return status_int; } private Object torrentGet_wanted(Download download) { // wanted // | an array of tr_info.fileCount | tr_info // | 'booleans' true if the corresponding | // | file is to be downloaded. | List list = new ArrayList(); DiskManagerFileInfo[] files = download.getDiskManagerFileInfo(); for ( DiskManagerFileInfo file: files ){ list.add( !file.isSkipped() ); } return list; } private Object torrentGet_fileStats( Download download, List file_fields, Map args) { // | a file's non-constant properties. | // | array of tr_info.filecount objects, | // | each containing: | // +-------------------------+------------+ // | bytesCompleted | number | tr_torrent // | wanted | boolean | tr_info // | priority | number | tr_info List stats_list = new ArrayList(); DiskManagerFileInfo[] files = download.getDiskManagerFileInfo(); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { DiskManagerFileInfo file = files[i]; TreeMap map = new TreeMap(); stats_list.add(map); torrentGet_fileStats(map, file_fields, file); } return stats_list; } private void torrentGet_fileStats(Map map, List sortedFields, DiskManagerFileInfo file) { boolean all = sortedFields == null || sortedFields.size() == 0; if (all || Collections.binarySearch(sortedFields, FIELD_FILESTATS_BYTES_COMPLETED) >= 0) { map.put(FIELD_FILESTATS_BYTES_COMPLETED, file.getDownloaded()); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(sortedFields, FIELD_FILESTATS_WANTED) >= 0) { map.put(FIELD_FILESTATS_WANTED, !file.isSkipped()); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(sortedFields, FIELD_FILESTATS_PRIORITY) >= 0) { map.put(FIELD_FILESTATS_PRIORITY, TransmissionVars.convertVuzePriority(file.getNumericPriority())); } } private Object torrentGet_fileStats_stub( DownloadStub download_stub, List file_fields, Map args) { DownloadStubFile[] stubFiles = download_stub.getStubFiles(); List stats_list = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < stubFiles.length; i++) { TreeMap map = new TreeMap(); stats_list.add(map); DownloadStubFile sf = stubFiles[i]; torrentGet_fileStats_stub(map, null, sf); } return stats_list; } private void torrentGet_fileStats_stub(Map map, List sortedFields, DownloadStubFile sf) { long len = sf.getLength(); boolean all = sortedFields == null || sortedFields.size() == 0; if (all || Collections.binarySearch(sortedFields, FIELD_FILESTATS_BYTES_COMPLETED) >= 0) { long downloaded = len < 0 ? 0 : len; map.put(FIELD_FILESTATS_BYTES_COMPLETED, downloaded); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(sortedFields, FIELD_FILESTATS_WANTED) >= 0) { map.put(FIELD_FILESTATS_WANTED, len >= 0); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(sortedFields, FIELD_FILESTATS_PRIORITY) >= 0) { map.put(FIELD_FILESTATS_PRIORITY, TransmissionVars.convertVuzePriority(0)); } } private Object torrentGet_files( String host, Download download, long download_id, List file_fields, Map args) { // | array of objects, each containing: | // +-------------------------+------------+ // | bytesCompleted | number | tr_torrent // | length | number | tr_info // | name | string | tr_info // Vuze, when file_indexes present: // | index | number // | hc | number | hashcode to be later used to supress return of file map List file_list = new ArrayList(); // Skip files that match these hashcodes List listHCs = MapUtils.getMapList(args, "files-hc-" + download_id, null); DiskManagerFileInfo[] files = download.getDiskManagerFileInfo(); int[] file_indexes = getFileIndexes(args, download_id); String baseURL = MapUtils.getMapString(args, "base-url", null); if (file_indexes == null || file_indexes.length == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { DiskManagerFileInfo file = files[i]; TreeMap map = new TreeMap(); map.put("index", i); torrentGet_files(map, file_fields, host, baseURL, download, file); if (file_fields != null && file_fields.size() > 0) { torrentGet_fileStats(map, file_fields, file); } hashAndAdd(map, file_list, listHCs, i); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < file_indexes.length; i++) { int file_index = file_indexes[i]; if (file_index < 0 || file_index >= files.length) { continue; } TreeMap map = new TreeMap(); map.put("index", file_index); DiskManagerFileInfo fileInfo = files[file_index]; torrentGet_fileStats(map, file_fields, fileInfo); torrentGet_files(map, file_fields, host, baseURL, download, fileInfo); hashAndAdd(map, file_list, listHCs, i); } } return file_list; } private void torrentGet_files(Map obj, List sortedFields, String host, String baseURL, Download download, DiskManagerFileInfo file) { boolean all = sortedFields == null || sortedFields.size() == 0; if (all || Collections.binarySearch(sortedFields, FIELD_FILESTATS_BYTES_COMPLETED) >= 0) { obj.put(FIELD_FILESTATS_BYTES_COMPLETED, file.getDownloaded()); // this must be a spec error... } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(sortedFields, FIELD_FILES_LENGTH) >= 0) { obj.put(FIELD_FILES_LENGTH, file.getLength()); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(sortedFields, FIELD_FILES_NAME) >= 0) { String absolutePath = file.getFile(true).getAbsolutePath(); String savePath = download.getSavePath(); Torrent torrent = download.getTorrent(); boolean simpleTorrent = torrent == null ? false : torrent.isSimpleTorrent(); if (simpleTorrent) { obj.put(FIELD_FILES_NAME, file.getFile().getName()); } else { if (absolutePath.startsWith(savePath)) { // TODO: .dnd_az parent.. //String dnd_sf = dm.getDownloadState().getAttribute( DownloadManagerState.AT_DND_SUBFOLDER ); // + 1 to remove the dir separator obj.put(FIELD_FILES_NAME, absolutePath.substring(savePath.length() + 1)); } else { obj.put(FIELD_FILES_NAME, absolutePath); } } } // Vuze specific, don't clutter transmission clients with these (they don't // have sortedFields param) if (sortedFields != null) { boolean showAllVuze = sortedFields.size() == 0; if (showAllVuze || Collections.binarySearch(sortedFields, FIELD_FILES_CONTENT_URL) >= 0) { URL f_stream_url = PlayUtils.getMediaServerContentURL(file); if (f_stream_url != null) { String s = adjustURL(host, f_stream_url); if (baseURL != null && s.startsWith(baseURL)) { s = s.substring(baseURL.length(), s.length()); } obj.put(FIELD_FILES_CONTENT_URL, s); } } if (showAllVuze || Collections.binarySearch(sortedFields, FIELD_FILES_FULL_PATH) >= 0) { obj.put(FIELD_FILES_FULL_PATH, file.getFile().toString()); } } } private Object torrentGet_files_stub( String host, DownloadStub download_stub, long download_id, List file_fields, Map args) { DownloadStubFile[] stubFiles = download_stub.getStubFiles(); List file_list = new ArrayList(); // Skip files that match these hashcodes List listHCs = MapUtils.getMapList(args, "files-hc" + download_id, null); int[] file_indexes = getFileIndexes(args, download_id); if (file_indexes == null || file_indexes.length == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < stubFiles.length; i++) { DownloadStubFile sf = stubFiles[i]; TreeMap map = new TreeMap(); map.put("index", i); torrentGet_file_stub(map, file_fields, host, sf); if (file_fields != null && file_fields.size() > 0) { torrentGet_fileStats_stub(map, file_fields, sf); } hashAndAdd(map, file_list, listHCs, i); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < file_indexes.length; i++) { int file_index = file_indexes[i]; if (file_index < 0 || file_index >= stubFiles.length) { continue; } TreeMap map = new TreeMap(); file_list.add(map); map.put("index", file_index); DownloadStubFile file = stubFiles[file_index]; torrentGet_fileStats_stub(map, file_fields, file); torrentGet_file_stub(map, file_fields, host, file); hashAndAdd(map, file_list, listHCs, i); } } return file_list; } private int[] getFileIndexes(Map args, long download_id) { Object file_ids = args.get("file-indexes-" + download_id); int[] file_indexes = null; if (file_ids instanceof Number) { file_indexes = new int[] { ((Number) file_ids).intValue() }; } else if (file_ids instanceof List) { List listFileIDs = (List) file_ids; file_indexes = new int[listFileIDs.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < listFileIDs.size(); i++) { Object o = listFileIDs.get(i); if (o instanceof Number) { file_indexes[i] = ((Number) o).intValue(); } } } return file_indexes; } private void torrentGet_file_stub(Map map,List sortedFields, String host, DownloadStubFile sf) { long len = sf.getLength(); long downloaded; if (len < 0) { downloaded = 0; len = -len; } else { downloaded = len; } boolean all = sortedFields == null || sortedFields.size() == 0; if (all || Collections.binarySearch(sortedFields, FIELD_FILESTATS_BYTES_COMPLETED) >= 0) { map.put(FIELD_FILESTATS_BYTES_COMPLETED, downloaded); // this must be a spec error... } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(sortedFields, FIELD_FILES_LENGTH) >= 0) { map.put(FIELD_FILES_LENGTH, len); } if (all || Collections.binarySearch(sortedFields, FIELD_FILES_NAME) >= 0) { map.put(FIELD_FILES_NAME, sf.getFile().getName()); } if (sortedFields != null && Collections.binarySearch(sortedFields, FIELD_FILES_FULL_PATH) >= 0) { map.put(FIELD_FILES_FULL_PATH, sf.getFile().toString()); } } private Object torrentGet_errorString(DownloadManager core_download, Download download) { Object value; String str = download.getErrorStateDetails(); if ( str != null && str.length() > 0 ){ value = str; }else{ value = ""; TRTrackerAnnouncer tracker_client = core_download.getTrackerClient(); if ( tracker_client != null ){ TRTrackerAnnouncerResponse x = tracker_client.getBestAnnouncer().getLastResponse(); if ( x != null ){ if ( x.getStatus() == TRTrackerAnnouncerResponse.ST_REPORTED_ERROR ){ value = x.getStatusString(); } } }else{ DownloadScrapeResult x = download.getLastScrapeResult(); if ( x != null ){ if ( x.getResponseType() == DownloadScrapeResult.RT_ERROR ){ value = x.getStatus(); } } } } return value; } /** Defines what kind of text is in errorString. TR_STAT_* */ private Object torrentGet_error(DownloadManager core_download, Download download) { Object value; /** Defines what kind of text is in errorString. */ String str = download.getErrorStateDetails(); if ( str != null && str.length() > 0 ){ value = TransmissionVars.TR_STAT_LOCAL_ERROR; }else{ value = 0; TRTrackerAnnouncer tracker_client = core_download.getTrackerClient(); if ( tracker_client != null ){ TRTrackerAnnouncerResponse x = tracker_client.getBestAnnouncer().getLastResponse(); if ( x != null ){ if ( x.getStatus() == TRTrackerAnnouncerResponse.ST_REPORTED_ERROR ){ value = TransmissionVars.TR_STAT_TRACKER_ERROR; } } }else{ DownloadScrapeResult x = download.getLastScrapeResult(); if ( x != null ){ if ( x.getResponseType() == DownloadScrapeResult.RT_ERROR ){ String status = x.getStatus(); if ( status != null && status.length() > 0 ){ value = TransmissionVars.TR_STAT_TRACKER_ERROR; } } } } } return value; } /** * The last time we uploaded or downloaded piece data on this torrent. */ private Object torrentGet_activityDate(DownloadManager download, boolean relative) { int state = download.getState(); if (state == DownloadManager.STATE_SEEDING || state == DownloadManager.STATE_DOWNLOADING) { int r = download.getStats().getTimeSinceLastDataReceivedInSeconds(); int s = download.getStats().getTimeSinceLastDataSentInSeconds(); long l; if (r > 0 && s > 0) { l = Math.min(r, s); } else if (r < 0) { l = s; } else { l = r; } if (relative) { return -l; } return (SystemTime.getCurrentTime() / 1000) - l; } DownloadManagerState downloadState = download.getDownloadState(); long timestamp = downloadState.getLongParameter(DownloadManagerState.PARAM_DOWNLOAD_LAST_ACTIVE_TIME); if (timestamp != 0) { return timestamp / 1000; } timestamp = downloadState.getLongParameter(DownloadManagerState.PARAM_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_TIME); if (timestamp != 0) { return timestamp / 1000; } timestamp = downloadState.getLongParameter(DownloadManagerState.PARAM_DOWNLOAD_ADDED_TIME); if (timestamp != 0) { return timestamp / 1000; } return 0; } /** * True if the torrent is running, but has been idle for long enough * to be considered stalled. */ private Object torrentGet_isStalled(Download download) { Object value = false; int state = download.getState(); if (state == Download.ST_SEEDING || state == Download.ST_DOWNLOADING) { DefaultRankCalculator calc = StartStopRulesDefaultPlugin.getRankCalculator(download); if (calc != null) { value = (state == Download.ST_SEEDING && !calc.getActivelySeeding()) || (state == Download.ST_DOWNLOADING && !calc.getActivelyDownloading()); } } return value; } private List torrentGet_peers(DownloadManager core_download) { // peers | array of objects, each containing: | // +-------------------------+------------+ // | address | string | tr_peer_stat // | clientName | string | tr_peer_stat // | clientIsChoked | boolean | tr_peer_stat // | clientIsInterested | boolean | tr_peer_stat // | flagStr | string | tr_peer_stat // | isDownloadingFrom | boolean | tr_peer_stat // | isEncrypted | boolean | tr_peer_stat // | isIncoming | boolean | tr_peer_stat // | isUploadingTo | boolean | tr_peer_stat // | isUTP | boolean | tr_peer_stat // | peerIsChoked | boolean | tr_peer_stat // | peerIsInterested | boolean | tr_peer_stat // | port | number | tr_peer_stat // | progress | double | tr_peer_stat // | rateToClient (B/s) | number | tr_peer_stat // | rateToPeer (B/s) | number | tr_peer_stat List peers = new ArrayList(); if (core_download == null) { return peers; } PEPeerManager pm = core_download.getPeerManager(); if (pm == null) { return peers; } List peerList = pm.getPeers(); for (PEPeer peer : peerList) { Map map = new HashMap(); peers.add(map); boolean isDownloadingFrom = peer.isDownloadPossible() && peer.getStats().getDataReceiveRate() > 0; map.put("address", peer.getIp()); map.put("clientName", peer.getClient()); map.put("clientIsChoked", peer.isChokedByMe()); map.put("clientIsInterested", peer.isInterested()); // flagStr // "O": "Optimistic unchoke" // "D": "Downloading from this peer" // "d": "We would download from this peer if they'd let us" // "U": "Uploading to peer" // "u": "We would upload to this peer if they'd ask" // "K": "Peer has unchoked us, but we're not interested" // "?": "We unchoked this peer, but they're not interested" // "E": "Encrypted Connection" // "H": "Peer was discovered through Distributed Hash Table (DHT)" // "X": "Peer was discovered through Peer Exchange (PEX)" // "I": "Peer is an incoming connection" // "T": "Peer is connected via uTP" //TODO StringBuffer flagStr = new StringBuffer(); if (isDownloadingFrom) { flagStr.append('D'); } map.put("flagStr", flagStr.toString()); // code, name String[] countryDetails = PeerUtils.getCountryDetails(peer); if (countryDetails != null && countryDetails.length > 0) { map.put("cc", countryDetails[0]); } map.put("isDownloadingFrom", isDownloadingFrom); // peer.connection.getTransport().isEncrypted map.put("isEncrypted", !"None".equals(peer.getEncryption())); // TODO FIX map.put("isIncoming", peer.isIncoming()); map.put("isUploadingTo", peer.getStats().getDataSendRate() > 0); // RPC v13 map.put("isUTP", peer.getProtocol().equals("uTP")); map.put("peerIsChoked", peer.isChokingMe()); map.put("peerIsInterested", peer.isInteresting()); // RPC v3 map.put("port", peer.getPort()); map.put("progress", peer.getPercentDoneInThousandNotation() / 1000.0); map.put("rateToClient", peer.getStats().getDataReceiveRate()); map.put("rateToPeer", peer.getStats().getDataSendRate()); } return peers; } protected List getAllDownloads( boolean include_magnet_dowloads ) { Download[] downloads1 = plugin_interface.getDownloadManager().getDownloads(); DownloadStub[] downloads2 = plugin_interface.getDownloadManager().getDownloadStubs(); MagnetDownload[] downloads3; if ( include_magnet_dowloads ){ synchronized( magnet_downloads ){ downloads3 = magnet_downloads.toArray( new MagnetDownload[magnet_downloads.size()]); } }else{ downloads3 = new MagnetDownload[0]; } List result = new ArrayList( downloads1.length + downloads2.length + downloads3.length ); result.addAll( Arrays.asList( downloads1 )); result.addAll( Arrays.asList( downloads2 )); result.addAll( Arrays.asList( downloads3 )); return( result ); } protected List getDownloads( Object ids, boolean include_magnet_dowloads ) { List downloads = new ArrayList(); List all_downloads = getAllDownloads( include_magnet_dowloads ); List selected_ids = new ArrayList(); List selected_hashes = new ArrayList(); if ( ids == null ){ }else if ( ids instanceof String ){ ids = null; }else if ( ids instanceof Number ){ selected_ids.add(((Number)ids).longValue()); }else if ( ids instanceof List ){ List l = (List)ids; for (Object o: l ){ if ( o instanceof Number ){ selected_ids.add(((Number)o).longValue()); }else if ( o instanceof String ){ selected_hashes.add((String)o); } } } boolean hide_ln = hide_ln_param.getValue(); for( DownloadStub download_stub: all_downloads ){ if ( download_stub.isStub()){ if ( ids == null ){ downloads.add( download_stub ); }else{ long id = getID( download_stub, true ); if ( selected_ids.contains( id )){ downloads.add( download_stub ); }else{ if ( selected_hashes.contains( ByteFormatter.encodeString( download_stub.getTorrentHash()))){ downloads.add( download_stub ); } } } }else{ try{ Download download = destubbify( download_stub ); if ( hide_ln && download.getFlag( Download.FLAG_LOW_NOISE )){ continue; } if ( download.getFlag( Download.FLAG_METADATA_DOWNLOAD )){ continue; } if ( ids == null ){ downloads.add( download ); }else{ long id = getID( download, true ); if ( selected_ids.contains( id )){ downloads.add( download ); }else{ Torrent t = download.getTorrent(); if ( t != null ){ if ( selected_hashes.contains( ByteFormatter.encodeString( t.getHash()))){ downloads.add( download ); } } } } }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.out( e ); } } } Collections.sort( downloads, new Comparator() { public int compare( DownloadStub arg0, DownloadStub arg1 ) { long res = getID( arg0, true ) - getID( arg1, true ); if ( res < 0 ){ return( -1 ); }else if ( res > 0 ){ return( 1 ); }else{ return( 0 ); } } }); return( downloads ); } public List getDownloadManagerListFromIDs( GlobalManager gm, Object ids ) { List downloads = getDownloads(ids,false); ArrayList list = new ArrayList(downloads.size()); for ( DownloadStub downloadStub: downloads ){ try{ Download download = destubbify( downloadStub ); if (download != null) { DownloadManager dm = PluginCoreUtils.unwrap(download); if (dm != null) { list.add(dm); } } }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.out( "Failed to get dm '" + downloadStub.getName() + "'", e ); } } return list; } protected List getList( Object o ) { if ( o instanceof List ) { return (List) o; } else { return new ArrayList(); } } protected boolean getBoolean( Object o ) { return getBoolean(o, false); } protected Boolean getBoolean( Object o, Boolean defaultVal ) { if ( o instanceof Boolean ){ return((Boolean)o); }else if ( o instanceof String ){ return( ((String)o).equalsIgnoreCase( "true" )); }else if ( o instanceof Number ){ return(((Number)o).intValue()!=0); }else{ return( defaultVal ); } } protected long getID( DownloadStub download_stub, boolean allocate_if_new ) { synchronized( this ){ if ( check_ids_outstanding ){ check_ids_outstanding = false; List all_downloads = getAllDownloads( true ); Set all_ids = new HashSet(); List dups = new ArrayList(); long max_id = 0; for( DownloadStub d: all_downloads ){ long id = getID( d, false ); if ( id <= 0 ){ continue; } max_id = Math.max( max_id, id ); if ( all_ids.contains( id )){ dups.add( d ); }else{ all_ids.add( id ); } } PluginConfig config = plugin_interface.getPluginconfig(); long next_id = max_id + 1; for ( DownloadStub d: dups ){ //System.out.println( "Fixed duplicate id " + getID( d, false ) + " for " + d.getName()); d.setLongAttribute( t_id, next_id++ ); } config.setPluginParameter( "xmui.next.id", next_id ); } } // I was trying to be clever and allocate unique ids for downloads. however, // the webui assumes they are consecutive and give a queue index. ho hum // return( d.getIndex()); long id = download_stub.getLongAttribute( t_id ); if ( id == 0 && allocate_if_new ){ synchronized( this ){ PluginConfig config = plugin_interface.getPluginconfig(); id = config.getPluginLongParameter( "xmui.next.id", 1 ); config.setPluginParameter( "xmui.next.id", id + 1 ); } download_stub.setLongAttribute( t_id, id ); } //System.out.println( download.getName() + " -> " + id ); return( id ); } private String getAZMode() { if ( az_mode == null ){ az_mode = plugin_interface.getUtilities().getFeatureManager().isFeatureInstalled( "core" )?"plus":"trial"; } return( az_mode ); } private void processVuzeTorrentGet( TrackerWebPageRequest request, Map args, Map result) { Object ids = args.get( "ids" ); List downloads = getDownloads( ids, true ); List torrents = new ArrayList( downloads.size()); result.put( "torrents", torrents ); List requested_files = (List)args.get( "files" ); String host = (String)request.getHeaders().get( "host" ); for ( DownloadStub download_stub: downloads ){ Map torrent = new HashMap(); torrents.add( torrent ); long id = getID( download_stub, true ); torrent.put( "id", id ); if ( download_stub.isStub()){ continue; } try{ Download download = download_stub.destubbify(); DownloadManager dm = PluginCoreUtils.unwrap( download ); if ( dm == null ){ continue; } DiskManagerFileInfo file = null; try{ file = PluginCoreUtils.wrap(dm.getDownloadState().getPrimaryFile()); }catch( DownloadException e ){ continue; } if ( file == null ){ continue; } URL stream_url = PlayUtils.getMediaServerContentURL( file ); if ( stream_url != null ){ torrent.put( "contentURL", adjustURL( host, stream_url )); } TOTorrent to_torrent = dm.getTorrent(); if ( to_torrent != null ){ String url = PlatformTorrentUtils.getContentThumbnailUrl( to_torrent ); if ( url != null ){ torrent.put( "thumbnailURL", url ); }else{ byte[] data = PlatformTorrentUtils.getContentThumbnail( to_torrent ); if ( data != null ){ torrent.put( "thumbnailURL", getThumbnailResourceURL( id )); } } } if ( requested_files != null ){ List file_info = new ArrayList(); torrent.put( "files", file_info ); DiskManagerFileInfo[] files = download.getDiskManagerFileInfo(); if ( requested_files.size() == 0 ){ for ( DiskManagerFileInfo f: files ){ Map f_map = new HashMap(); file_info.add( f_map ); f_map.put( "index", f.getIndex()); URL f_stream_url = PlayUtils.getMediaServerContentURL( f ); if ( f_stream_url != null ){ f_map.put( "contentURL", adjustURL( host, f_stream_url )); } } }else{ for ( Number num: requested_files ){ int index = num.intValue(); if ( index >= 0 && index < files.length ){ DiskManagerFileInfo f = files[index]; Map f_map = new HashMap(); file_info.add( f_map ); f_map.put( "index", f.getIndex()); URL f_stream_url = PlayUtils.getMediaServerContentURL( f ); if ( f_stream_url != null ){ f_map.put( "contentURL", adjustURL( host, f_stream_url )); } } } } } }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.out( e ); } } } private static final int RT_THUMBNAIL = 0; private String getThumbnailResourceURL( long id ) { Map map = new HashMap(); map.put( "type", RT_THUMBNAIL ); map.put( "id", id ); String json = JSONUtils.encodeToJSON( map ); return( "/vuze/resource?json=" + UrlUtils.encode( json )); } private boolean processResourceRequest( TrackerWebPageRequest request, TrackerWebPageResponse response, Map request_json ) throws IOException { int type = ((Number)request_json.get( "type" )).intValue(); if ( type == RT_THUMBNAIL ){ long id = ((Number)request_json.get( "id" )).longValue(); List list = getDownloads( id, false ); if ( list == null || list.size() != 1 ){ throw( new IOException( "Unknown download id: " + id )); } try{ Download download = list.get(0).destubbify(); Torrent torrent = download.getTorrent(); byte[] data = PlatformTorrentUtils.getContentThumbnail( PluginCoreUtils.unwrap( torrent )); // TODO: handle image types response.setContentType( "image/jpeg" ); response.getOutputStream().write( data ); }catch( Throwable e ){ throw( new IOException( "Failed to get thumbnail: " + Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage( e ))); } return( true ); }else{ throw( new IOException( "Unknown resource type: " + type )); } } private String adjustURL( String host, URL url ) { if ( host == null || host.length() == 0 ){ return( url.toExternalForm()); } int pos = host.indexOf( ':' ); if ( pos != -1 ){ host = host.substring( 0, pos ).trim(); } return( UrlUtils.setHost( url, host ).toExternalForm()); } private void processVuzeLifecycle( Map args, Map result ) throws IOException { checkUpdatePermissions(); String cmd = (String)args.get( "cmd" ); if ( cmd == null ){ throw( new IOException( "cmd missing" )); } try{ if ( cmd.equals( "status" )){ synchronized( lifecycle_lock ){ result.put( "state", lifecycle_state ); } }else if ( cmd.equals( "close" )){ synchronized( lifecycle_lock ){ if ( lifecycle_state < 2 ){ lifecycle_state = 2; }else{ return; } } PluginManager.stopAzureus(); }else if ( cmd.equals( "restart" )){ synchronized( lifecycle_lock ){ if ( lifecycle_state < 2 ){ lifecycle_state = 3; }else{ return; } } PluginManager.restartAzureus(); }else if ( cmd.equals( "update-check" )){ synchronized( lifecycle_lock ){ if ( lifecycle_state != 1 ){ throw( new IOException( "update check can't currently be performed" )); } if ( update_in_progress ){ throw( new IOException( "update operation in progress" )); } update_in_progress = true; } try{ UpdateManager update_manager = plugin_interface.getUpdateManager(); final UpdateCheckInstance checker = update_manager.createUpdateCheckInstance(); final List l_updates = new ArrayList(); final AESemaphore sem = new AESemaphore( "uc-wait" ); checker.addListener( new UpdateCheckInstanceListener() { public void cancelled( UpdateCheckInstance instance ) { sem.release(); } public void complete( UpdateCheckInstance instance ) { try{ Update[] updates = instance.getUpdates(); for (int i=0;i args, Map result ) throws IOException { checkUpdatePermissions(); try{ String cmd = (String)args.get( "cmd" ); if ( cmd == null ){ throw( new IOException( "cmd missing" )); } PairingManager pm = PairingManagerFactory.getSingleton(); if ( cmd.equals( "status" )){ result.put( "status", pm.getStatus()); boolean enabled = pm.isEnabled(); result.put( "enabled", enabled ); if ( enabled ){ result.put( "access_code", pm.peekAccessCode()); } boolean srp_enabled = pm.isSRPEnabled(); result.put( "srp_enabled", srp_enabled ); if ( srp_enabled ){ result.put( "srp_status", pm.getSRPStatus()); } }else if ( cmd.equals( "set-enabled" )){ boolean enabled = (Boolean)args.get( "enabled" ); if ( enabled != pm.isEnabled()){ pm.setEnabled( enabled ); } }else if ( cmd.equals( "set-srp-enabled" )){ boolean enabled = (Boolean)args.get( "enabled" ); if ( enabled != pm.isSRPEnabled()){ if ( enabled ){ String pw = (String)args.get( "password" ); if ( pw == null ){ throw( new IOException( "Password required when enabling SRP" )); } pm.setSRPEnabled( true ); pm.setSRPPassword( pw.toCharArray()); }else{ pm.setSRPEnabled( false ); } } }else{ throw( new IOException( "Unknown cmd: " + cmd )); } }catch( IOException e ){ throw( e ); } } protected class PermissionDeniedException extends IOException { private static final long serialVersionUID = -344396020759893604L; } protected String escapeXML( String str ) { if ( str == null ){ return( "" ); } str = str.replaceAll( "&", "&" ); str = str.replaceAll( ">", ">" ); str = str.replaceAll( "<", "<" ); str = str.replaceAll( "\"", """ ); str = str.replaceAll( "--", "--" ); return( str ); } private Number getTrackerID(TrackerPeerSource source) { return Long.valueOf((source.getName().hashCode() << 4l) + source.getType()); } // Copy of RelatedContentManager.getURLList, except with Torrent (not TOTorrent) protected List getURLList( Torrent torrent, String key ) { Object obj = torrent.getAdditionalProperty( key ); if ( obj instanceof byte[] ){ List l = new ArrayList(); l.add(obj); return( l ); }else if ( obj instanceof List ){ return (List)BEncoder.clone(obj); }else{ return( new ArrayList()); } } private void hashAndAdd(SortedMap map, List addToList, List hcMatchList, int i) { long hashCode = longHashSimpleMap(map); // hex string shorter than long in json, even with quotes String hc = Long.toHexString(hashCode); boolean remove = hcMatchList != null && i < hcMatchList.size() && hc.equals(hcMatchList.get(i)); if (!remove) { map.put("hc", hc); addToList.add(map); } } /** * Very simple 64 bit hash of a map's keys (assumed String, esp on JSON map), * and values (JSON types -- String, Number, Map (object), List (array), Boolean. */ private long longHashSimpleMap(SortedMap map) { long hash = 0; Object hc = map.get("hc"); if (hc instanceof String) { return Long.parseLong((String) hc, 16); } for (Object key : map.keySet()) { Object value = map.get(key); hash = (hash * 31) + hash(key.toString()); if (value instanceof String) { hash = (hash * 31) + hash((String) value); } else if (value instanceof Number) { // not sure about this hash = (hash * 31) + ((Number) value).hashCode(); } else if (value instanceof SortedMap) { hash = (hash * 31) + longHashSimpleMap((SortedMap) value); } else if (value instanceof Collection) { hash = (hash * 31) + longHashSimpleList((List) value); } else if (value instanceof Boolean) { hash = (hash * 31) + ((Boolean) value ? 1231 : 1237); } else { // else skip all other values since we can't be sure how they hash //System.out.println("Warning: Unhashed Value. key '" + key + "' Value: " + value); } } return hash; } private long longHashSimpleList(Collection list) { long hash = 0; for (Object value : list) { if (value instanceof String) { hash = (hash * 31) + hash((String) value); } else if (value instanceof Number) { // not sure about this hash = (hash * 31) + ((Number) value).hashCode(); } else if (value instanceof SortedMap) { hash = (hash * 31) + longHashSimpleMap((SortedMap) value); } else if (value instanceof Collection) { hash = (hash * 31) + longHashSimpleList((Collection) value); } else if (value instanceof Boolean) { hash = (hash * 31) + ((Boolean) value ? 1231 : 1237); } // else skip all other values since we can't be sure how they hash } return hash; } // FROM http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1660501/what-is-a-good-64bit-hash-function-in-java-for-textual-strings //adapted from String.hashCode() public static long hash(String string) { long h = 1125899906842597L; // prime int len = string.length(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { h = 31 * h + string.charAt(i); } return h; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private class RecentlyRemovedData { private final long id; private final long create_time = SystemTime.getMonotonousTime(); //private final Set sessions = new HashSet(); private RecentlyRemovedData( long _id ) { id = _id; } private long getID() { return( id ); } private long getCreateTime() { return( create_time ); } private boolean hasSession( String session ) { /* * Actually it seems the webui doesn't consistently handle the removed-ids so just * return the ID for a time period to ensure that it is processed. * Update - might be that multiple clients in the same browser are using the same session id * so going to go with reporting 'recently-removed' for a time period instead of just once * per session * synchronized( sessions ){ if ( sessions.contains( session )){ return( true ); }else{ sessions.add( session ); return( false ); } } */ return( false ); } } private class MagnetDownload implements DownloadStub { private URL magnet_url; private String name; private byte[] hash; private long create_time; private Map attributes = new HashMap(); private String temp_dir = AETemporaryFileHandler.getTempDirectory().getAbsolutePath(); private Throwable error; private MagnetDownload( URL _magnet, String friendlyName ) { create_time = SystemTime.getCurrentTime(); magnet_url = _magnet; String str = magnet_url.toExternalForm(); int pos = str.indexOf( '?' ); if ( pos != -1 ){ str = str.substring( pos+1 ); } String[] args = str.split( "&" ); Map arg_map = new HashMap(); for ( String arg: args ){ String[] bits = arg.split( "=" ); if ( bits.length == 2 ){ try{ String lhs = bits[0].trim().toLowerCase( Locale.US ); String rhs = URLDecoder.decode( bits[1].trim(), Constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING); if ( lhs.equals( "xt" )){ if ( rhs.toLowerCase( Locale.US ).startsWith( "urn:btih:" )){ arg_map.put( lhs, rhs ); }else{ String existing = arg_map.get( "xt" ); if ( existing == null || ( !existing.toLowerCase( Locale.US ).startsWith( "urn:btih:" ) && rhs.startsWith( "urn:sha1:" ))){ arg_map.put( lhs, rhs ); } } }else{ arg_map.put( lhs, rhs ); } }catch( Throwable e ){ } } } hash = new byte[0]; String hash_str = arg_map.get( "xt" ); if ( hash_str != null ){ hash_str = hash_str.toLowerCase( Locale.US ); if ( hash_str.startsWith( "urn:btih:" ) || hash_str.startsWith( "urn:sha1" )){ hash = UrlUtils.decodeSHA1Hash( hash_str.substring( 9 )); } } name = arg_map.get( "dn" ); if ( name == null ){ if ( friendlyName != null ){ name = friendlyName; } else if ( hash == null ){ name = magnet_url.toExternalForm(); }else{ name = Base32.encode( hash ); } } name = "Magnet download for '" + name + "'"; getID( this, true ); } private long getCreateTime() { return( create_time ); } private URL getMagnetURL() { return( magnet_url ); } public boolean isStub() { return( true ); } public Download destubbify() throws DownloadException { throw( new DownloadException( "Not supported" )); } public String getName() { return( name ); } public byte[] getTorrentHash() { return( hash ); } public Torrent getTorrent() { return( null ); } public long getTorrentSize() { return( 16*1024 ); // dont know the size } public String getSavePath() { return( temp_dir ); } private void setError( Throwable e ) { error = e; } private Throwable getError() { return( error ); } public DownloadStubFile[] getStubFiles() { return( new DownloadStubFile[0]); } public long getLongAttribute( TorrentAttribute attribute ) { Long l = attributes.get( attribute ); return( l==null?0:l ); } public void setLongAttribute( TorrentAttribute attribute, long value) { attributes.put( attribute, value ); } public void remove() throws DownloadException, DownloadRemovalVetoException { } } @Override protected void log(String str) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub super.log(str); } }