TODOS ===== - Expand config params plugins can get/set - api_torrent_file_open needs to prompt user - the keys() functions need optimizing. Right now the whole map is generated (with values) and the keys are plucked from it - most set methods not implemented (only stash.set and events.set implemented) Differences from BT spec at ==== - All Peer properties are missing explanations in the official spec, so I guessed - btapp.peer_id returns "VuzeConstantPeerID". In Vuze, our peer id is unique to the torrent. - torrent property "progress" has inconsistent definitions in spec. One spec example shows progress from 0 - 1000 Another spec example shows progress as a percentage float (0.5) The intent seems to be 0 - 1000, so we use that - APIs not implemented: File.get_data btapp.add.rss_feed btapp.add.rss_filter btapp.sendmsg - Torrent properties not implemented: * seed_ratio (no idea what it is) * trackers * superseed * dht * pex * seed_override (no idea) * ulslots * rss_feed_url